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11 Days Sober - First Timer

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    11 Days Sober - First Timer

    I have been grappling with my drinking for a while now. I started reading about moderate levels of alcohol, and all those quizzes about are you an alcoholic. I realized I drink every day, I realized that I drink alone, and that I use alcohol for all sorts of situations. When I am bored, when I am nervous, when I've had a rough day at work, when I am in a tense social situation, when I am with my Mum who makes me crazy, when I am celebrating. I found that if I could have 2-4 drinks alone on a normal night then 5-8 drinks on a going out night was no problem. It hasn't really affected my job (been at the same place for 27 years) but my energy level has sure been affected. My sleep patterns are a mess due to shifts and when I drank I was always sweating. I felt like it was my body trying to get rid of poison, does that make sense? My Dad was alcoholic, and my Mum drinks a lot, one of my brothers has liver cancer. I am 54 years old and I want to retire healthy. I really want to be a non drinker forever but afraid of how to handle situations and how to have fun without it. Luckily my husband doesn't drink so it's not like he's a bad influence. 11 days and I am still waking up thinking about it and every day I have to make a conscious effort to remind myself why I don't want a drink. How long will I feel this way and any suggestions on how to stay sober? I haven't tried the meetings yet, not sure if I'm really into that. Thought I'd talk here and see how it feels to say these things "out loud". Thanks for listening!
    Newbies Nest
    My accountability thread

    11 Days Sober - First Timer

    :welcome: 3June2013

    Firstly congratulations on your 11 days AF (alcohol free).:goodjob:

    There are plenty of us here who are living and AF life or seeking an AF life.

    Have a drop in to the Newbies Nest (link below) where you'll be well looked after.

    And also a good read is the Tool Box (link below). Loads of suggestions for staying sober.

    Keep reading, keep posting. So glad you found us and looking forward to getting to know you.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      11 Days Sober - First Timer

      Thanks I am working my way through the Tools, they look very useful. I was scared to say out loud that I want to quit drinking altogether but I think for me it's all or nothing. I would love to think I can manage a drink now and then but I'm pretty sure in no time I'd be back drinking every day.
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        11 Days Sober - First Timer

        It is a scary thing but I don't think I've ever actually said out loud that I'm giving up forever.

        Try and break into down into short periods of time, don't think of forever at the moment or you'll feel overwhelmed. Just think you've done 11 days have a go at another 11 days. As each day goes by it gets less scary and easier.

        Each time you don't drink over something that would have triggered you in the past give yourself a pat on the back and do a little happy dance. You're worth so much more than alcohol.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          11 Days Sober - First Timer

          Welcome 3June2013! You have found the right people to talk to here!

          You are right JackieClaire- I don't think I could say out loud 'I'm going AF FOREVER'!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, a lump forms in my through LOL!! BUT, its funny that the little things like being excited over waking up sober can energise you for the day!!

          I looked at alcohol left in my fridge by visitors last night, brain wanted a drink but I was WAY more excioted about knowing that by not drinking I was going to be waking up fresh and hangover free! That's all the motivation I need right now!!

          Good luck 3J13! Look forward to getting to know you!


            11 Days Sober - First Timer

            Dear 3J,
            Congrats on so many AF days already. You have come to a great place with wonderfully supportive people addressing the same issues.

            You might find that a daily post to this thread -- of your progress, struggles, achievements--would be helpful as a way of being accountable to yourself, and to your new friends on MWO. Welcome!
            Free at Last
            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

            Highly recommend this video

            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


              11 Days Sober - First Timer

              good for you 3june2013
              I'm just in front with 15days af
              I'm planning June af
              Done day1
              Done week 1
              done week 2
              I just plan for the moment but I eventually hop to be free forever
              I have a cask in the cupboard but I haven't even thought about having one ( thou it is on my mind if that makes sense )
              just set small goals first like me you have done week1 so aim for 2 and then the next all of a sudden you have a month up your sleeve
              keep it up good for you I wasn't one for meetings either for some reason I did go but didn't work
              but I find being here has helped


                11 Days Sober - First Timer

                Thanks everyone. I didn't think 3June2013 would be a handle (it's the day I stopped drinking) but maybe 3J works? I quit smoking 25 years ago when I was expecting my son. I knew then that one cigarette would mean I would be a smoker again. I know my friends will tell me I wasn't that heavy a drinker and that I can manage to drink socially but they don't see me drinking myself to sleep alone or sweating all night long trying to detox. They don't wake up feeling shitty or see how I plan to go to a yoga class the night before but when the morning comes I can't be bothered. They don't see that when I drink I eat more, or that I have no energy. As I ramble on here I think this is sounding negative and I need to turn it around. I need to focus on the positive things that have changed already. I have energy to cook healthy meals. I want to do yoga every day. I am riding my bike to work again. I don't do drunk facebook or texting. I am feeling more and more in control. I am getting less and less scared. I made ice tea and I'm happy with that. The cravings are there but they're getting easier to ignore. I am getting better.
                Newbies Nest
                My accountability thread


                  11 Days Sober - First Timer

                  Live_Love_Learn;1519317 wrote: Welcome 3June2013! You have found the right people to talk to here!

                  You are right JackieClaire- I don't think I could say out loud 'I'm going AF FOREVER'!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, a lump forms in my through LOL!! BUT, its funny that the little things like being excited over waking up sober can energise you for the day!!

                  I looked at alcohol left in my fridge by visitors last night, brain wanted a drink but I was WAY more excioted about knowing that by not drinking I was going to be waking up fresh and hangover free! That's all the motivation I need right now!!

                  Good luck 3J13! Look forward to getting to know you!
                  Wow I am definitely not ready for people to come over and bring drinks. However there are a couple of bottles in the house and I am not feeling the need to flush them down the toilet.
                  Newbies Nest
                  My accountability thread


                    11 Days Sober - First Timer

                    JackieClaire;1519261 wrote: It is a scary thing but I don't think I've ever actually said out loud that I'm giving up forever.

                    Try and break into down into short periods of time, don't think of forever at the moment or you'll feel overwhelmed. Just think you've done 11 days have a go at another 11 days. As each day goes by it gets less scary and easier.

                    Each time you don't drink over something that would have triggered you in the past give yourself a pat on the back and do a little happy dance. You're worth so much more than alcohol.
                    I will have to happy dance every night because I didn't need a trigger, I just drank every night before bed!
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      11 Days Sober - First Timer

                      3June -

                      I just wanted to say hi and welcome. Your story sounds so familiar to me. None of my friends thought my drinking was out of control....including my counselor (pretty crazy). I KNEW my drinking was a problem. I just got to a point where I couldn't take it anymore after many failed attempts. I have to say....11 days is HUGE. Is your plan day by day, 30 days or totally quitting? When I started (only on Day 15), my plan was 30 days and then moderate. Now I don't know if I ever want to drink again....I am afraid to. I almost slipped up tonight but managed to keep doing small things to distract myself until the craving went away.

                      Whatever your plan is, stick close to this site (even if you don't have a plan at the moment) I find the accountability and support help more than I had imagined.


                      "The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
                      [COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14


                        11 Days Sober - First Timer

                        Hi Miley, thanks for the encouraging words! I guess I didn't have a plan in the beginning. I just sort of knew I needed a break from drinking. The first couple of days were tough, who am I kidding, the first week was tough. Then came the first weekend, I changed up my routine and avoided drinkers. At one point I thought I might try quitting for a month, but more and more I am thinking it might be forever. I just don't want to pretend any more that I can manage my drinking because in no time it will be every night again and it's gone on too long.
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          11 Days Sober - First Timer

                          3June2013;1519354 wrote: Wow I am definitely not ready for people to come over and bring drinks. However there are a couple of bottles in the house and I am not feeling the need to flush them down the toilet.
                          Hi, 3J

                          It is a good idea to get all the AL out of your house. Even though you are feeling great right now, emotions can change so quickly and if it is RIGHT THERE WAITING, you might make the easy choice and drink. This is hard enough without laying traps for ourselves!

                          :h NS


                            11 Days Sober - First Timer

                            Hey j3 your doing great
                            I have a group coming over to-night all drinkers but I'll stay with the kids and watch a movie


                              11 Days Sober - First Timer

                              Hi 3june,your story sounds simular to mine,my husband dosen,t drink just cause he dosen't like it.l started drinking almost daily as well,l just got fed up of feeling like crap,l checked out all the things to see if l was alcoholic,my family as well all drink except now me and my sis quit together,we said forever because we know that it's the only way,but at first l said l was just gonna do it for a while but ill tell you a story about my sis who quit smoking told her self in her head she was gonna quit for 8 yrs,don't know the logic of that but,she started after 8 yrs ,but she now quit cigs and drinking.My point being if you say foreveryou may just quit forever,thats what l'm doing ,hope it works,well l am gonna make it work ,day75 for me,about the aa meetings those weren't for me but l like this site.We all have different ways of healing,since your hubby dosen't drink l'm sure he'll be supportive as well,all the best on this alcohol free journey,you can do it ,your body will thank you.have a great weekend!!

