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    New Here

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new here and since I've been thinking for a few months that I have a prob with booze, well hey, then I probably do. Bought and read the book 2 months ago after a very heavy xmas. I've been drinking heavily on and off since I was 17 (binging at weekends til I was 27) but more heavily the last 2 years after suffering a bad bout of depression. I've been on antidepressants for 2 years and after 6 months off work, got a great job summer '05 and gradually life got back to normal. However, the drinking has been getting out of hand more over the last year or so and it is now a daily affair. I tried to stop for a few days after xmas and it scared the hell out of me, the cravings were horrendous!! I got a little confused at this point and spoke to a psychologist about the possibility of the cravings NOT being "organic" , ie, actually existing - but being a response to depriving myself of something, in other words was this a self-fulfilling prophecy...I think I have a dependancy on alcohol so ...I stop drinking and ...all I can think about is alcohol ...therefore I must have a dependancy on alcohol..??...and so the cycle goes. I prob drink 2-5 glasses of wine per evening (mainly 3) and bottle per night plus 2 beers on fri and sat nights. It has impaired my work productivity on occasion but not since xmas as I got a new job. I would like to try topa but will only source it online as the industry in which I work require full medicals + doctors letter as part of pre-assessment and I CANNOT have this on my medical history. Does anyone have any thoughts about anyof the above??

    An:new: y advice would be greatly appreciated!

    New Here

    Hi JJ and Welcome. I think you have come to the right place for support. This sight and forum have been my main source of support and I can honestly say that I could not have come as far as I have without the folks here. If you think you have a problem with alcohol, then as you said, you probably do. The supplements can help a lot with the cravings and help you to feel better. I do not take the topa but may try it down the line when I try to moderate. I hope you find the support and the answers you are looking for. I wish you the best.
    :rays: mdb :rays:

    Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

    Lots of work yet to do!


      New Here

      Hi JJ & a HUGE :welcome:

      This place has changed my life, In just 5 months I have gone from 3 bottles of wine a day to just drinking at weekends!!!!

      You can do this now that you have found this place, keep reading and posting ...

      Everyone here knows exactly how you feel because we have been there ....

      Read and post as much as you can, we are all here for you

      Love & hugs to help you on your way :h :l :h


        New Here

        Hello jj
        I'm glad you found us.
        There are a lot of great people who are going through the same thing as you are here.

        Best wishes.


          New Here

          Hi jj and welcome:
          There are others here who get topa w/out a presciption. You may want to check out the section on Topamax and other meds. I believe there are some links to online pharmacies where you can get it. Just keep looking around. Stopping a habit like drinking can be hard, I know. Try not to think of it as depriving yourself of something you like, cause trust me, alcohol is not your friend. Try instead to think of it as doing yourself a favor. Look in the Long Term Abs section. Irishlady is a master of making her brain think in a positive direction. She'll probably be along in a bit to say hello. Keep posting and reading. Let us know how you are doing and welcome again!!!
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            New Here

            Welcome JJ! The program can work for some without the topa if you want to try the other aspects first. Glad you found us!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              New Here

              HI guys,

              Thanks for the warm here goes!! One little question, is Irish lady actually Irish?


                New Here

                Hi JJ and a warm welcome to you.
                We all know where you are coming from. I have just ordered the topa from overseas as I do not want any of that on my record either. So I cannot advise on its effectiveness. The support here is really moving and we help each other in a totally non judgemental way. It's a hard struggle but you are worse it. Keep reading and the supplements are a really great help, but in the end, it is your decision. Wishing you all the best on your journey.
                Hugs Lori
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  New Here

                  Hello and welcome,

                  You will find a tremendous amount of support here and I've found it to be life chaning for me as well. I wish you all the best!
                  Colorado Chick!
                  Your support means the world to me...:h


                    New Here

                    Welcome JJ, glad you are here. You will find so many supportive people here. Just keep posting and reading. I also did the Topa when I started through an Online pharmacy and there's a great thread here that can offer you advice as to where people are doing that. Seems as though I picked the more expensive one. Best of luck to you!
                    Go to the Topirimate etc thread...
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      New Here

                      Welcome JJ. I've been logging on for over a month, and I feel very fortunate to have happened upon this website. Great people, great support, lots of understanding and empathy. I feel really hopeful about getting a handle on my drinking issues because of all these things--especially the people here. Plus, it's so helpful to have a plan. I've read the My Way Out book a couple of times and am trying to follow the program (without the prescription drugs). I use some of the supps-kudzu, B-50, Evening Primrose Oil, Milk Thistle and Magneseum, and I just ordered L-glut and Amino Acids. And at the same time that I found this place, I started seeing a therapist and was presribed an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety. It feels so good to be doing something positive. And these good feelings just keep growing. Good luck. I look forward to hearing from you again!



                        New Here

                        Thanks for your posts. I learned a lot.


                          New Here

                          Hi JJ,
                          Welcome to my way out and well done for getting here.
                          Here is a link to a cheap reliable online supplier of topamax
                          Buy Generic Topamax (Topiramate) Online ::
                          Don't forget the sups though too as they will help with cravings, getting you healthier and helping counteract some side effects of topa.
                          Good luck
                          Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                            New Here

                            Hello JJ,
                            To answer your question, yes I am Irish, but I have lived in the UK for most of my life...

                            To realise at the age of 27 that you have a problem with alcohol is a good thing, I only wish I had realised it at that age..

                            The times without number I tried and failed to stop drinking, because like you, my head would be filled with the craving for JUST ONE MORE DRINK, but deep down we know it won't stop at just that one, then we feel weak which leads to depression so we drink some more and so the cycle continues...

                            You have to break that cycle somehow and you have come to the right place to do it... I joined MWO last September and haven't had a drink since...There have been times when its been hard but with the help and support of people on here, also the supplements I take, and most importantly my mindset and determination it seems to be working...

                            I don't take Topamax, but I do take, Amino Acids, Evening Primose Oil, a Multi-Vit, Magnesium, L-Glutamine and the most important one of all for me KUDZU...Its amazing how that stuff can kill a craving stone dead.... I don't know if you have had a look at the Health Store here yet but all these supps can be bought from there, or you can source them from your local health food store...

                            There is also the book written by Roberta Jewell which started all this off, you can download that, and then there are the hypnotheraphy CD's as well.. But, the most important thing is that you have taken this first step in finding help, don't throw this chance away, use it to get your life back to where you want it, keep reading and posting on here...

                            I wish you luck,

                            Louise xx
                            A F F L..
                            Alcohol Free For Life


                              New Here

                              Gald you are here JJ - not much more I can add...keep posting and reading, we are here as everyone else has said. Keep telling yourself you are worth it!

                              We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!

