I went to a few AL events on Sat & Sun and decided I didnt have the willpower to continue yesterday so I stayed home. What a great decision. I woke up in a good mood, feeling refreshed with a lot of energy. Went to the farmers market, did yoga, tried a sauna, went for a walk, ate fresh veggies and fish, stocked up on coconut water and fruit for the evening and now Im reading a new book, taking breaks, of course, to check into MWO. How are some of you feeling today? Would love to hear :heart:
Every time I read one of your posts, I think you sound even stronger than in the previous one! You are doing this was such style!!! It is especially great that you were able to recognize when you had reached a limit and protected yourself. I'm so so happy for you
The last time I drank alcohol was on a Wednesday after I did a volunteer activity that I do every Wednesday. As I drove home today, I was thinking how nice it is not to cave in again and stop by the store on my way and buy a bottle of wine. I no longer think about Not Drinking all the time (which, may I say, is quite a relief so if you are struggling with that, don't worry, it passes!) but I'm glad to have little reminders of what is better now. Those, and reading and posting on MWO, are what I think keeps my head in this new game.
So, keep doing what you're doing -- it just gets better! Love, NS