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On becoming joyfully AF

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    On becoming joyfully AF

    Almost the end of August and I am HAPPY to report I see the possibilities of living a JOYOUS AF life.

    Yes, there are moments/days of sadness, anxiety, stress, irritation. Coupled with calmness, appreciation of beauty, satisfaction for doing a job well, knowing I tried to do the right thing, and the warmth of connection to another being, human or non-human.

    All of this to say that the numbing effects of AL are wearing off. There is once again the capacity for depth of feeling, for being present in this world.
    Free at Last
    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

    Highly recommend this video

    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


      On becoming joyfully AF

      Am feeling exceedingly grateful today. Each day that I rack up without giving in to the voice saying "it's ok, have a glass of wine" the freer I feel. Actually, the freer I become.

      It also seems as though I am beginning to live a sober life, rather than an AF life. It's a mental shift in thinking, but I am noticing a subtle difference in my perspective on this.
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        On becoming joyfully AF

        Just finishing another intense week -- ready for a walk in the woods come the weekend. One more flight and I am home, after 24 days on the road.

        Today is 50 days of my commitment to sobriety. It is starting to feel like a way of life. I did, however, have another dream about drinking -- really upset me, until I woke up. I think my subconscious is waging battle with the devil alcohol. Deep inside, I know what every fiber of my being wants, but at some level there is resistance to complete surrender.

        Time to get ready to say "No thank, but I'll have seltzer water and lime" to the four times alcohol is pushed down the aisles. No complaints, though. Getting stronger every day.
        Free at Last
        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

        Highly recommend this video

        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


          On becoming joyfully AF

          your doing great free

          i hope i can continue to be joyfully af


            On becoming joyfully AF

            Thanks My Life, Halo, I Can,

            Just now accessing email after a long night of travel and a day of meetings. Appreciate your support -- I am feeling good but I don't begin to think I have this thing licked. Will say the once a weekly dose of AB is still a godsend. When I have all these airplane flights and work functions, it is helpful to have the option for wine removed from the table.

            Glad to see you all are posting and moving forward.
            Free at Last
            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

            Highly recommend this video

            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


              On becoming joyfully AF

              Just wanted to say hi Free. See what you think about this site. 199 used it when he was starting out and is now coming upon 2 years sober.

              Rational Recovery | The Crash Course On AVRT



                On becoming joyfully AF

                Free, sent a shout out to the ol 311 gang. Keep doing what your doing, glad to hear the AB is doing it's work. I always believe that a true sign of strength is admitting and then finding ways to address your weaknesses. You are doing great, get some rest when you can. Unwasted am going to check out the link you posted as well..always good to check out all avenues in this battle against AL
                On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                  On becoming joyfully AF

                  Great Thread

                  Found a good one here, lots of positive stuff. I needed that. Day 1 and just trying to accept that it is uncomfortable and the urges will be a part of life, that if we accept them and let them or even welcome them they will not be a big hairy nag.

                  Been trying to quit for a few years and it took me a lot longer to quit smoking. I hope I can help as much as the help you all give. I learned we have choices and right now choose to accept these feelings of missing what I have done for 25 years .

                  Don't think about the future stay in the present and be the boss.
                  What you resist persits


                    On becoming joyfully AF

                    dryer;1555176 wrote: Found a good one here, lots of positive stuff. I needed that. Day 1 and just trying to accept that it is uncomfortable and the urges will be a part of life, that if we accept them and let them or even welcome them they will not be a big hairy nag.

                    Been trying to quit for a few years and it took me a lot longer to quit smoking. I hope I can help as much as the help you all give. I learned we have choices and right now choose to accept these feelings of missing what I have done for 25 years .

                    Don't think about the future stay in the present and be the boss.
                    Hi, Dryer and :welcome:

                    This is a nice thread! Two others to check out are given below.
                    Congratulations on having had the courage to get this started! You've come to a great place.

                    I'm looking forward to getting to know you. NS


                      On becoming joyfully AF

                      Hi Dryer, glad you found us and that you find the thread helpful. There is also a group of people working toward and AF September. You might find that useful as there is a fair amount of activity on the thread.

                      UN, I read the site last night (even made it to the graduation song)" " I will not drink again" makes a lot of sense and the thoughts on not viewing it ODAT, but living a life without alcohol--period--also resonated with me. Appreciate your posting.

                      Feel as though I am constantly dashing off posts between work meetings and sleep. One of these days I will be in one place for a while and have an opportunity to actually contribute something of substance as to what I have been reading, thinking, or experiences. For now, I am joyfully sober, pushing aside the whisper in my head that says "go ahead, have a glass a wine" and feeling as though I am functioning at a higher level than I have functioned in years.

                      Thanks to all for your support.
                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                        On becoming joyfully AF

                        Today's Benefits

                        Hey thanks for the replies.

                        Just have a few benefits today of being AF for 2 days. Head is clearer and I was not breathing as heavy walking from the car to work.

                        Does anyone else have a benefits today?
                        What you resist persits


                          On becoming joyfully AF

                          Yes being clear headed and knowing I can cope with stress without resorting to AL, that has been a huge benefit for me today
                          On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                            On becoming joyfully AF

                            Hi Dryer, I have noticed numerous benefits.
                            I no longer wake up at 3am with a sense of doom.
                            I am grateful for so many things that I hadn't even considered while while drinking.
                            My relationship with my husband has deepened and taken on new dimensions.
                            Stressful situations actually bring out an inner calmness in me now. I can see options more clearly.
                            Even with much sadness and despair over global issues, there is joy in my life.

                            I hope you continue on your path of an AF life.

                            Halo, glad to see you are doing well. Cheers.
                            Free at Last
                            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                            Highly recommend this video

                            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                              On becoming joyfully AF

                              Today I am an addict and the only reason I drank was to be in my comfort zone. I trained myself that it is only a good time when you are drinking.

                              Many good benefits today, Halo and Free at last are jivin, were diggin it. Joyfully AF.

                              New training has started, "put me in coach" I agree that I am an addict but a joful AF MF.

                              Thank you all
                              What you resist persits


                                On becoming joyfully AF

                                In yet another airport, but homeward bound. Happy to report got through a tough weekend, with lots of wine present without caving in. Ready to be in one place for a while.
                                Free at Last
                                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                                Highly recommend this video

                                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

