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11 Days Sober - First Timer

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    11 Days Sober - First Timer

    How are you doing June and how's your bro?

    Best wishes, G bloke.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      11 Days Sober - First Timer

      Guitarista thanks for checking in, that's sweet of you! I am doing well, my brother is on and off. The oil really helps, did I tell you about the oil? Check Phoenix Tears, Rick Simpson.

      Today is my mum's birthday and I dreaded the call. She is Jekyll and Hyde, I never know who will answer and she can be so mean she puts me in tears some times. Today she was being nice because I called my sister who put her on speaker phone. Still I hung up feeling so sad that we have really nothing to say any more. I opened the fridge and the thought of a big glass of wine came straight to the front of my mind. Geez and here I thought that was a thing of the past. Nope, there was dear AL saying I could come back and help you to obliterate those feelings, you know it works. But thankfully I am smarter than AL, and thankfully there's none in the house. I am not sure I'd have gone through with it anyway but I'm thankful there was no way to test my strength. It's due to you all that I am where I am now. Over 14 months AF and it just gets better!!

      Cheers! (that's rose hip hibiscus iced tea with a little hit of Pomegranate juice, a splash of Perrier and a lot of ice)
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        11 Days Sober - First Timer

        Just read through this thread, and I wanted to thank you for all the posting you've done. Very encouraging and it's making me smile on an evening when it's a little rough. (Family over and it's just never been super comfortable for me when brother, wife, and nephews all come over with very little warning. Double so at the moment, I've not felt ready to tell them that I've quit drinking so they don't know I'm a bit off for my own reasons.)

        Good thoughts for you and your brother!
        I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

        Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
        AF on: 8/12/2014


          11 Days Sober - First Timer

          Lavender stay strong it's worth it. Might be easier if you tell them you're giving up AL for now? The discomfort goes away, but it takes time.
          Newbies Nest
          My accountability thread


            11 Days Sober - First Timer

            3June2013;1697897 wrote: Lavender stay strong it's worth it. Might be easier if you tell them you're giving up AL for now? The discomfort goes away, but it takes time.
            I did ok (they've left now) and thank you! I was going to wait just a bit to tell my brother...he loves me, but we've grown apart somewhat. And he's not always very tactful...he comes off pretty arrogant much of the time, and he's totally the type to say "Oh thank God, you damn drunk" and think it was really funny. So basically I'm just waiting until I'm more sure I'll be ok even if he doesn't respond the way I'd prefer.

            The whole crew coming over today was a surprise to me, so then I also didn't really want to mention it with the kids right there. It's funny that my brother is the hardest one to tell; I think it's because his disapproval has always hurt me the most? He doesn't know my drinking got bad again in the first place and I'm not sure how I'd handle it if instead of being pleased about my choice now, he decided to reprimand me about letting it get bad again.

            Things to think about, though!
            I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

            Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
            AF on: 8/12/2014


              11 Days Sober - First Timer

              Lavender, only you know what's best. It's interesting when I tell people I don't drink I don't offer explanations any more. I just say I don't drink. I used to say I quit drinking, but that led to more discussion than I cared to get into. Of course this is with people who didn't know me as a drinker. When it comes up with people who knew me as a drinker and don't know I've quit I just say I feel better not drinking.
              Newbies Nest
              My accountability thread


                2 years sober, I am so glad I found this site and you awesome people. I feel liberated beyond belief. I rarely think about Al now and when I do it's like remembering an ex, wondering what I ever saw in him and thankful he's not in my life any more.
                Newbies Nest
                My accountability thread


                  Originally posted by 3June2013 View Post
                  2 years sober, I am so glad I found this site and you awesome people. I feel liberated beyond belief. I rarely think about Al now and when I do it's like remembering an ex, wondering what I ever saw in him and thankful he's not in my life any more.
                  This is so cool to read 3June! I just reached 1 year and am hearing it does get even better (note: I am pretty happy with things as they are now). It is great to see that after two years you are in an even better place. Thank you for posting!!
                  (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                    I rarely think about drinking now, every once in a while I think I would like a glass of wine, or a beer. The way I handle it is I think past that first one to the last one of the night, and I think about how that one feels. I also think about how hard it was in the beginning to quit. I never want to feel that raw again. My next task is to get a grip on my weight, and eating for the sake of it. I lost about 17 pounds when I quit drinking but over time I've put it back on. I low I can do it, but like quitting anything you just need to wake up one day and decide this is the day. I'll keep you posted on that!
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Congratulations June! Rawkin it. G

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Opened the fridge to pour myself a pomegranate and soda and a bottle of beer was in there staring at me. Leftovers from some party. I thought, why not? Then realized WTF? Asked hubby to get it out of there. After more than two years that shithead AL is still trying to sneak back into my life. As if.
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          Hey, 3 June
                          glad to read your post and see you around!!
                          Liberated 5/11/2013

