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On becoming joyfully AF

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    On becoming joyfully AF

    That is a pretty amazing victory, Free! To take it that far and not drink it really says something about you -- something wonderful !


      On becoming joyfully AF

      good for you free at last


        On becoming joyfully AF

        halo;1523953 wrote: Initially my decision to get help with AL stemmed from my husband hating when I drank. I definitely had issues with alcohol however I refused to admit them, when he would complain , my reaction was "You knew I was a drinker when you married me."

        When I finally decided to look for help after some really bad, bad blackout binges, followed by excrutiating hangovers, I was still pretty much quitting for him. He was at his breaking point, and I knew I didn't want my marriage to fall apart. At the beginning of my quit when we would we argue, my thoughts would be why am I even attempting to stop drinking to make him happy when he's being such a _________(fill in the blank with whatever word you call your spouse when you are pissed off). This thought would pass through my mind quite often UNTIL

        My joyful moment, which was the day in my quit when I realized I am following this AF path FOR ME, not for anyone else, but for me...That was definitely a truly joyful moment.
        OMG Halo!! I Could have completely written your post word for word, especially your response to you husband when he complained abut the drInking!!!
        He usually responded that I wasn't that bad at the start...personally I disagree. I just think familiarity breed contempt which got fueled by AL..
        Sometimes I think I drank just to spite him...though I'm sorry to say. And though I am Not completely AF -back to day one for me...- there's no comparison to my marriage while drinking daily and my marriage now.
        Now if I divorce him, at least I'll have saved up enough to hire a good lawyer...:H....just kidding.

        I too quit for me, my health and the munchkins..I'm in there somewhere of course but my quitting really does include all of them because if I don't get healthy and together their lives are not going to be a ton of fun...and neither is mine!

        Stay close,
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          On becoming joyfully AF

          Awesome work free!!! Always thinking of how hard you work to fight that devil AL, from every corner of the world no less. It keeps me motivated,keep up the strength, we are always here for you. :l
          On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


            On becoming joyfully AF

            Kradle123;1527025 wrote: OMG Halo!! I Could have completely written your post word for word, especially your response to you husband when he complained abut the drInking!!!
            I too quit for me, my health and the munchkins..I'm in there somewhere of course but my quitting really does include all of them because if I don't get healthy and together their lives are not going to be a ton of fun...and neither is mine!

            Stay close,
            Kradle, that is one of the things I love about the MWO, the stories and posts from many I can completely relate too. At times it seems that they were written from my very own pen (or typed from my very own keyboard :H). This sense of familiarity I know is a key reason for my success in remaining AF thus far.

            I too have quit for the sake of my kids, I love K9's tagline: "I love my daughter more than alcohol", I find it completly empowering in remaining AF. Nice to always be close to those that can truly relate! :l
            On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


              On becoming joyfully AF

              Good morning!

              Free - awesome job dumping that wine down the drain. I am amazed at your strength. I read somewhere (probably here!) that willpower is a muscle that needs to be exercised like anything else and you definitely exercised yours last night. And I have to say Alcohol has been the "affair" in my marriage too. My husband is just mystified by my behavior with it - luckly it hasn't gotten to the point of divorce threats or anything, but I'm sure it could if I kept it up! And I also have to say that I've realized I need to do this for me - I hate that woman who passes out halfway through the movie and never has energy to do anything! I want to be someone that I respect.

              Halo & Kradle - I can also relate to the understanding and strength we get from reading on this site. Even times when I've not posted much I've been reading and I think it's given me the resolve to conquer this beast!


                On becoming joyfully AF

                morning everyone
                how are you all faring r u free still good


                  On becoming joyfully AF

                  free, thinking of you in your travels, hope you are doing well

                  Still on the Af train witts end, am determined to get through the month of July AF, initially when on this path, took it hour by hour!, then day by day, which has morphed into week by week, so doing well!
                  On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                    On becoming joyfully AF

                    Today's AF 4 July was fantastic Early morning breakfast meeting, productive movement on some projects, nice lunch with a colleague, and home (to the hotel) by 4:30 pm. Time to unpack the last of my stored items (I juggle three suitcases between locations) so now I have some different clothes from those worn (twice) last week! Had time to do a little yoga, hit the gym, have a nice dinner while working on expense reports, and now a little MWO time. No struggles, or even thoughts of wine today so I am content and grateful.

                    Appreciate you checking in on me--I am good.
                    Free at Last
                    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                    Highly recommend this video

                    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                      On becoming joyfully AF

                      good for you free at last


                        On becoming joyfully AF

                        It is amazing how when I can get a routine -- three meals a day, exercise, and time to reflect/meditate, I am not tormented by thoughts of wine. But take away the routine -- when I have consecutive days that end at 10pm, or go 8 hours without eating, and my only exercise is walking the hallways to find someone, then I struggle. How to maintain a routine in a work world where sometimes I have so very little control of my schedule that is my new challenge.

                        Happy to wake up with a clear head and plan to end the day with same. All is well and I am beginning to feel that I can be joyfully sober.
                        Free at Last
                        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                        Highly recommend this video

                        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                          On becoming joyfully AF

                          If only I could get into a routine my day is so disorganised I envy people who are organised I'm sure I would accomplish more if I was


                            On becoming joyfully AF

                            Am so happy to have racked up another AF day for me, especially after a more than usual stressful day. All is well.
                            Free at Last
                            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                            Highly recommend this video

                            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                              On becoming joyfully AF

                              good for you free
                              My brain is racing ahead of me and I can't keep up
                              but otherwise everything is good


                                On becoming joyfully AF


                                I somehow totally missed this thread. Or saw it and then forgot. The mind is going....

                                Just wanted to say hi. Hope you're having safe and not-too-stressful travels.

                                UN :lilheart:

