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Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

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    Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

    LostSoul33;1524197 wrote: Thanks NS, free at last and June

    Today is day 10. Feeling extremely aware-- I have a lot of work to do. The jig is up. I am sober for a reason and I will NEVER go back to that lifeless existence. I am stronger and more determined than ever. I will continue to post, read and hopefully help others.

    Wishing everyone a great day.
    You sound so strong! A good way to help others (and it helps you!) is to keep your eye out for threads that a new (probably scared and timid) person starts. I think it is hard on people when they post and don't get a reply for what seems to them like a long, long time. So, just welcome them, point them to the nest, you know -- just say what you would want to hear .

    :h NS


      Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

      HI Lost

      Right there with you 1 day ahead. Keep posting I look out for you all the time. Just like you today I was feeling tired. Have you lost any weight ? I lost like 8lbs in the last week and a half ! Have started exercising and find it helps to relieve some of the anxiety. Its hard to start but when you get going you feel good at the end.

      I have told only a few friends that I have gone AF and all of them are supportive. I find if you have a few people who know it also helps to keep you accountable.

      Sleep is a lot better and it feels so different from the usual mornings. How do you feel in the mornings now ?

      Keep in touch.


        Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

        NoSugar;1524232 wrote: You sound so strong! A good way to help others (and it helps you!) is to keep your eye out for threads that a new (probably scared and timid) person starts. I think it is hard on people when they post and don't get a reply for what seems to them like a long, long time. So, just welcome them, point them to the nest, you know -- just say what you would want to hear .

        :h NS
        NS, you are so right. :h


          Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

          BNRS;1524273 wrote: HI Lost

          Right there with you 1 day ahead. Keep posting I look out for you all the time. Just like you today I was feeling tired. Have you lost any weight ? I lost like 8lbs in the last week and a half ! Have started exercising and find it helps to relieve some of the anxiety. Its hard to start but when you get going you feel good at the end.

          I have told only a few friends that I have gone AF and all of them are supportive. I find if you have a few people who know it also helps to keep you accountable.

          Sleep is a lot better and it feels so different from the usual mornings. How do you feel in the mornings now ?

          Keep in touch.
          Hi BNRS!

          We are doing this together! Congrats on 11 days and the weight loss. Exercise has been a life saver for me as well. The bloating/puffiness is finally gone and I think Ive lost a bit of weight.
          I also thought I would share some of the other lifestyle changes Ive made that I think have helped out a lot in addition to the key element - MWO
          In the last month I have started:
          -practicing yoga 3 times a week
          -cardio 3 times a week
          -weights once or twice
          -10 mins of sun a day (when possible)
          -listening to upbeat music in the morning
          -dancing 5 minutes a day (yep, alone around my apartment)
          -smiling, literally, I have been practicing smiling whenever I am feeling down. I only do this alone as I realize how crazy I may look to others. Its amazing how you can trick yourself into happiness
          -journaling / tracking food, mood, sleep, etc
          -meditating (I do guided meditations from itunes and have worked up to 7 mins in the am and pm)
          -listening/watching motivational speakers on youtube- my favorites are Gabrielle Bernstein, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra and Dr Wayne Dyer
          -reading a book recommended by someone else on this site called Kick the Drink by Jason Vale
          -supplements and vitamins
          -herbal teas
          -cut down on coffee (felt it was adding to my anxiety), replaced it with green tea
          -cut down on refined carbs/sugars (really helped reduce AL cravings)
          -started eating more veggies (yuck, but getting used to it)
          -added a green juice to my diet (amazing)
          -stopped eating out
          -taken myself out of AL situations (hopefully that will change soon)

          I wont be able to do all these things once I start working again but seems to be working for now with all this free time

          Also, I havent told anyone that I plan to quit drinking indefinitely, just that I have cut it out for now. I will open up once I get into my groove. Just kind of figuring it out as I go along. A lot of change at once, so one step at a time.


            Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

            NoSugar;1524232 wrote: You sound so strong! A good way to help others (and it helps you!) is to keep your eye out for threads that a new (probably scared and timid) person starts. I think it is hard on people when they post and don't get a reply for what seems to them like a long, long time. So, just welcome them, point them to the nest, you know -- just say what you would want to hear .

            :h NS
            I know it helped me when I first arrived!
            Newbies Nest
            My accountability thread


              Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

              LostSoul33;1524403 wrote: Hi BNRS!

              We are doing this together! Congrats on 11 days and the weight loss. Exercise has been a life saver for me as well. The bloating/puffiness is finally gone and I think Ive lost a bit of weight.
              I also thought I would share some of the other lifestyle changes Ive made that I think have helped out a lot in addition to the key element - MWO
              In the last month I have started:
              -practising yoga 3 times a week
              -cardio 3 times a week
              -weights once or twice
              -10 mins of sun a day (when possible)
              -listening to upbeat music in the morning
              -dancing 5 minutes a day (yep, alone around my apartment)
              -smiling, literally, I have been practicing smiling whenever I am feeling down. I only do this alone as I realize how crazy I may look to others. Its amazing how you can trick yourself into happiness
              -journaling / tracking food, mood, sleep, etc
              -meditating (I do guided meditations from itunes and have worked up to 7 mins in the am and pm)
              -listening/watching motivational speakers on youtube- my favorites are Gabrielle Bernstein, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra and Dr Wayne Dyer
              -reading a book recommended by someone else on this site called Kick the Drink by Jason Vale
              -supplements and vitamins
              -herbal teas
              -cut down on coffee (felt it was adding to my anxiety), replaced it with green tea
              -cut down on unrefined carbs (really helped reduce AL cravings)
              -started eating more veggies (yuck, but getting used to it)
              -added a green juice to my diet (amazing)
              -stopped eating out
              -taken myself out of AL situations (hopefully that will change soon)

              I wont be able to do all these things once I start working again but seems to be working for now with all this free time

              Also, I havent told anyone that I plan to quit drinking indefinitely, just that I have cut it out for now. I will open up once I get into my groove. Just kind of figuring it out as I go along. A lot of change at once, so one step at a time.
              Wow you are rocking it! Such healthy choices! I am going to try to follow your example starting today with a beet/apple/carrot/kale juicer drink. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing you have inspired me!
              Newbies Nest
              My accountability thread


                Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                HI June! Yea, Im quite an extremist so lets hope a lot of these new habits stick. Its amazing how much free time you have when you arent drinking, drunk or hungover. How are you doing today?


                  Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                  Hi all,

                  Today is day 11. I feel nervous yet hopeful and ready to conquer the challenges I will face this weekend. Wish I could say the clarity is still improving but it seems to have plateaued. I think it is because my sleep isnt going so well lately and has finally caught up to me. So feeling a little cloudy and going to listen to my body and take it slow today.

                  The new diet is really helping me out though. Also, the vitamin that stabilizes mood and anxiety has started working fantastically. Happy to share details if youre interested.

                  Hope everyone has a beautiful AF Thursday! :h


                    Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                    Hi, LS

                    What vitamin are you finding so helpful?

                    Also, what is up for this weekend and what's the plan???

                    I hope your sleep improves -- that makes such a difference!!

                    Have a great day! :h NS


                      Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                      Hi NS, its called Mood Support / Nervous System Support by the NOW brand.

                      It has all the vitamins needed to restore my depleted B12, folate and thiamin levels from all the alcohol consumption, as well as, St Johns Wort, Holy Basil, Valerian, GABA, Taurine, 5-HTP, and L-Theanine. The combination is one of a kind-- the bottle even says, 'helps to maintain a positive attitude'...and it does!

                      The plan for the weekend is to go to 3 drinking events. None of which I can get out of. My AF plan is to be the DD and stick to my fizzy drinks. No one will pressure me if they know I am driving them all home

                      Also, going to see my boyfriend-- our relationship without AF is so fresh, sweet and pure. He also inspires me as he has never drank. Appreciating our new love and sober sex!

                      How are you doing today NS?


                        Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                        I am doing quite well, LS, thanks for asking!

                        Finally finally finally I am back to being motivated about and enjoying exercise! I was starting to get a bit worried that that part of me wasn't going to come back. Man, we have so many parts of ourselves to work on, don't we :H ??

                        I'm really glad that you seem to have the perfect boyfriend - that must put a lot of joy in your life!

                        That supplement has a lot in it! I'm glad it is working for you.

                        Enjoy being the DD -- it is empowering to be the Adult that Everyone Can Trust!!

                        :l NS


                          Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                          NoSugar;1524776 wrote: I am doing quite well, LS, thanks for asking!

                          Finally finally finally I am back to being motivated about and enjoying exercise! I was starting to get a bit worried that that part of me wasn't going to come back. Man, we have so many parts of ourselves to work on, don't we :H ??

                          I'm really glad that you seem to have the perfect boyfriend - that must put a lot of joy in your life!

                          That supplement has a lot in it! I'm glad it is working for you.

                          Enjoy being the DD -- it is empowering to be the Adult that Everyone Can Trust!!

                          :l NS
                          Yes we do NS and good going on the exercising!!! :heart::heart:


                            Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                            Hi all,

                            Going to the first of my AL events tonight. Just a tad bit nervous, wish me luck!

                            Today is day 12 and I feel really good....finally slept, which helped out a lot.

                            Hope everyone has a GREAT AF evening/weekend!


                              Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                              Social Anxiety

                              Hey guys,
                              Just got home from the evening and feeling as though I may be suffering from social anxiety. I remember having this problem when I was younger (high school) but got over it by college. How is it that an old phobia has come back? I didnt start drinking heavily until my late 20s/30s so the problem was solved before then. I am sounding awkward, shaky and afraid to speak up. Oh and Im blushing! What a nightmare. Has anyone experienced this when first entering social gatherings sober?


                                Day 2 - Pls help me be accountable - New thread

                                Hi, LostSoul

                                I saw your posts in the Newbies Nest - way to go!! You are really offering the support people need to hear and when you type it for others, it DOUBLES the message to yourself. What a transformation you've undergone in a short time!

                                Maybe this contributes to feeling a little awkward around people. You've hardly had time to get used to the New You. Plus, you are putting yourself out there in the world much more quickly than some people even consider, including me. I was barely functioning socially when I was where you are -- still too cold and tired. Really, I was in bed with MWO by 8 pm most nights.

                                If I were you, I'd give myself some time before worrying about social anxiety. Once you're fully comfortable with yourself, you'll probably be just fine. You're AWESOME here so there is no reason to think the real-life you is otherwise.

                                :l NS

