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Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

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    Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

    Good morning everyone,

    As many of you suggested, I am started a new accountability thread to mark my progress on this journey I am about to embark...this time for good.

    I need support because MWO is all I have right now. I have driven away my family and friends and have had to look within for the strength to put this horrible illness, that has ruined my life, behind me.

    I am ready for a change...once and for all. I have a to do list I will attempt to complete, even one thing will be a milestone. Plan on going to the gym and loaded up on healthy foods.

    This is Day 2.

    Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

    LostSoul33, welcome to the MWO and great for you starting a thread to chart your progress. You will find the support you need and advice from some amazing people who have been exactly where you are now, who can relate and understand, and have succeeded. They are and continue to be an inspiration for me in my quest to get rid of AL from my life. Remember you deserve a better life and an AF life is most definitely a better one. Once you start taking care of you, I'm sure your other relationships will begin to mend as well. It's one day at a time, come visit us on the AF June thread as well for support.

    On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


      Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

      Congratulations on getting through Day 1. For me the hardest step was admitting it's time to stop. Then it's getting through one day at a time. The more days behind you the more you will enjoy being AF. I come here every day, there are so many people who have been where we are and want to help. They inspire me to do the same. (Be AF and be helpful).
      Newbies Nest
      My accountability thread


        Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread


        way to go. there are many people here to boost you. talk with them and you will see how helpful they are.
        -S- typing one handed = sorry


          Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

          Dear LS,
          Great for starting this thread. We will follow your progress and are there to help support you.
          Free at Last
          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

          Highly recommend this video

          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


            Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

            lostsoul welcome and good on you doing day 2


              Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

              Thank you
              Today was a rough day... keep envisioning situations that I will have to be faced with and cant imagine being around the temptation without giving in. Im not so bad when Im home but getting out in the world, and facing it, now that is something I havent dealt with in years. In some form or another, I have always been on something. Whether it be adderall, benzos, weed, alcohol...always. I have quit it all in the last month and never looked back; except alcohol. Alcohol is my last vice and its tearing me apart. I know it has ruined my life yet there is this nagging little voice that constantly tells me its ok to have a drink, just one. Its like a demon pulling me away from my goal. All I think about is drinking or not drinking. When was passing restaurants today, I was looking on the tables to see if and what people were drinking. I see liquors stores and get excited. Feels like I am losing my mind. Praying this feeling will go away. Tomorrow is a new day.


                Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                LostSoul33;1521226 wrote: Thank you
                Today was a rough day... keep envisioning situations that I will have to be faced with and cant imagine being around the temptation without giving in. Im not so bad when Im home but getting out in the world, and facing it, now that is something I havent dealt with in years. In some form or another, I have always been on something. Whether it be adderall, benzos, weed, alcohol...always. I have quit it all in the last month and never looked back; except alcohol. Alcohol is my last vice and its tearing me apart. I know it has ruined my life yet there is this nagging little voice that constantly tells me its ok to have a drink, just one. Its like a demon pulling me away from my goal. All I think about is drinking or not drinking. When was passing restaurants today, I was looking on the tables to see if and what people were drinking. I see liquors stores and get excited. Feels like I am losing my mind. Praying this feeling will go away. Tomorrow is a new day.
                There is no way that something that has ruined your and countless other lives is OK.

                I thought I was going crazy for awhile - it seemed like all I thought about was the fact of not drinking. I couldn't imagine how I could live with the voices in my head. But hey! - they kept me on the straight and narrow! How could I drink with all that chatter about not drinking going on?? I found getting off AL to be almost all-consuming. I met personal and professional responsibilities but really, that and not drinking and working on not drinking here were all I did for several weeks! I was obsessively aware of what everyone else drank and how much.

                That wasn't really so long ago but the crazy voices are gone and I have no interest in what anyone else consumes.

                You aren't losing your mind. Stick with it and you won't have to endure this hard part ever again !


                  Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                  NS, there are no words to express how thankful I am for you

                  Today is definitely a better day. Have my boyfriend coming into town tomorrow morning...this will be the first time we are together and I wont be drinking. Looking forward to seeing and enjoying him with my head on straight. Sober sex? Been at least 8 years.

                  This is Day 3. Im not feeling so great but sure better than having a hangover. For the first time, I am actually thinking about the future instead of how I will get the next drink. Its overwhelming to say the least so I will take it one day at a time and enjoy the moment.


                    Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                    Good morning, LS, and thanks :l .

                    Is your BF on board with your not drinking or will this be a new challenge? Will he be drinking?

                    Basically - do you need a plan? (e.g. Could you just jump in the sack and stay there the whole time :H:H:H !)


                      Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                      Hey LostSoul

                      I am on day 5 . I felt horrible on day 2, but it gets better. I drank a lot of water and fresh fruit juices to flush my system. Hang in there. We are here there are good people lending support here.:welcome:


                        Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                        Hi all,

                        Just got home from a day of errands and feel pretty good. I thought about drinking all day, of course, but it didnt get to me like it normally does. I actually accomplished a lot of stuff that have been on my 'to do' list for months. Pretty proud of myself so I will embrace this feeling instead of the nagging voice that is telling me I cant do this.

                        NS, my boyfriend knows I quit drinking but because we are in a long distance relationship, he doesnt know how bad I was. I believe he was concerned but I think he thought I was just a party girl and liked to get messed a few times a month, when we were together. The great thing is he doesnt drink. He would occasionally have a glass of wine with dinner if I was but he actually hates to get drunk, go figure. We fought a lot when I drank so he is completely supportive and encouraging me to stay away from AL. The only people in my life that know about my problem are you guys. Ive been a closet drinker for a few years now.

                        BNRS, thank you for reaching out. I appreciate the welcome

                        Hope you are all well and enjoying your evening.


                          Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                          That is great that your BF doesn't drink and will be happy you don't! This visit could really help you commit to this new (and better) way of living! Hope you have a great time together .


                            Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                            good for you lostsoul good bf dosn't drink and now he knows he will be a big help even if it is long distant and he dosn't drink either will be another blessing
                            keep up the good work


                              Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                              Hi all,

                              Just checking in real quick-- today is a better day but feeling super fuzzy. Finding it hard to hold a convo with my boyfriend. Im losing my train of thought, at a loss for words and have an overall "foggy" brain.

                              Did anyone experience this when first becoming AF? And does it get better? Also realizing how socially awkward Ive become without AL. Im afraid I did some serious brain damage and hope it isn't permanent.

                              NS and witts end, thank you for your words of encouragement. Its because of people like you that I come back here and will continue to everyday...I truly believe this site is the driving force in my recovery.

                              Hope everyone is enjoying their evening

