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Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

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    Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

    Hello Nesters, Haven't been around a lot in the last few days. After 25 days I blew it again! 3 glasses of wine and then I stopped. Feeling like I have let you guys down,the people who helped me so much to get through to 25 days!!! So sorry Guys. Back on notching up af days again. Trying to look for some positives to keep fighting. Next w/e will be my 5th in a row AF,so I guess that is something, as w/e are always tough. Have a 60th birthday on the Sat,massive amounts of booze will be there,so I will definatley need a plan. Thanks for listening .

    Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

    Hi Hadit
    I am so proud that you simply brushed yourself off and got back to MWO!! What lead up to the 3 glasses of wine? Instead of beating yourself up about it, use this as a tool and for future reference.
    Let's analyze this and figure out what REALLY happened.....the wine was just the end result of something else that was going on.....
    I just won't anymore


      Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

      Hi Hadit,

      Great to see you back here and wanting to stop the madness. You could've chosen to go the other way and be defeated, but no, you are here, and you are back in the game to take your life back.

      You didn't let us down. We know how it goes. I hope you can learn something from this and use this knowledge to be wiser from now on. Lean on us if you need to. Back into it mate!

      Rock on!

      G bloke.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

        Gawd I know that feeling Hadit. Really annoying isn't it. No matter, well done in coming straight back. You've let no-one down. Focus on all the AF time you've had and know that you can have 25 and more again. Trust in the bigger picture :l
        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



          Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

          Thanks Jenni, G and Freefly, I am back on track again. Jen, Yeah you are right, there was something that led to take that drink when I look back. I was tired,battling a chest infection for over 3 weeks, coupled up with a shit day at work, a son whose marriage has collapsed and devastated Grand Children as a result!!! Whew!! Life can be a bitch at times but I know I am not the only one in the world with a few issues causing a bit of stress. Thanks Guys I am Back!!!:l:l:l


            Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

            I am trying to see some positives out of my slip to get back on track. In 25 days I would have guzzled 250 drinks and felt like crap!! Not making excuses or trying to justify my slip,but 3 drinks is hardly a reason to throw in the towell,which is what I was thinking the next morning! Have a big party on Sat will stay close to MWO :thanks:


              Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

              hadit;1515733 wrote: I am trying to see some positives out of my slip to get back on track. In 25 days I would have guzzled 250 drinks and felt like crap!! Not making excuses or trying to justify my slip,but 3 drinks is hardly a reason to throw in the towell,which is what I was thinking the next morning! Have a big party on Sat will stay close to MWO :thanks:
              I think the fact you stopped at 3 drinks says a lot about where your head is at in this caper. And that is, you prefer life without alcohol, and you took charge and stopped the downward spiral in it's tracks.

              Get these next couple of days out of the way and you'll be feeling much better. Sorry to hear of your family situation. I wish you well on all fronts H.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

                You don't owe anyone an apology. You just need to figure out why. No one else can, we can suggest but ONLY you know.

                That is the task and it may take work. But right now be AF as it will be easier to figure out.


                  Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

                  Thanks Kuya.:thumbs:


                    Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

                    we have all been there me
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Day 25 and I blew IT!!!


                      Over the time I've been here, which hasn't been all that long, I've noticed that many people are active participants for approx. 30 days and then just disappear. Of course we don't know what happened, but it is hard not to suspect the worst. You didn't do that! You made a mistake but chose to stop (harder than not starting, IMHO), and best of all, YOU CAME RIGHT BACK! We are glad to have you here.

                      If you are about to decide to drink in the future, promise yourself you will come here and post about it first - just that break might stop you and if you need more, the less than positive responses you will get to the drinking idea should convince you!

                      :welcome: BACK!


                        Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

                        Hi had it,good for you for getting right back up here in recovery. That says a lot about what you really want,sorry to hear about your issues. You will handle the party,just look at it as a challenge,you can do it alcohol free. My first party after l quit,which is 66 days ago,was fun and l had zero alcohol.You will feel really proud of yourself for accomplishing the party alcohol free,have a great day all ,happy wed.


                          Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

                          Had It, I blew 7 months of sobriety so I get where you're coming from. But, we're back, and that counts! At least we're trying again.

                          Might I suggest a book that's helped me? I know there's a section where we can post what we're reading, but a lot of people don't go to that thread.

                          It's called Unchain Your Brain by Smith and Amen. It's helping me understanding my brain chemistry and how to change it so that the compulsion to drink is replaced with other healthy habits.

                          Best to you,


                            Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

                            Good to see you back Hadit! It takes strength to stop at 3!! I bet there are a few of us who couldn't I can guarantee I wouldn't have, my brain would have definitely to,d me since I started I may as well keep gang!!
                            Stay close to us Hadit, you know people here feel for you and you can't stress over the past, look forward to the future xo


                              Day 25 and I blew IT!!!

                              Hi Had It, I can totally relate to racking up a lot of AF days and then letting that inner voice take over. Important thing is you are back, and working on a plan. Stay close -- it really helps.
                              Free at Last
                              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                              Highly recommend this video

                              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

