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Husband not believing in me

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    Husband not believing in me

    Hi Ronnie, sorry you're feeling like this with hubby. I'm single so don't share this problem but would add that I take my hat off to you doing it with a partner around. I always think this must be harder. As Cindi said, do it for you and guard it carefully :l
    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



      Husband not believing in me

      Hi Ronnie

      Sorry you are having problems with the man; my OH has never drunk and has always hated my drinking. (My late husband was quite a drinker himself so the sober man was new to me). I stopped in December and it took until the middle of last month for him to accept that its the real thing.

      I don't think they can cope with the change that well being the weaker sex and all that

      My almost six months sober has been quite an adventure for us both, I'd forgotten who I was after all the years of boozing and he has never known.

      Wishing you well in kicking AL out for good

      AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


        Husband not believing in me

        Thanks for all your support its good to know that im not alone in this situation (if you know what i mean) you have all been a great help & comfort to me
        Day 5 for me today and im feeling great
        Thankyou xxxxxxxxx
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          Husband not believing in me

          YAY Ronnie!! Day 5!! I remember that like it was only 10 days ago!! You are doing great, believe in yourself, love yourself and feel the confidence growing as you kick Alcohols butt!!!!!!!


            Husband not believing in me

            ronnie;1515280 wrote: Thanks for your post Nelz, hubbie is in a lets ignore the wife moment as he has not said a single word to me since he has come home, but hey at least i get a peaceful night:H
            NELZ wheres my day 1 star honey xx. ... Lol

            Had to put a rush order on this one.....l think the paint is still wet, but here is your first one.......congrats!!!

            You can hang this one on the fridge so hubs can see it

            Attached files [img]/converted_files/2126118=7268-attachment.jpg[/img]
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Husband not believing in me

              Keep it going Ronnie. We all find support in support in surprising places. Just look for it, it's there. Thinking of you and will hold you in positive thoughts :l
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Husband not believing in me

                Good to see you back Ronnie & Congrats on your 5 AF days!

                Don't worry about your husband's lack of enthusiasm....been through all that myself. Mine is more of a passive agressive type - has no problem pointing out my faults but does absolutely nothing about his
                Focus on yourself, your goals & what you really want. He'll figure it out sooner or later

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Husband not believing in me

                  We all want those pats on the back from the people we love. I do not know your story.....but mine is letting my family down numerous times. And this was being over 9 months sober. 2x. I am not sure if they believe me....but, I have left a trail of evidence for them not to.

                  So with that said....they will believe it when they see it. Meaning there is a real change in you.

                  This last time...instead of focusing on "me" and how many days I got......I focused on them. What did they need from me? And I worked on that. When they see you change from "you" based thinking...every pat on the back you ever wanted is there....just not a "high five" at 2-30 days. More you can see it in their eyes.

                  Every alkie has let everyone down numerous times. It is when you really change....not number of days....that they come to believe in you. They know it and so do you.

                  You can get your pat on the back and high fives here......when you see the gleem in their eyes....that is all you really need.


                    Husband not believing in me

                    SunFlower, what a great post. I love seeing my DH's "smiling eyes" after an AF evening together rather than his "sad eyes" when I used to retreat into my AL induced cocoon.

                    Loved your advice about not focusing on me, but rather what do others need from me. Thanks!
                    Free at Last
                    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                    Highly recommend this video

                    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                      Husband not believing in me

                      my husband has accused me of being drunk when im not, it has to do with him pushing buttons and |I become angry, which is probably how I turn when I am drunk, from A to B on a dime .


                        Husband not believing in me

                        I don't blame my wife for not noticing I haven't drank for a few days. I don't expect any pat on the back or encouragement from her.Why should I? I have let her down so many times before, I am surprised she believes anything I say anymore.I am an alkie and have caused my wife and others the pain they don't deserve!! It is my problem,caused by me and needs to be fixed by me. I hope that one day my wife will trust me and believe me when I say I have given up the booze for good.BUT for the moment I truly understand why she can't do that.We Alkies are good at letting people down; we promise things and don't carry them through, we cheat and lie and do stupid things. Half the time we are so drunk we don't even know what we have said! So when we stop drinking for a few days, can you really blame our spouses for saying "here we go again,I wonder how long he we last this time ?" I have seen my wife so upset that she just folds the dissapointment into herself. I to prefer to build on the little improvements I see instead of looking for instant support and praise. Just my thoughts. Thanks for listening. 32 days al free except for a very minor slip


                          Husband not believing in me

                          I know exactly what you are saying Hadit
                          I'm in the same boat but at the moment I not worring about what they are thinking or expecting
                          I'm doing it for me and me only Selfish I know but i need to do it for me
                          Hopefully trust and respect will come later but at the moment cocentrating on not having that first drink

