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n00b saying hello

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    n00b saying hello


    this looks like an interesting forum

    really need to sort myself out & get sober. currently doing a predictably bad job of 'tapering' myself off - currently on about 70cl of 40% per day so no way I can go cold turkey. did the medical benzo version a couple of times about 10 years back & don't really want that on my medical record again. had about 6 years sober & then fell off the wagon about 4 years ago

    anyway, nice to be here, seems like there are some good people around


    n00b saying hello

    Try and try and try again until you succeed

    This is going to be my motto- starting today and I want to succeed and am going to-I have abused alcohol for 30years and want to start again and be happy again-I have to do this- you have done it before so you can do it-I am just going to keep coming back to this site for help


      n00b saying hello

      Hi there SD- stick around, its great here, I think its been nearly 20 years if drunkeness from me!!
      I'm 2 weeks today AF, I can think these guys because checking in here every day reminds you that we are human, we put so much pressure on ourselves and we find it so easy to put oyrselves down but if someone we love needs us, we don't hesitate to jump in............... the funny thing is, I bet they don't know the pain and shame we are feeling because in the back of our heads we loath what we are when we drink.
      I'm looking forward to reading your posts, stay strong, we can do it!!


        n00b saying hello

        If you drink hard liquor a medical detox my be necessary if you can't get yourself to taper. I was a vodka and beer drinker. I would successfully detox from liquor with beer over several days, then slowly taper off beer. I had to combine a lot of cardio exercise in order for it to work.
        Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


          n00b saying hello

          I drank more and stopped cold turkey BUT we are all different. I was very overweight so that probably stored away the toxins.

          Keep posting and reading. Every quit is a NEW quit IMO


            n00b saying hello

            kuya;1514626 wrote: I drank more and stopped cold turkey BUT we are all different. I was very overweight so that probably stored away the toxins
            sorry, I meant 40%ABV/80% proof (I'm in the UK)


              n00b saying hello

              Good luck, dumbass. (Hm, I've got the feeling I've said that before, to someone else...)
              If you're having a hard time with the ol' willpower trick, if you are one of those weaklings who cannot drop decade long addictions at the drop of the hat, then, join the club. You might want to cheat a bit and try baclofen, which is what I did. It managed to completely neutralise my feelings towards alcohol, which is weird. Whatever you do, this place is crawling with alcoholics, so make yourself at home and sort your shit out as they say.

