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Time of the month cravings

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    Time of the month cravings

    All of you boys here can turn away now! :H

    Recently - during councelling, I was told that there have been several scientific studies showing that women with 'alcohol problems' are twice as likely to binge drink, or fall off the wagon at that 'time of the month' with hormone levels having a direct affect on food and alcohol cravings.

    I hadn't realised that this was an issue for me before as I've never suffered from PMT (luckily for my husband!!), but since being told have become acutely aware of my increased alcohol cravings around the time of my period. Now forewarned, I prepare myself for this and know that that extra loud voice in my head is a direct result of my hormones - and I eat a big chocolate bar instead!

    Just thought I would share this in case it helps someone else.
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!

    Time of the month cravings

    Hi Snapdragon! I do wonder if there is a connection with the drinking and hormones. My hormones have been out of whack for many years and last fall I had a complete hysterectomy with both ovaries removed....also known as surgical menopause. Well, my hormones were still completely all over the place for months after the surgery. I am doing hormone replacement therapy (I am only 41 and Dr. said I needed estrogen until I reach the age I would have naturally gone into menopause) and all seems to be worked out....and at the same time I am not having the compulsion to drink that I had for years. It may just be a huge coincidence that it happened at the same time that my hormones leveled out, but I do know that I feel better than I have in years and not feeling the need to drink myself into oblivion anymore.


      Time of the month cravings

      Snap.....take evening primrose oil also. It helps.


        Time of the month cravings

        I used to have increased drinking, tension and general craziness with PMS. This only lasted around two weeks - if I was lucky.
        I also drank to ease severe period pains.
        After menopause I still was a heavy drinker.

        Pick the common denominator for me?


          Time of the month cravings

          Totally - and my last couple of slips have been totally due to the time of the month - as I am going thru menopause, I had no idea it was coming, so not prepared and couldn't work out what the heck caused me to fall - and then low and behold, it became clear!!
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Time of the month cravings

            Hi Snap,
            Awhile ago (when the earth was cooling it seems..) I started a thread just like this. Some really good posts.

            Here's the link. :h

            And I definitely struggle terribly at that time- food and salt just shoot up as well.

            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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