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29 year old ADDICT 14 years, my story

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    29 year old ADDICT 14 years, my story

    :new: Hi there people I will start off by saying I was molested as a 7 year old, I feel that has a lot to do with my addictive personality, I am not using it as an excuse but I shall explain.
    I never really noticed the damaging effects of the abuse until I reached 12 years old puberty age secondary school, coincidentally that summer holiday I had had a terrible mountain bike accident, no t-shirt, severe friction burns, left nipple burned off, fractured elbow,wrist, jaw and severe concussion,lost a few teeth, on morphine in hospital for 2 weeks,which didn't help me feel comfortable starting new school.
    Starting big school that year I was a different person, where I had once been confident I was now extremely anxious, nervous, feeling like vomiting a lot, loose stools, like a deer in headlights, I started to skive school because of my anxiety, mixed with the wrong crowd, there I found alcohol, I loved it, it helped my anxiety and gave me freedom from it, but then I would feel rough next day.
    When I was 15 I had been told not to come back to school because apparently I was a risk to the welfare officer, was offered no further education and got no exams ,then I found heroin, it was a God send, no hangover, absolute freedom from anxiety, peace,wrapped in cotton wool, but we all know the heroin story goes and I am not here to talk about that, long story short, from 15 to 23 I was a heroin addict, several stops in jail worst time of my life,but then I got clean and stayed off it to this day, 6 years, only thing I didn't see was my alcohol use creeping up behind me and getting ready to rugby tackle me back down to the ground, my drinking is not every day but it is very problematic as I am not getting things done as I need to, it makes my anxiety unbearable when I am sober.I drank 38 cans of stella this past wkend, I have been severely suicidal, I have no job, having this problem is so bad, it all boils down to the anxiety, which I know now comes from the abuse, I learned this from therapy and speaking to others who have the same problem, if only I had dealt with it differently then deciding to self medicate as that was very clearly not the right answer. I know now what I need to do, I need to live a sober lifestyle and completely change my ways, before I didn't want to accept that, I didn't want to admit I was damaged and different, I wanted to be able to work all week drink all wkend, now I know it's not for me, for me to have any type of joy in this life I have to be completely honest with myself, alcohol or any other substance cannot play any part in my life if I am to progress, for me it's do or die, my father died of alcohol abuse, if he hadn't died I wouldn't have been placed in the position to be abused, I have a daughter now who is nearly the same age I was when my father died, unfortunately I don't get to see her, I want to change that but first I have to change, I am determined, I swear to God there is NOTHING else in this world I want right now more then to be free of this problem, I want to be substance free and I am extremely determined, I am going to do everything in my power to achieve this dream, I dream of one day being a drugs/alcohol worker and helping those people who are in my position and doing a better job then the cretins who completely failed me when I was 15 year old, I feel my first hand experience will be of great use to helping others so long as first I can save myself, what an achievement it will be to turn my life around and achieve these goals, then I can be happy and hold my head high, my daughter would be able to feel proud of her dad, that's the goal! My immediate plan is antabuse, it sounds right for me, doc won't prescribe it, live in UK so internet it is. I will share my story on here how I get on with everything.I have been really enjoying reading through other peoples stories, what a great site, glad I found it, sorry to blab on

    29 year old ADDICT 14 years, my story

    ManofK, wow, what a story! If you are ready to be free of this dam burden, you've come to the right place! There are several great threads here, and you can't go wrong with any of them, but check out the Newbie's nest...the link is below in my signature line. There are folks there in all stages of quitting. Also you'll see a link to the Tool Box. It is full of ideas and tips to help you thru the first challenging days. You sound determined, now all you need are a few tools and you'll be on your way. I'm so glad you found us! If a 25 year abuser of AL like me can get sober, there is certainly hope for you!! I'll look for you over in the nest! Welcome aboard! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      29 year old ADDICT 14 years, my story

      Hey Man of Knowledge 1000,

      Welcome!! Thanks for telling us about yourself. That took some courage!!

      You will find lots of information and support here. I didn't think I'd ever escape the hell of addiction, but I have. And you will too!!

      As Byrdie said, there are lots of great threads here. Try to read as many posts as possible. And also try to write a post at least once a day, if possible. It really helps with the process of recovery. I like to post on Newbies Nest because most of the folks there are "fledglings" like me, so we "compare notes" about those first few hours, days, weeks, months. Also, folks who have maintained their sobriety for an extended period of time "fly in" regularly to provide help and love. I say, "We all just want to be loved!!"

      It's great to have you here!! :happy:
      Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

      The man pulling radishes
      pointed the way
      with a radish. ISSA


        29 year old ADDICT 14 years, my story

        Welcome! And I'm glad you wrote all you did. It's amazing how our childhoods and ways of coping (emotionally, mentally checking out) often stick with us much longer than they're useful. I'm not making light of your experience--just saying that those of us who abuse/abused alcohol all have/had "something" we didn't address or cope with.

        It sounds like you have a lot to motivate for--your daughter and the career you'd like to have.

        Read lots on here--go around to all the threads, find people who motivate you and hear them and post. Best wishes for your journey.


          29 year old ADDICT 14 years, my story


          I was so touched by the honesty and courage of your post. I was also really impressed with the clarity of how you view your past and future. I think you have an outstanding chance of staying sober because of that honesty and clarity. They say we all drink because we're self medicating and there must be truth in that. For those of us who start young (14 for me) it becomes the only coping mechanism we have.

          I'm really happy you found MWO and look forward to watching you make your way along this journey. There really is a light at the end of the tunnel if we can just hold on and see things through.

          My very best to you!



            29 year old ADDICT 14 years, my story

            Hi MOK
            I just won't anymore


              29 year old ADDICT 14 years, my story

              I swear to God there is NOTHING else in this world I want right now more then to be free of this problem, I want to be substance free and I am extremely determined, I am going to do everything in my power to achieve this dream, I dream of one day being a drugs/alcohol worker and helping those people who are in my position and doing a better job then the cretins who completely failed me when I was 15 year old, I feel my first hand experience will be of great use to helping others so long as first I can save myself,
              :welcome: Manofknowledge1000,

              Your story touched me as so many do. I related to the early childhood trauma friend. I understand that often the brain doesn't always develop like others. Yet, with determination like you have, dreams you seek, decisions you make, you will overcome friend. Let nothing stop you. Not down days either. In fact let some of those days be your teachers.

              With the right attitude we can & we will succeed. Not easy always, but doable. Often with a smile.

              There are good people here & everywhere. Use everything & anything you have to, while achieving sobriety. Work on recovery... Healing yourself one day at a time.

              Laugh as much as you can....Cry when you need to. Rest, nourish yourself... Love others, forgive... I bet you know how to do this.... Passion guided correctly is the inner strength that will lead you far. :h

              Some of my nightmares have become my greatest treasures.

              Take good care...

              Blessings to you.:l


                29 year old ADDICT 14 years, my story

                sounds like you have a real opportunity here to turn a negative into a positive. You are in the right place to get the help you need to succeed. Al takes so much and gives nothing in return. Let yourself heal and start taking what you deserve from life.
                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                  29 year old ADDICT 14 years, my story

                  ManofKnowledge, what a moving story. My heart goes out to you for all you?ve experienced. What shines through your writing though is your strength, vision and determination. You will find so much support and love on this site and I hope you can use it as a tool to help you on your journey to recovery. Your future is lying there waiting for you and how wonderful that you do know what you want. Your daughter will indeed be proud. I have a very good feeling about you that you will achieve all that you want and more. From the downs come the ups and the appreciation of all that is good in life. Choose well friend and stay close. Oh, and I think your name suits you :l
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


