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Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

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    Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

    Hi LS33! You are going great! Everyone has different experiences in the first few days and anxiety was a big one for me! BUT I know I spent many hours drunk worrying about how much damage I was doing to my liver!
    It gets better! Don't let the negative thoughts take over, smile, be proud, you are beating it and you will come out feeling like a million dollars!


      Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

      just keep up the good work


        Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

        Hi all,

        Checking in to let you know that I feel great today! The fog has lifted, anxiety to a minimum and my mood is the best its been in years. I did yoga today, ran errands, made phone calls to people I havent spoken to in a while (big deal for me), and starting to look at the calendar. I dont remember the last time I have ever looked or planned ahead. It feels so good to remember what I did yesterday, to drive without the fear and to save money! I also lost a few pounds and my skin is looking much better. Last night was also the first time Ive slept uninterrupted. I was able to get 6 hours, which is huge for my standards

        Anyway, the weekend is here and I am going to a restaurant tonight with an old friend that will be drinking. I have given her a heads up that I am on a new cleanse and wont be partaking. She is supportive. Praying for the willpower to endure the temptation. I should be ok, not going to disappoint myself.

        This is day 5, and I am excited for the possibilities

        Thank you witts end, BRNS, NS and everyone else. I hope you all have a lovely evening!


          Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

          The first time I was with friends at a restaurant, I found myself staring at their glasses of wine and mostly feeling incredulous that "that" - a mere liquid - could have had such a grip on me.

          I was a lot farther along AF before I faced the challenge you are taking on tonight. Do you have a plan for if you are tempted? Perhaps a quick glance at this thread from the rest room? Please have something in place. Also, HAVE FUN !


            Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

            NS-- great idea. I am going to log on now so I have this thread readily available. Im actually doubting if I should even go anywhere there is AL to be honest. Its times like this I wish I had sober friends or that my boyfriend was still here. Feeling so strong but I know how weak I can become over as you put it, "a mere liquid", gross.
            Ill keep you posted on what I end up doing. Thanks for looking out. Needed to hear it.


              Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

              Hi LS -- so much progress in less than a week. You are doing so well.

              Agree with NS -- have plan for your evening out. On one of my first evenings with a girlfriend, I found myself "longing" for my friend's glass of wine, but made myself laugh by the imagine of me downing her glass while she was in the bathroom and then telling her the waiter spilled it. My advice is eat a lot before you go, and drink a lot of seltzer water -- the fizz can help fill you up.

              Let us know how the evening goes, or write in the middle if you need to.
              Free at Last
              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

              Highly recommend this video

              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                Hi LS, am not certain my thread was clear. I didn't drink my friend's wine, just had an image of me doing so.

                If you head is telling you to avoid places with alcohol -- listen to yourself. I am not going to a friend's house for dinner this evening because I just don't feel strong enough to resist the wine I know will be offered. We will have to get together for coffee another time.
                Free at Last
                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                Highly recommend this video

                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                  Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                  free at last, thanks for the input. I actually laughed about the imagery you had because not only has it crossed my mind in the past, I have actually done it and filled my boyfriends glass with half water. I cant believe I just admitted that. Oh my!
                  Ok, so Ive been thinking a lot since my last post and especially about the idea of a plan and the truth, I dont have one. Every other time Ive gotten far ahead AF, I have crumbled in the presence of AL. So Ive decided to suggest a different restaurant that doesnt serve alcohol and that we go for frozen yogurt afterwards.
                  Will let you know what she says and how it goes. Thanks, again, for your help. You guys have really helped me get out of what could have been an expected mess.


                    Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                    1 Week AF !

                    Hey Lost Soul

                    How are you doing you are supposed to be on Day 6 . I just made it to 1 week AF , how are you feeling ? I am feeling so much better all around, sleep and mood etc.

                    Every so often I get the craving and just reaffirm to myself that I no longer drink and it helps a lot to take my mind off.

                    Hope to read your post tomorrow saying 1 week.


                      Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                      Hi all,

                      Thought I would update you on my AF Friday. My friend really wanted to stick to the original plan and go to the restaurant. So before I left, I saved this thread to my iPhone, I looked in the mirror and reminded myself of all the bad that would come along with giving into temptation and then I asked for strength and the power to say no. As it turns out, the evening went very well. I ordered a virgin bloody mary and realized that as long as I have something to sip on, I am actually ok. So my new drink of choice when at places that are serving AL is either sparkling water with lime or a virgin bloody mary.

                      It is day 6. I was able to sleep 8 hours last night, I have tons of energy and I feel great. Emotions are starting to surface, mostly from all the hurtful things Ive done to people while on the sauce. Doing my best to focus on the positive and take each day at a time. It feels like a victory to go to bed sober. I am ready to enjoy today, ready for the challenges I may face and looking forward to this awakening.


                        Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                        Hi BNRS!
                        I am doing really well. It keeps getting better and better so no complaints at all!
                        Im so glad to hear you made it to week 1 feeling good. Congrats!
                        We are doing this together...I am right behind you


                          Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                          You sound great, LostSoul! Remember how you feel today - it can help you make it through future challenges.

                          This can be your happy version of "play it forward"!



                            Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                            Thanks NS! I am actually back at home now, found myself in a situation this afternoon that didnt seem like it would end well. I was with some friends at a BBQ and I was being pressured to drink. Everyone there was in couples and I was really missing my boyfriend (the only sober person in my life). I felt super vulnerable and lonely so I left. Now Im at home, struggling with not fitting in and starting to get a lot of anxiety. I feel pretty alone in this and not sure how to continue getting through the days when everyone around drinks constantly. Bored out of my mind and missing some human contact with real people that understand what I am going through. You guys are the best...couldnt be this strong without you.


                              Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                              next time will be better because you will feel heaps better and stronger

                              well i did anyway

                              I don't know if taking your own af alcohol will help or not on those occasions


                                Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                                Stay strong LS! I am out of town but will post more later. You DO have friends (and we are real!) :l.

