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Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

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    Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

    LostSoul33;1527521 wrote: Today is day 16! Made it through my first long weekend AF. Yay!
    I went to a few AL events on Sat & Sun and decided I didnt have the willpower to continue yesterday so I stayed home. What a great decision. I woke up in a good mood, feeling refreshed with a lot of energy. Went to the farmers market, did yoga, tried a sauna, went for a walk, ate fresh veggies and fish, stocked up on coconut water and fruit for the evening and now Im reading a new book, taking breaks, of course, to check into MWO. How are some of you feeling today? Would love to hear :heart:

    Every time I read one of your posts, I think you sound even stronger than in the previous one! You are doing this was such style!!! It is especially great that you were able to recognize when you had reached a limit and protected yourself. I'm so so happy for you .

    The last time I drank alcohol was on a Wednesday after I did a volunteer activity that I do every Wednesday. As I drove home today, I was thinking how nice it is not to cave in again and stop by the store on my way and buy a bottle of wine. I no longer think about Not Drinking all the time (which, may I say, is quite a relief so if you are struggling with that, don't worry, it passes!) but I'm glad to have little reminders of what is better now. Those, and reading and posting on MWO, are what I think keeps my head in this new game.

    So, keep doing what you're doing -- it just gets better! Love, NS


      Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

      RitaNow;1527611 wrote: Sounds like an AWESOME day LS!!! Isn't it great finishing a day with a book in hand. Something that CAN'T be done when you've been drinking! I love it. Smart of you to skip the continued parties. It's one thing to test your strength ... quite another to tempt fate. Ease into the social scene where drinking is the entertainment. I honestly believe many people in those settings are envious when they see someone NOT drinking. So many people KNOW they need to stop ... for good. Eventually it catches up with everyone. It just depends on what degree of abuse. IMHO

      I had a great day today too .... I know July will fly by .. Summer always goes by to fast - so I am trying not to wish the days away (even though I will be happy to reach that 30 day AF mark). Trying to smell the roses --- one day at a time. Summer is my favorite season. I like my AF birth date. I want to keep it forever!!! :h
      Great to hear from you, RitaNow! I agree about people being envious when they see we dont drink, and I know for certain some people do need the help. Something tells me I will contribute a lot of my time to helping others get sober. Its been on my mind a lot lately.

      Glad to hear you are enjoying the moment, summer is my favorite too. Nothing better than a sunny day, running barefoot, wind blowing through hair, makes me happy just thinking about it! alm:
      Lets get to 30, 60, 90, forever! We can do this together :l

      Have a lovely evening :heart:


        Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

        3June2013;1527633 wrote: Lost Soul I think you're going to need a new handle soon because you sound very much in tune with yourself these days! Self -reflection is so important in life and it's especially helpful when we can do it without judgement and in kindness. You are well on your way, and you've found new friends to share your thoughts and revelations with. That's what MWO is all about for me! Soldier on, the weeks will turn into months before we know it!
        Funny you say that, June! I have been thinking the same-- that poor lost soul thought things were hopeless but she has found her way. Im taking good care of her now but do think a name change is in order soon. Any suggestions

        Thank you, again, for being so supportive. It is because of people like you that I do feel I have a voice and have made new friends. I am 100% dedicated to doing everything and anything I need to in order to stay on this path. You are leading the way and I am right behind you-- congrats again on 32 days! :heart:


          Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

          NS, thank you for your continued support and encouragement!!!! I only hope to one day be like you! You are truly an amazing person :heart:
          I, agree, it is very empowering not think about 'not drinking' all the time and to rise above your old ways. These days, its quite nice to pass the local bars, especially when the patios are bustling during happy hour, and not feel the need to go in. While I would absolutely love to partake, Ive come to accept that drinking is not an option for me. I am not a drinker. And so what? If this is the worst of my problems, if abstaining from alcohol will change my life for the better and cure me of my disease, then life is pretty darn good, and I have nothing to complain about. Whenever I start to feel sorry for myself and throw a little pity party, I quickly think of all incurable diseases in this world and the people that would do anything to survive. Imagine if they saw me mope around about not being able to have a cocktail...shame on me.


            Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

            Calling it a night on day 17.
            Feeling healthy, hopeful and at ease.
            What an adventure this journey continues to be. Getting to know who I am is probably the best part of being sober so far. How blessed are we to have found sobriety, to have found each other.
            Night night all my AF friends :heart::heart:


              Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

              Some mornings when I was feeling awful, it would cross my mind how full of regret I was going to be someday if I had an illness that made me feel that bad and I would have to deal with that PLUS the knowledge that I had previously chosen to do something that made me feel like that! Even at the time I realized how stupid and self-defeating my behavior was.

              How crazy it is that the 'cure' is really so simple once you can get yourself to the place where you can actually do it - THAT is the hard part - but we've done it!


                Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                LS needs a new name! Hmmm. Lost but Found? New Me? Lost and Found? Not sure how you go about changing it. I picked my start date but I didn't realize it was going to be my handle! Main thing is you're not lost now and I'm so happy for you!
                Newbies Nest
                My accountability thread


                  Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                  Hi all!
                  Its almost the end of day 18. Super focused on creating my new path. Im learning to count on myself again-- showing up, keeping my word, trusting myself, being accountable, reliable to others, remembering yesterday, thinking about tomorrow, excited about the future.
                  Night night :heart::heart:


                    Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                    3June2013;1528167 wrote: LS needs a new name! Hmmm. Lost but Found? New Me? Lost and Found? Not sure how you go about changing it. I picked my start date but I didn't realize it was going to be my handle! Main thing is you're not lost now and I'm so happy for you!
                    Aww, June... thanks for the suggestions! You sure know how to make a girl feel special
                    I definitely want to change my handle but will only do so if people can still search my past posts. I lurked on the site, quietly sipping away, for quite some time before I attempted to engage, and it was others' stories that inspired me to get AF. I can only hope my journey does the same. Ill look into it but if I have to remain a "lost soul" to help someone else see its possible to find sobriety, then I am ok with it :h


                      Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                      NoSugar;1527985 wrote: Some mornings when I was feeling awful, it would cross my mind how full of regret I was going to be someday if I had an illness that made me feel that bad and I would have to deal with that PLUS the knowledge that I had previously chosen to do something that made me feel like that! Even at the time I realized how stupid and self-defeating my behavior was.

                      How crazy it is that the 'cure' is really so simple once you can get yourself to the place where you can actually do it - THAT is the hard part - but we've done it!
                      Agreed! Hope you are well, NS! :l


                        Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                        LS, you are doing so well. Great to read of your daily progress.
                        Free at Last
                        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                        Highly recommend this video

                        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                          Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                          Hi, LostSoul.

                          I missed seeing you the last couple of days. How are you doing?

                          :h NS


                            Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                            Hi NS! Everyone!
                            How was everybody's weekend? Sorry Ive been a little MIA. Things are busy (btw busy is good for me!) Being sober is the best thing that could have ever happened. I feel like Ive woken up and have A LOT of work to do.
                            In just 3 weeks, I have made massive changes and this is just the beginning. Everyday is a new challenge, not so much to stay away from AL anymore, but to get every area of my life back on track.
                            Today is DAY 21 and its incredible to feel alive again
                            If anyone out there is reading this and hasnt already quit the poison...just do it...dont wait another minute. Trust me, if I could go from the hellish existence I was in, anybody can. Once you get a taste of the good life, you wont ever look back. And everything is good compared to being a drunk. I wish I did this a long time ago but am so very grateful to be here now.
                            Hope you are all having lovely evening :heart::heart:


                              Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                              LS, You are the Energizer Bunny of MWO!! Keep it up - your enthusiasm is contagious!!

                              xx - NS


                                Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                                Day 22. Feeling great and in control. Night night :heart::heart:

