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this time for real

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    this time for real

    On to day 3. I managed to keep very busy after my extreme sleepiness, but still could have gone to bed very early, but didn't want to be up at 4am. yardwork, house work, cooking, my 30day exercise challenges,etc etc etc. I just don't know why I am so freakin' tired!!!!! Still sleepy today, and seemingly in a pretty bad mood. Must turn that around, so as not to use it as an excuse!!!! I must say, food sure tasted good yesterday and I could actually swallow!!! (Been having a hard time swallowing solid food at times - very scarey!!!)


      this time for real

      I am right there with you Peanut. I will drink wine if out with hubby so he drives but its home thats the danger zone for me. It seems the evenings last so long when you don't drink. I slipped and am back on day one today so I would like to join it with you.


        this time for real

        HIya Peanut, :goodjob: on day 3!

        I say eat, sleep & repeat till your little heart desires these first days/weeks. Whatever comforts you and keeps you distracted will help, for sure.

        I'm sure others have mentioned the toolbox (Byrdlady has the link in her signature for quick reference). It helps to have a plan in place when you hit rough patches.

        Wishing you all the best. Stay close, K?

        "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


          this time for real

          Yeesh - I have to figure out my triggers. End of my work day, I am tired, sitting down to finish some stuff up, hungry, and thinking of wine. Always, hunger seems to do it. I will have to eat something quickly when I get home. Ugh - this is so not easy!!!!!!!


            this time for real

            peanut .....yeah lets stick together .......last time for me 2
            I did what you did go out fine don't drink but sure made up for it when got home
            I also need help can't do it alone ...start to think it's okay socially....but it's not not anymore
            once I have 1 drink say good bye ......binge drink ........I agree last time for me 2


              this time for real

              Hey W.E. - I am madly munching gold fish crackers here, trying to stave off my wine craving!!! I think I may have to dig up my old supplements, anything to help get through this. Day 3 and 4 are the WORSE for me!! My mind is trying to trick me right now. I just keep saying, no, not until you do your exercise challenges, so I can't drink it. Aiy!!! How stupid - I yelled at myself all the way home.


                this time for real

                Peanut and WE, the buddy system is helpful. Glad that you are working it.

                I took up a Pringles addiction when I first stopped my daily wine. Eventually, I was able to wean myself from them, except under stressful situations because they always have pringles in the hotel mini-bar! The better meals I eat, the fewer cravings. Keep going!
                Free at Last
                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                Highly recommend this video

                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

