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11 Days Sober - First Timer

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    11 Days Sober - First Timer

    Hi 3J, glad to hear that you were able to get past these intense cravings. I remember Jenniech posting about REALLY intense cravings between the period of 90 -- 125 days and then the cravings seemed to subside. I guess we just have to be prepared that AL, the creep, will always try to get back into our lives.

    Moss Rose, glad you like the TED talks. I found them incredibly insightful.
    Free at Last
    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

    Highly recommend this video

    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


      11 Days Sober - First Timer

      hi 3J, I read through your thread this morning and it spoke to me in many ways. I admire very much your honesty, questioning yourself, your actions, keeping yourself accountable, moving forward. Well done! I'm just starting over again and will read your thread from the beginning in a week or so to remind myself that what I'm going through is normal. You asked many of the same questions I remember asking myself-- but along the way lost the strength to keep on searching and finding solutions.
      thank you, Life


        11 Days Sober - First Timer

        Where is Jenniech? Haven't seen her in ages!

        Thanks for that, it always helps to know others have experienced the same. Makes me feel a little more normal LOL

        I've lost weight, getting way more exercise, doing my Spanish homework and come fall I will start back my piano lessons. Keeping busy is my best tactic.
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread


          11 Days Sober - First Timer

          100 Days AF

          I can't really believe it, but I can. My life has changed so much. I was telling my Mum today about it. I said, I sleep better, I wake up feeling better, my moods are better, I seem to get so much more done. I love being AF way more than I love the taste or the buzz. Sure I still get the urges, but they're getting easier to ignore. I also still get a little uncomfortable around big drinkers, but it's not because I want to drink, it's because I am not enjoying myself. My husband and I still bicker, but at least he can't say it's because I am drinking. He can't justify his spending habits by saying well how much do you spend on booze? So much has changed, but yes, some things haven't. It hasn't made all my troubles go away, but it sure has given me more energy to deal with them!
          Newbies Nest
          My accountability thread


            11 Days Sober - First Timer

            Congratulations on 100 days, 3J! That's quite an accomplishment--I read what you wrote in the Nest and thank you for sharing. I'm glad you're back!


              11 Days Sober - First Timer

              See you over on the 100-day thread !


              You are truly missed on MWO when you're off having fun.

              :h NS


                11 Days Sober - First Timer

                Congrats 3J -- you inspire me.
                Free at Last
                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                Highly recommend this video

                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                  11 Days Sober - First Timer

                  Two weeks into my four week vacation, first camping trip sober was a big success. Tonight we hosted a family gathering at our house. Told them BYOB and make sure you take the leftovers with you! Solid as a rock. Drove everyone home at midnight, that's a first, usually hubby had to be the driver, I was too hammered.

                  I love being AF for so many reasons. I don't feel deprived any more, I feel grateful.
                  Newbies Nest
                  My accountability thread


                    11 Days Sober - First Timer

                    [QUOTE=3June2013;1555679]Two weeks into my four week vacation, first camping trip sober was a big success. Tonight we hosted a family gathering at our house. Told them BYOB and make sure you take the leftovers with you! Solid as a rock. Drove everyone home at midnight, that's a first, usually hubby had to be the driver, I was too hammered.

                    I love being AF for so many reasons. I don't feel deprived any more, I feel grateful.[/QUOTE]

                    Amen 3J! That sense of deprivation and missing out is so self defeating and disheartening if you let it be. That shift in thinking sounds like such a simple thing but for me, it's crucial. It doesn't surprise me that you were solid as a rock at the party. You rock!
                    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                      11 Days Sober - First Timer

                      Other things I love about being AF... knowing that I can plan for a 9 am yoga class and not stress over getting enough sleep or waking up all groggy and crappy and wanting to cancel.

                      Did I mention I can drive our car any time, and that I never really did like the way hubby drives but I had to let him drive home all the time because I was too wasted?
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        11 Days Sober - First Timer

                        111 Days

                        15 weeks since I had my last drink. Thoughts of Al are far and far between. On occasion I get the urge, mostly when we are near people who are drinking. But as I watch the alcohol take effect on them I remember why I've stopped.

                        In a bar it can feel awkward because the server knows they won't be making so much mony from us as from a drinker, but I always tip well.

                        At a dinner party the urge is strong sometimes because meals are when I loved to drink the most.

                        Waking up after a solid eight hour sleep without a hangover is worth every second of awkwardness. I'm reading "Alcohol lied to me" and he talks about Al as poison. I have to agree. It is killing my brother and there's nothing I can do to help him now. That makes me so sad, and scared. I will look after my body better for the next 40 years of my life!
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          11 Days Sober - First Timer

                          morning (witts here )

                          congrats on your 112 days ....sorry i haven't been here my computer has been in the shop suppose to be getting fixed bit somethings wrong with it still I'm completely blocked out of myo so had to change name tried 2013wittsend but that only worked for a day

                          wow who would have thought we would make the 100 heh .......feels good dosn't it

                          anyway keep up the good work


                            11 Days Sober - First Timer

                            corgipups wits great to see you! I have just arrived home after a road trip, been on holidays for 4 weeks, and loving my AF life. Before I left I sent away for the MWO hypnosis CD's and they arrived while I was gone, very excited. Still reading "Alcohol Lied to Me" and still really making being AF part of my life. Not in a bad way where it is consuming me, but being aware of triggers, and of my reactions. Good to hear you're also on track! We rock!
                            Newbies Nest
                            My accountability thread


                              11 Days Sober - First Timer

                              4 months today AF

                              Best thing I ever did. That's what I told someone today. I had lost count but today is a big day. I love being AF and I want to shout it from the roof tops!

                              I have lost about 13 pounds
                              I am usually in a good mood
                              I wake up looking forward to a new day
                              I fall asleep I don't pass out
                              I am taking Spanish lessons, yoga classes, practicing piano and reading a lot
                              I have saved $1460 according to my iphone ap
                              My hubby and I get along better
                              I don't feel deprived I feel like I have made a good choice
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread


                                11 Days Sober - First Timer

                                Sober looks good on you girlfriend...keep it up! :good:
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

