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New Here. on day 1

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    New Here. on day 1

    Well, I quit for a week or 2 at a time for the past few months, but always ended up relapsing due to my crappy anxiety I finally got in to see a pychiatrist and was prescribed some ativan to help me get thru the withdrawal symptoms. So, basically, I'm curious to know what type of withdrawal symptoms I have to look forward to. I know it varies from person to person. But, It will feel good for me not to feel alone

    New Here. on day 1

    Hello, dthalez,

    Love the name! I imagine dts are hell. I quit on March 11 which still seems like yesterday. For me, day 1-5 AF were filled with withdrawal symptoms such as racing heart, anxiety, short- temper, scattered brain,
    depression and some aches and pains. The pounding heart was the hardest for me to deal with. Now almost three months out, I am symptom free except for the daily longing come the evening hours. But, I know that I cannot and will not go back. Why would I?

    Best of luck to you. Being free from the clutches of alcohol is so worth it!


      New Here. on day 1

      Welcome dt!!
      I drank for 25 years....I didn't have any shakes at all...I was expecting any/everything! Other than being worried about what was going to happen, it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I had some twitching in my legs the first few nights, and I felt flu like symptoms for the first couple weeks...tired. Mostly, I just didn't know what to do with myself. I found myself with 5 or 6 hours of time to fill. Surround yourself with things you love to do and eat! Keep yourself hydrated, and be sure to check out the Tool Box. Also the Newbie's Nest is a great place to get underway. Both links are in my signature below. Read and post!! We are so glad you're here!! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        New Here. on day 1

        So happy you have found us DT!!!
        Considering the amount of wine I was drinking, I really had no serious withddrawl symptom. Just super tired, cold and I also had weird twitching in my legs. I am on day 5, and feeling pretty good. The symptoms I had from drinking so much were WAY worse - my health and wellbeing were in serious jeapardy!!! I do have late afternoon cravings, but I have learned to just eat something instead, and they go away. All that time in the evenings spent sitting around, swilling wine and smoking- that time has to be filled - gotta keep busy!
        Stick around - there are great people here!
        xoxox peanut


          New Here. on day 1

          Thanks guys, I am just worried about the "kindling" thing, since this isn't my first time detoxing. But so far with the help of ativan I have been getting through it...


            New Here. on day 1

            Hi DT- welcome! I'm a hard liquor fan, could easily drink minimum 1/2- 3/4 bottle a night, maybe a whole bottle on the weekend, oh and wine, apple cider and champers, loved that stuff!! So I got help and have been on Campral, its worked a treat and I am 16 days in.
            The first 5 days for me was different to Halfway & Birdie- the first 3 days was ok, then this almighty headache that lasted for 3 days hit me, I think it was good in a way though, it made me stay in bed and rest. I think our bodies take a pounding, lets face it, it isn't really sleep we get at night, more like a drunken stupor (well, I speak for myself there!) I would wake up not feeling refreshed at all!!
            Now I've noticed the last 3 days that I'm struggling to wake but that tells me I'm finally adjusting and learning to have a deep sleep!!
            Each day is a new adventure because we have options when we are AF- want to go to the shops at night because you need something, sure! You can drive, you aren't drunk! Want to go to help a friend in trouble of an evening, no probs! You're sober!! Your family needs you so what can you do? You can go help!! You are sober
            OMG I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and best of all- want to start loving yourself and stop beating yourself up/ putting yourself down?!?! Yup, It starts day one of being AF- why?? You are sober!! and this helps you realise what an incredible person you are and that you are capable of anything you set your mind to!
            Best of luck and stay close to MWO XO :l


              New Here. on day 1

              when i quit the first day is sweating,heart racing,tiredness,dizziness headache,day 2 more of the same but a wanting to drink also,day 3 or 4 is probly the hardest for me anyways,it starts getting frustrating and i want to give in,by 5 its gotten better,ive done a thousand stop,starts also so this last withdrawal was pretty rough,im on day 11 and some days i have tons of energy others not so much,just stick it out,itll get easier
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                New Here. on day 1

                Peanut, what was with that twitchy leg thing!!??? It was weird!!! We had the same symptoms! Cool! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  New Here. on day 1

                  Hi Dthalez,

                  I'm glad you're here with us. Did you have any symptoms when you quit for a few times before? I had some very minor tiredness, and occassional under the weather feeling (like just before you start to get a cold or something). In the end, it was really nothing, and certainly a very small price to pay to get my life back. Just treat it as you would a common cold, lots of rest, hydration, eat good food and very light excercise if you can (like go for a walk). I hope you stick around!:welcome:
                  "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                  AF 11/12/11


                    New Here. on day 1

                    Welcome dthalez. I am only on day 6 and haven't had too many physical withdrawl symptoms. I'm shocked because I have been a heavy, daily drinker for decades. I expected the worst. However, I am mega-dosing on vitamins, juicing daily, and eating a lot! Listen to Byrdie. Her advice is to eat "until you feel like you can't take another bite." It definitely works.

                    My main problem has been terrible anxiety (but I also had that while I was drinking) and not knowing what to do with myself. It's an odd, yet exhilarating feeling to be awake and alert into the night. Take care of yourself, post often, and know that we are here for you.
                    Everything is going to be amazing


                      New Here. on day 1

                      Welcome dt
                      I'm on day 7 haven't had much in the way of withdrawls had the shakes a bit on day 2 mostly edgy and restless....anxiety
                      I also have the twitching legs of a night ......restless legs .....last night was bad
                      just hang in around here
                      I agree with moss rose's up to you


                        New Here. on day 1

                        Thanks guys ! It's great to have a support system I will post often on my recovery. Today is day 2, I popped a 2mg Ativan as soon as I woke up. All I am feeling at the moment is sweaty feet (ugh),some anxiety, and sleepyness and sort of restless. But I will keep you guys updated


                          New Here. on day 1

                          Ya - what is with those twitchy legs?!?!?!?! Probably I had it before, alcohol nerve damage, but never really felt it as I was passed out!!!! If I try to hold my hands out still, there is a sight uncontrollable tremor in them - nerve damage again!!!! Oh, this is not good!!!


                            New Here. on day 1

                            Sorry to hijack the thread!!
                            Peanut, I have restless legs...but this was different than that. My RL are like an electrical shock, but the twitch I had while withdrawing was more like someone doing a knee reflex test on me. It was like a cartoon! I also have Essential Tremors...many of us do on this site, where my hands tremble. My neurologist says that is it 100% hereditary. Nice to hear, but the coincidence among us here makes me wonder. I take Primidone for mine and it works wonders! I could tell a significant difference the very next day!
                            Sorry to go on and on....Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              New Here. on day 1

                              Yes - me too, I know the restless leg thing. My twitches were like electical impusles, very sporadic! I've had them before. Strange!

