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Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

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    Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

    Aww thanks so much! I do feel the love. You are my friends Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


      Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

      Great Thread

      Wow - So many of these thoughts I could have written too! Amazing how the pattern repeats it's self! I should have been reading your thread all of last week - but I was in such an intense focus to get through the week I just couldn't do anything but post on how I was feeling - Now I am ready to read and explore and support! Whoo Hoooo ..... GREAT JOB - The HARDEST part is over ....Not saying the days ahead are easy, but to have our bodies back makes the fight a little more fair!!!!!!!!

      Fight the good fight .... It's going to be so worth it!!!
      Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

      NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
      AF - July 31, 2013


        Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

        DAY 7 SOBER

        Good morning all,

        This is Day 7! I made it through the week! Yippe!!!!!!!! I cannot express the gratitude I have for all the help MWO has provided me so far. A special thank you to everyone that has written on this progress thread. It is because of you that I am more accountable than ever before. I know I have a long road ahead of me, but I am confident I can do this with the support of my new friends here

        Today is also a great day because I am seeing my family later in the afternoon. With just a phone call I made, the people I pushed away the most are coming to see me. Now thats unconditional love

        Anyhow, I just made myself a delicious smoothy and plan on going to yoga soon. Eliminating sugars, coffee, soda, starchy foods/refined carbs has significantly reduced my AL cravings. Even though I dont love veggies, I am doing my best to stick to a healthy plat based diet and incorporating exercise. I find that even a half hour a day takes care of the anxiety and if I can, yoga is a complete life saver, although I know its not for everyone.

        Something tells me this is just the beginning of a meaningful, joyful life. I am actually crying, happy tears, of course!

        Lots of love :heart::heart::heart::heart:


          Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

          Correction: PLANT Based Diet Feel free to message me if you want to hear more. I am in my last semester for health and wellness coaching.


            Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

            Thanks RitaNow! Appreciate the support. How are you doing these days?


              Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

              Hi, LostSoul

              I read over this and your other thread.

              Sounds like you had quite a weekend! Even though it is hard to go through, succeeding in the face of big challenges makes you so much stronger. There will be more hard times but now you have this success to bolster you. As your confidence grows that you've made the right choice, it becomes easier to continue to make that choice. And so on and so on .

              Congratulations on completing a week without AL being in control of your life! You are becoming the Master of your Soul!

              I've always loved this poem. It is one of Nelson Mandela's favorites and I've been thinking about him today as his illness has worsened. I think it is a good one for anyone struggling, including with an addiction, to keep in their hearts.

              No matter what alcohol has done to us, it can't reach our souls. We can succeed.

              "Invictus" William Ernest Henley (1849?1903).

              Out of the night that covers me,
              Black as the pit from pole to pole,
              I thank whatever gods may be
              For my unconquerable soul.

              In the fell clutch of circumstance
              I have not winced nor cried aloud.
              Under the bludgeonings of chance
              My head is bloody, but unbowed.

              Beyond this place of wrath and tears
              Looms but the Horror of the shade,
              And yet the menace of the years
              Finds and shall find me unafraid.

              It matters not how strait the gate,
              How charged with punishments the scroll,
              I am the master of my fate:
              I am the captain of my soul.


                Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                Hi all,

                Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

                NS, thank you for this lovely poem. I have already printed it and have it on my inspiration board. You seem to always have the perfect words for the moment and this really hit home.

                What a morning. Today I feel like relaxing. Ive been laying around in bed since I awoke, reading the 'tool box' and listening to another one of my favorite motivational speakers. I dont seem to have much energy and its almost as if my body is saying it needs a break, some time to absorb all the positive changes and settle. There is a sense of peace and tranquility inside of me that is quite indescribable.

                Has anyone ever experienced this in the beginning stages of being AF? Wow. For the first time, I am thankful Im not working and realizing becoming AF is my new job until things start in the fall.

                Today is day 8. I feel refreshed and connected with my mind and body. Im also starting to feel like Im finding my soul Embracing this beautiful emotion.


                  Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                  HI there - you are a lovely brave soul and you can do have inspired and challenged me and I am praying for your success in is sooo hard to say No but sooooooo worth it....keep accountable and hang on in there - Mx


                    Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                    Thank you Mayzay! Means so much to hear those words! :h


                      Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                      Hi all,

                      Just checking in this evening. Im happy to say that I have one of my dogs back with me and am loving the company. Ive missed him so much. Im still feeling super tired but somewhat at ease. As I reflect on the past week, I still cant believe all the changes that have occurred. So surreal.

                      Hope you are all having a good evening.

                      Lots of love x


                        Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                        Day 9. Feeling tired again but overall, pretty good, my mood is pretty stable.


                          Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                          Good to hear from you, LS!

                          I was exhausted for 2 weeks (at least) after stopping AL so just being tired sounds pretty great to me! You even socialized (and succeeded!) last weekend. Clearly you are much younger than me :H:... !

                          You are doing really well! Stay connected here and you can make it! :l NS


                            Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                            Dear LS,
                            Have been away from internet and just now caught up from when you were going out with a friend to a restaurant. What incredible progress in a short time period. Keep posting!
                            Free at Last
                            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                            Highly recommend this video

                            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                              Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                              LS not sure how I missed this entire thread but your progress is inspiring! We will continue to face challenges but from everything I've read as each "first without AL" is encountered and the obstacle is met we are that much stronger for the next one.
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread


                                Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                                Thanks NS, free at last and June

                                Today is day 10. Feeling extremely aware-- I have a lot of work to do. The jig is up. I am sober for a reason and I will NEVER go back to that lifeless existence. I am stronger and more determined than ever. I will continue to post, read and hopefully help others.

                                Wishing everyone a great day.

