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    New here

    Hello I have so many questions and am glad I found this forum. I am going to stop drinking as of today ( my last drink was at 11 am) it's only 7:30 now but I need to know if I should quit cold turkey or keep my glass of wine at night to help me sleep?

    I am not even sure if I was a "heavy" drinker. My days for the past year have been adding alcohol to my coffee starting in the morning and continuing throughout the day, followed by 2 to 3 glasses of wine at night.

    In total maybe 6 to 7 coffees a day with maybe half a shot in each and mostly 2 glasses of red wine with ice at night. I am alone here living in a country where I don't really speak the language and have no doctor or medical. I don't have any friends or family here either.

    Just hoping this forum can help answer my questions as I REALLY want to not have to rely on alcohol to fill my days anymore.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this :thanks:

    New here

    Hi Solista! Welcome to MWO.

    I can't really give you an answer as to whether you need to taper down or not. I never had any trouble just quitting cold turkey, but some people do. Are you feeling shaky or sweaty? I think the sooner you stop drinking all alcohol the better you'll be. You might not sleep well the first few days, but it will get better.


      New here

      I have not tried before either, it's just that nights are the hardest for me to sleep. I am in a country that's not very safe and have had a couple of break in attempts, the wine helps the stress of staring at the security cameras all night so I finally fall asleep.


        New here

        Hi Solista, Welcome to MWO! I'm sorry you don't have much of a support system close to home. I would not suggest that you have wine just in order to sleep. You will find that your sleep will not be great for a few days but then it will get better. However, if you start to get very shaky and anxious, you might want to consider tapering over a period of time. If you are physically dependant on alcohol it can be dangerous to quit cold turkey.

        You will find a lot of info around here, so please continue to read. The Tool Box has a ton of information to help you. I recommend making a sobriety plan to help you get through the first few days.
        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


          New here

          I was never able to taper down...once I started drinking, and the threat that I was about to lose it was being brought about, I just could never do it. It actually made me drink more.... Most of us here stop cold turkey. You are likely to have a couple nights of fitful sleep and sweats...but it's nothing that can't be tolerated...if you know what to expect.
          I have found over the 3 years I've been here, that if you seek out a site for problem drinkers, you are probably one of us. Come join us over in the Newbie's Nest! There are folks in all stages of quitting there....and be sure to visit the Tool Box...both links are in my signature line below. If AL is causing you a problem, then it's time to ask the hard questions. Most people begin with a plan to go AL free for 30 days. This usually sorts out the questions. If you are able to sail thru the 30 days and lose track of time and don't have any crazy thinking or thoughts of drinking 24/7, then you are one of the lucky few! If however, you find the days dragging by and every minute is consumed with thoughts of AL and the voices in your head are constantly telling you 'just one more' 'just this time' 'no one will know'.....then you might be one of us. It's not a bad's a good thing! You CAN get control of your life back! This disease HAS a cure! It is amazing how just a few short days will change your attitude! If a long time drunk like me can get sober, I'm sure you can, too! Welcome aboard! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            New here

            Thank you all so much I really felt alone. I will for sure check out those links.
            I mainly use alcohol as a way to get through the long long days here, I don't have a job or friends and just spend the day in a compound surrounded by crime. I am getting scared that if I keep drinking when I do get a chance to go back home my life will be a complete mess.

            I do get anxious a lot and am depressed as well I have an eating disorder so I'm a bit of a train wreck.
            Again very glad I found you all.


              New here

              Solista, many of us drank to be more social, but in reality, it isolated us. We drank to be less anxious, and it backfired there, too. We were more anxious, depressed and bored than ever!
              I would have NEVER thought I would be able to get thru one night sober, let alone almost 2 and a half years! I believe something so strongly I put it in my signature line, too....all you gotta do is get thru this day. I can do that! You are not alone here....we ALL know what you are going thru, at least on the drinking side. I did a poll a couple months back, too, and there is a connection to eating disorders as it turns out. I'll go see if I can find that and bump it up for you so it shows under new posts.....
              I'm glad you're here! B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                New here

                Thank you ^^^


                  New here

                  Hi Solista and big welcome :welcome:

                  If I may ask, where do you live? It sounds very scary and unsafe form your posts. Can you move away from there?

                  I know that the change in us has to go from the in to the out but perhaps you could change your environment to give even more of a boost.

                  Stay close to us regardless. I have a German Shepard so you will always be safe here!

                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    New here

                    Hi Solista and Welcome!

                    It seems that in your situation where you feel unsafe you would want to be sober and alert in case anything happened? Wine doesn't make you fall asleep, it makes you pass out, which is a very dangerous position to be in if you feel threatened. Just my observation and no offense intended...because I can definitely relate to relying on alcohol for many things! I also think that if you have to ask the question "do I drink too much?", you probably do. Again, I'm not trying to be judgemental, just going on what I've experienced and seen happen many times before. Most people that find this forum are at the point where, yes, they drink too much and need help. Please stick around and come on over to the Newbies Nest. We'd love to get to know you!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      New here

                      Thanks for the welcome my situation here is such a long story and getting back home may take a long time. I'm in South America and home is Canada.

                      K9 lover yes I did drink to pass out, not very safe or smart but staying alert and awake is so stressful at night and even during the day. There are a lot of robberies here and being a Gringa I am a huge target.
                      On a happy note I now have my first day AF under my belt


                        New here

                        Solista, :welcome:

                        I have to concur that drinking to make yourself sleep is a bad idea. I had terrible sleep issues and when I don't drink, they disappear - totally - to the point where it's almost miraculous. You have to give it some time but at least that's been my experience.

                        I'm so sorry about your living situation. That has to be very difficult. If there is any way to make it better, I hope you can figure it out. REALLY hoping you can change something.

                        Already lots of good information here about the nest. Stay close and post as often as you can!

                        Sending you peace and strength,



                          New here

                          Thank you


                            New here

                            Welcome to the boards
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              New here

                              solista;1513023 wrote: ...I am not even sure if I was a "heavy" drinker. My days for the past year have been adding alcohol to my coffee starting in the morning and continuing throughout the day, followed by 2 to 3 glasses of wine at night...
                              Yes, Dear solista, you are a heavy drinker.

                              I will catch up with you in Newbies Nest.

                              Welcome!! :colorwelcome:
                              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                              The man pulling radishes
                              pointed the way
                              with a radish. ISSA

