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    Hello I am new here , I've be a drinker for years, and on Wenesday morning I woke up to find that my husband had found my stash of 'empty' wine bags... even I was shocked, and with that I decided I need to stop, So many mornings waking up not recalling even going to bed, I should tell you that he hasnt drank in a couple years, he also dumped what I had out. I was 2 days trying with that being said I am sipping on a wee bit i had in my sewing box that is in a iced tea bottle not enough to waste but just to take the edge off . my husband is in the other room .. he said he would help, but I am always alone , I have 2 young adult children that are just starting there lives ,I own a farm with sheep and horses 4 dogs and some wonderful cats that are now my only friends, Im hoping to find some support here. [I] usually start about 3 in the afternoon till when ever, Ive read many post over the last 3 nights, Im just hoping to find some friends here that can really help, I so want to stop this. Thanks


    Hi Booboo :welcome:

    I'm glad you found your way here.
    There are lots of people here who will be happy to support you.

    If you can find your way to the Newbies Nest in the "just starting out section" that's a good place to join in and talk, but you're welcome to join in any of the threads.

    I have young adult children who have left home too, so I understand how hard it is to adjust to life in an empty nest. I'm sure you'll find lots of new friends here. :h
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.



      Hi, Booboo111,

      Welcome. I've been on MWO since the middle of last Dec. and I have read such good advice and had so much support here. It's great that you've been reading here. Keep reading and posting and find posters you like and PM them. I find on here when I ask I receive.

      It's wonderful that you have your husband's support. My advice is that you be honest with him so that he understands your struggle.

      You can get sober. Many of us on here have done it when we doubted we ever could.



        Hi Boo Boo: It's so great you found us! :welcome:

        Reading around is good start. That's how I began (seeming a zillion years ago! ) I also followed RJ's programme of Supps and Hypnos CDs as well as -for me- the Topamax.

        It was a good start. The Newbie Nest and The Tool box links are in my signature. Why not pop over. Lots of good people there.
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest



          you touch my heart because I was a hidden drinker. I would be...mortified... if hubby found me out. So Difficult.

          Even though I am off the stuff, I couldn't work through him knowing. well, without help from . . . .




            Hang is hard in the beginning. If you just stop yourself long enough.....there is so much more to life.

            I really wanted to give you a better response.....



              BTW...most on this site are in other time wait on them....they have great things to say



                Hi Booboo:welcome:

                Just wanted to welcome you and say that you've found a great site. Others have already mentioned good threads to visit like the Nest.

                Reading and posting here is invaluable. Be sure to start nursing your body back to health with lots of water and healthy food.

                You are not alone.




                  Hello booboo111
                  I'm new 2 day 10 just hang in here till you get past the rough stuff



                    I am also new here and also hoping to find support and give support. I did well on Day 1 and 2 , then Friday hit and I drank a bottle of wine with dinner and then relaxing watching movies. So back to square one for me. This is hard and am glad we found this forum !

                    I have been drinking more heavily for about a year. and went from a social occasional drinker, never during the drinking everyday starting after work at about 9 pm to bedtime.
                    Persistence and Failure do not live in the same room !



                      hello and thank you for the support, I had a good day today, and no real edgy feelings > I found a good book, and a cup of rooibos tea helps me relax and get tierd at night, I am although restless threw the night with some very strange dreams, Right know I am watching a movie and I think I'm going to make it threw the whole thing, that never happens. Thanks again to everyone , I hope one day I can be able to help some one like me ..



                        Hello Booboo,just popped in to say Hi and ask how you are going . Its never easy but can be done. let us know if we can help,there is allways someone around to talk to.

