I ran a marathon 3 weeks ago (can't believe I achieved it and I felt so proud), but what did I do after it to "celebrate"? Yup, took a drink!! What was only meant to be 1 refreshing cider, turned into me being in a pub in the city I ran the marathon in until closing time knocking back drink after drink, shot after shot. My other half came through to pick me up as I missed the last train and I could hardly stand or walk - i can't even remember this or getting home.
I suffered majorly for 2/3 days afterwards - worst hangover of my life and suddenly I was riddled with anxiety and a terrible low mood again.
Did this stop me? Did it heck. Drank 3 days in a row a few days later and then went to a festival last week and drank myself stupid again resulting in me breaking down yesterday and feeling like I was going insane!!
Wow, just wow!! Can't believe how stupid I was and also cannot believe how quickly it takes you back to where you were :upset: