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How do you know you're at risk for DT's

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    How do you know you're at risk for DT's

    even though you're on benzo's for the withdrawals. As far as myself, Doc prescribed me 0.5 mg Klonopin and 2mg ativan. And just so you know, I did go to the emergency room and they didn't have anymore detox beds, so they just sent me home.

    How do you know you're at risk for DT's

    You don't however I found if I felt really spaced out, well I could tell I didn't need the librium I was given and I'd refuse any more - just my personal choice. I never had full on shakes, but would get 'jelly legs' but only on a couple of occasions. I'd say go with what your body tells you, but don't get reliant on the Benzos - only creates more problems so try taking the minimum you need, and slowly coming off them. Your body will give you signs.
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13


      How do you know you're at risk for DT's

      I was wondering that a few years ago, so I asked my Pharmacist friend. She said to get DT's you would have to have been drinking , like, a half gallon of wine a day for months...with a few days off between because you're passed out, and haven't eaten anything.

      For sure consult a doctor, tell the doctor honestly about how much and how long of time. Honesty is crucial.



        How do you know you're at risk for DT's

        Seems like you went to the doctor, but did not get clarification. Benzos....are used to bring you down. Use them as prescibed.

        Benzo's can be addictive and all that....but, in most cases with an alkie....they are used to bring you down....and your withdrawal should be minimal....with them.


          How do you know you're at risk for DT's


          I have had DTs on withdrawals. The benzos prescribed are to keep you from having seizures and to help keep your blood pressure down.

          Take the benzos as prescribed and they will help your withdrawals.

          Have a friend stay with you if at all possible.


          You will be out of the woods in 4 or 5 days after last drink.

          Please take care and do what the doctor said.

          This is stage one of sobriety. Once you are through this physical piece, then you must figure out what you need to do in order to never come back to this situation again.

          AF April 9, 2016

