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MWO starting questions

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    MWO starting questions

    Hi all
    Ive been lurking around for a week now. I am almost done with the book and have the CDs. I got the rest of my supplements today and the Topamax is on the way. Should I wait for it or start now?
    I was afraid that if the supplements are to offset the Topa side effects maybe I should wait but alot of you take them all anyway....
    I also got Kudzu at the store and it is 613mg- the only one I could find. (im impulsive)
    I wasnt going to do all the sups until I read in the book that they offset the side effects of Topa, which like many of you, I am a bit afraid of.

    For those of you who take Kudzu with L-glut, how much and how often?

    Thanks to all for all your great info-

    *i posted this in general discussion too


    MWO starting questions

    I don't have an answer, but I thank you for posting - I need this info, as well. After much reading and consideration, I have decided to try Topamax myself.

    I'm sure you have read about Zinc, magnesium, selenium and biotin, potassium, vitamin B12 and folic acid. The kudzu has been good for me (I just take one of the MWO pills), and the L-glutamine is a great compliment to it.

    I'm sure we'll hear lots of great stuff from our senior members

    Power to us!!
    "It takes a whole lot of medicine, Darlin', to pretend to be somebody else" - Bonnie Raitt


      MWO starting questions


      The supplements can be taken at any time. Many of us are doing the program without the topamax and just using supps. It sounds like you did not buy the Kudzu from this site? I cannot recommend it highly enough. It is MUCH more potent than any store bought stuff and you will notice a big difference in terms of cravings. By the way, welcome!!!:welcome:
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        MWO starting questions

        thanks Rebel & Lushy
        yes ive read alot about supplements I wasnt sure if people did all the supps if theyre not doing Top.... I took the kudzu and I think it might have made me sleepy...
        I got my kudzu from a Wild Oats grocery store, they have a natural pharmacy. They had the All One there too. When it runs out Ill switch to MWOs.
        I really think I am lacking in alot of these vitamins etc- I dont eat much protien, interesting that amino acids are in protiens. Just want to feel good again!!



          MWO starting questions

          I don't take the topa but I do take a lot of supplements - some recommended on this sight and some I learned about from other sources related to decreasing alcohol cravings, helping to get through detox, and aiding in getting your body back into shape after prolonged alcohol use.

          This is what I decided to take...

          I take a mega dose multi vitamin that contains a lot of the supplements recommended. I supplement 10-15 grams of L-glutamine a day, but have always used it for athletic performance. I increased slightly and changed the time I take it to help with cravings, as well. I also supplement approximately 1200 mg of kudzu right now. When I decide to moderate I will increase the dosage. And GABA which I take at night for its sedative effects. I take extra vitamin C and E supplements in addition to the multi to help rebuild my immune system and extra Calcium for obvious reasons.

          I can't say for sure if one particular supp has been the ONE. I can say that I believe the extra vitamins have helped me to feel stronger and healthier than I have in a long time - being AF helps with that also I am sure. I also believe the kudzu has helped me a lot with cravings - I take the majority of my daily dosage when I am most vulnerable. I can't preach L-glut enough but I have been on that for a while. I helps with sugar cravings and if you are exercising or starting an exercise program, it can aid in muscle recovery.

          Sorry I couldn't answer all of your questions and sorry for being long winded. Hope this helps some.
          :rays: mdb :rays:

          Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

          Lots of work yet to do!


            MWO starting questions

            hi dayzee and welcome to MWO:
            I am on the Topa, Kudzu, L Glut, All One, etc, etc , etc. Man did I need all the help I could get!!! you will find what works best for you and mix and match as you go along. The best medicine is the desire to stop drinking and get your life back. Sounds like you are there. So glad you found us!!! Keep posting and let us know how you are doing.
            Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


              MWO starting questions

              I take the l-glut ( 500 mg) 4 times a day
              kudzu- 4 tablets a day (cant remember how much! threw bottle away)
              I am afraid to take topa because of side effects-I already have brain fog-if I have more...OMG-that would not be good!!!!

              These supps Seem to work....I know a lot has to do with mental! If a cravings hits I try to get some frozen yogurt to make it pass (fat-free and small one)


                MWO starting questions

                Please don't forget a B complex. The B vits are destroyed by alcohol and have a massive effect on energy, mental health and morale. I don't cope well with a lot of supplements but find that the b -complex I take makes a massive difference to how I feel.
                Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.

