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i need help

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    i need help

    i need to stop drinking ......i realise now i am an alcoholic when i had to go to town and buy a cask of wine .....couldn't go 1 night without .....i drink and half the time black-out ....wake up next morning not knowing if i did anything wrong or how i got to bed i don't start till 5pm but drink it down quick
    i need help .....where to start.....what to do to do it
    I really am at witts end
    please help

    i need help

    Hi, witts end,

    Welcome. MWO is a great place to get help. Someone will be along soon to direct you to the newbies nest and the tool kit. There are some who have it in their signature and you can just click on it.

    IMO it's good to read and read here and keep posting. You can beat alcohol and many here will guide and help you.

    Again, welcome!


      i need help

      Hello & welcome witts end!

      Glad you found us, MWO is a good place.
      I started out by downloading & reading the MWO book from the Health store here on the site. It's full of good info for you. Nutrutional supplements & Hypno CDs are an important part of the program too.

      Wishing you the best on your journey!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        i need help

        Hi Witts End and Welcome!

        I was where you are at for years. Wanting to change but never being able to make it stick. Then 520 days ago I finally said "enough". You have to WANT it more than anything. I know it's not easy (at all!) but if you are ready, you CAN do it. We can help. Stick around and let us get to know you!

        We're glad to have you :l

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          i need help

          WE - just wanted to welcome you. :welcome:

          Already lots of good advice here. Be sure to drop by the Nest and check out the Toolbox (see links already posted).

          Most of us here never thought we could stop drinking but there are many who are having success. I think reading and posting, eating healthy foods, drinking tons of water with lemon, doing things to relax like taking hot baths, reading, exercise, avoiding people who might trigger your drinking, etc. are important. I read lots of books on addiction and find that learning about what's actually going on inside my brain helps me choose not to drink. I'm not real far down the road, but I think the things I've suggested are pretty universally accepted here as being helpful. You might also want to consider some of the supplements you can buy in the online store here. Some too have had success with meditation. I think you can buy a packet that contains both relaxation CDs and the supplements.

          Sending you peace and strength,


            i need help

            witts end;1513089 wrote: i need to stop drinking ......i realise now i am an alcoholic when i had to go to town and buy a cask of wine .....couldn't go 1 night without .....i drink and half the time black-out ....wake up next morning not knowing if i did anything wrong or how i got to bed i don't start till 5pm but drink it down quick
            i need help .....where to start.....what to do to do it
            I really am at witts end
            please help
            Dear witts end,

            So happy that you are here!! :happyheart: It can feel confusing, terribly awful at first, but you are not confused, Love. You know that you are an alcoholic who needs to stop drinking. Just acknowledging that fact -- "I realize now that I am an alcoholic" -- is a step toward freedom from the insane compulsion to drink.

            Let's start with Day 1. Let's start with the first moment of Day 1. If there is any alcohol in your home, dump it and get rid of the containers. If you are able to, buy some beverages that are non-alcoholic: spritzers, juices, sodas -- whatever. Also, plan to eat a lot the first few days. A lot. Doesn't really matter what you eat. But throw in a little protein if you can. High sugar snacks are not going to be your best bet -- but they are a far sight better than any form of alcohol.

            Okay, now sit yourself down and make a decision. It's hard, I know. It really sucks. Totally painful. I have been there as have many others!! Make a decision to stop drinking alcohol. You are able to do this. You may not think that you can, but you absolutely are able to do this one moment at a time. One moment at a time.

            It helped me to consider the consequences if I kept drinking. (And I had NO HOPE of being able to stop.) Might I run a red light? Would my heart fail? Is this the night that I am going to be so drunk that I find the courage to jump from a bridge?

            Breathe deeply, witts end. I see that many Nesters are already flying in with LOVE and care and advice. If you can find the will to stick around for a day or two (and you can!!) you will find a group of people who will guide you and love you every step of the way. You are not alone. Not by a long shot. We have all been where you are.

            Thank you for trusting us. ~
            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

            The man pulling radishes
            pointed the way
            with a radish. ISSA


              i need help

              Thank you all I made it through the night
              I can't get away from alcohol everyone around me drinks
              Throwing it away dosn't help it just plays on my mind's there all the time I can't shake it
              Where do you find tool box
              Again thanks


                i need help

                Hi Witts, your story sounds remarkably similar to mine! I too was a fine wine drinker...Chateaux de Cardboard was my tipple of choice as well. :H A four-litre cask was very lucky to last me three days...but I would NEVER go out to buy wine when I ran out: my first job in the morning (after I'd put the kettle on to alleviate the dry-horrors) was to 'shake' the cask to see if I'd need more by that afternoon. Thus, I never ran out.

                You've come to a good place here. Read, post, read some more and post more often. Get thee to your GP to see if you need some medical help to get thru the very early days, then come back and read again (oh, and post of course!)

                Wishing you all the best.

                Remember: A craving will never last as long as a hangover, and you'll never wake up wishing you'd drank the night before. (Thank you K9Lover)


                  i need help

                  WE, here's a link to the toolbox:

         It's under Monthly Abstinence.

                  Things will get better everyone, just hang in!!



                    i need help

                    I don't think I'll make it to-night without a drink
                    I'm thinking about it already
                    And it's not even lunch time


                      i need help

                      witts end;1513483 wrote: I don't think I'll make it to-night without a drink
                      I'm thinking about it already
                      And it's not even lunch time
                      Dear Witts End -

                      You are at the place where you need to make the tough decision. Do you want a life FREE of drinking and the losses, pain, fear, guilt, poor health, lost money, lack of respect and all of the other crap or do you want a drink?

                      This is a choice. Please make the one that many of us here have made and, with the help of others on the same tough path, liberated ourselves from lives that were barely worth living.

                      All the best to you - NS


                        i need help

                        We all know how hard it is, but after the first week it does get a little easier. Then the next week a little easier and so on.
                        I know about alcohol in your face. I face the same thing myself. But I want to respect myself more than I want that alcohol.
                        Read here often. This is the #1 thing that helps me.
                        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                          i need help

                          witts end;1513483 wrote: I don't think I'll make it to-night without a drink
                          I'm thinking about it already
                          And it's not even lunch time
                          Hi Witts,

                          Been reading the start of your journey :l

                          How did you do last night after work? That is a truly rough time. Remember not to feel awful if you had a drink- just the act of trying to free yourself is so important in the beginning.

                          Now how are you doing today? Do you have lots of good, yummy food in the house? Free space to be quiet and peaceful? Where's the IPad?

                          Stay close :l. We're here with you. :h
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest


                            i need help

                            I made it through the night took a lot of strength not to
                            Day 3 hopefully it will be easier


                              i need help

                              Good job, witts end. Now on to day 3. Keep posting -- it will help you in these early days.
                              Free at Last
                              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                              Highly recommend this video

                              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

