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Hi there, first time here...

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    Hi there, first time here...

    Hi, this is my first time here, and thought I best just get started and see how this works for me. I have had a booze problem for over 30 years... steadily increasing to a point now where I am a financial train wreck with credit cards maxed out and the tax office on my case.
    I do some really stupid things when I drink too much, really really stupid things, and aside from the regular daily drinking of a few beers, a few wines and probably a few hits of a spirit, usually about once a week or twice I will really go hard. Staying out till very very late, or going out very very late, lots of blanks, taxi rides home that I don't recall, and I only know what time I got in by the printed time and date on the taxi receipt.
    I havent had anything to drink for 2 days now. That isnt so unusual for me after a big weekend, but I really feel it is way past time for me to arrest this mess.
    I have just bought some Kudzu from a health store, but here in Australia apparently it is extremely hard to buy Kudzu in tablet form. I have found the tablet form on Ebay and ordered it, but in the meanwhile I have a packet of Kudzu in a white granule kind of form, but I have no idea how much to take. Any suggestions?

    I guess we dont say "Cheers" here when signing off?

    Hi there, first time here...

    Hi Silver-Ag....welcome to the boards. I'm just starting to get the hang of what to do when a newbie arrives (only been here a month myself) but you'll find this forum a veritable GOLD MINE of information, advice, and shoulders to cry on.

    Cruise around, have a read, ask questions and there's always somebody around who'll be able to help or direct you to places if they can't.


    Remember: A craving will never last as long as a hangover, and you'll never wake up wishing you'd drank the night before. (Thank you K9Lover)


      Hi there, first time here...

      Many thanks for the welcome Kambob.


        Hi there, first time here...

        Welcome Silver, good to see you. Keep posting and reading - as kambob says, this place is a wealth of info. Try and check out the Newbies Nest and Tool Thread - great sources of help and support.


          Hi there, first time here...

          Welcome Silver.

          Hop into the newbies nest and settle in to get yourself started on an alcohol free life.

          Sounds like it is time. This stuff ruins your life and you don't need it.

          Since I stopped the madness my life has turned around, for me and my whole family.

          After the first week or so it isn't that hard


            Hi there, first time here...

            Hi Silver

            You won't regret doing this on any level. Sorry I can't help with what to do with the kudzu but no doubt there will be somebody along soon who knows. Your money situation will improve fairly quickly once you stop buying grog. Then there's what you spend on taxis cos you're too drunk to drive or walk, take aways and drunken shopping, it soon adds up.

            Good luck
            AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


              Hi there, first time here...

              Thanks to all the people showing me support, it is much appreciated! I already feel that by opening up and facing this honestly is a very positive step for me.
              Day 3 AF and feeling good now that the 2 day hangover has gone, which was the catalyst for me coming here!
              Had some good results workwise today... just need to be careful not to celebrate. I'm sure others here are similar, drink when things don't go well, drink to celebrate when things do go well... and drink in the middle when waiting for good or bad to occur! Am watching what I eat, I saw someone mention being careful with sugar, so havent had any today other than what would be in cereal or bread.
              Tried two teaspoons of Kudzu yesterday (the raw dried product, not in tablet form) but I have no idea how much of the raw would equal a tablet. Anyway I was diabolically flatulent last night! Can only put it down to the Kudzu, although it is supposed to relive flatulence. Sorry if that is too much info!


                Hi there, first time here...

                Ach well... now yer just showing off Silver-Ag! Flatulence indeed, eh? (Lucky bugger!)

                What Molly said is spot on... it's different for everyone... so you just end up taking it one day at a time and rolling with the punches. And if you don't "get it" the first time, well... you just keep on trying. There's no blueprint. But there's safety in numbers... and there are plenty of people here that relate EXACTLY to the way you feel.

                Welcome to MWO... :welcome:

