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    Breaking News

    Hi There

    In breaking news yesterday was my 1st booze free day in well over a year - i decided F it i am not going home and drinking 6 beers and 1/2 to a bottle of wine , i am not going to wake up with another f`in headache and feeling sorry for my sore ass

    and neither i did i woke up kinda fresh punching the air with sheer delight that i had broken the habit (all be it one day) delighted i didnt have to watch out for poilce cars on my way to work and over the freaking moon i gained some kind of control

    It was only one day but i will take that its been a VERY long time since i felt as good , what will happen today who knows


    Breaking News

    Good job!!

    We only ever have one day anyway.

    If you make today another day you didn't drink, you will have two in a row.

    It sounds so simple and it is. Sometimes very difficult but it is simple.

    Hope you have another sober day.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Breaking News

      TTIN, that's how it starts. Remember how fantastic you feel, keep setting goals. Try for 30 days.

      Best to you,


        Breaking News

        TTIN you hold onto your feeling of elation and enjoy!! Each day you feel it is a million times better than the feeling of a hangover!
        Congrats! Be proud XO


          Breaking News

          Nice job, Time. Now do it again and don't look back to the empty promises of alcohol. Real life is on THIS side. I'm very happy for you.
          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
          AF 11/12/11


            Breaking News

            That is fantastic. Keep it up!! Hop over to the newbies nest and tell us more about yourself! :welcome:
            I just won't anymore


              Breaking News


              Hope to see you back tomorrow with more breaking news



                Breaking News

                The time is now;1516589 wrote: Hi There

                In breaking news yesterday was my 1st booze free day in well over a year - i decided F it i am not going home and drinking 6 beers and 1/2 to a bottle of wine , i am not going to wake up with another f`in headache and feeling sorry for my sore ass

                and neither i did i woke up kinda fresh punching the air with sheer delight that i had broken the habit (all be it one day) delighted i didnt have to watch out for poilce cars on my way to work and over the freaking moon i gained some kind of control

                It was only one day but i will take that its been a VERY long time since i felt as good , what will happen today who knows

                Wow Well done ! keep posting and reading . It sounds like you have realise that once we stop drinking we own our power back its a good feeling to gain control if our own lifes again !

                Catch22 x
                Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !

