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Mental Improvement

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    Mental Improvement

    Hi all,

    Was wondering if someone could provide some feedback-- when do improvements in memory, clarity, thought process, and overall mental alertness start to come back? Can anyone who is AF explain if, how and when they started to regain their brain power. Feeling super fuzzy today.


    Mental Improvement


    With over 90 days AF, I still feel dizzy, woozy and shaky at times.

    I know for some it goes away quickly and for others it takes time.

    I do know that if I start drinking again, I start the darned clock all over, so I think I'll just wait it out and be pleased when I those symptoms go away.

    It is called PAWS, btw. Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Mental Improvement

      Some aspects are noticeable right away others are more gradual. I the clarity is noticeable within a week. The memory, focus, outlook...gradually get better after week 6 or my experience. We all different so this may not be typical. I notice more clarity when i take my green shakes. I still have mood swing s and occasions of depressed mood.
      Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


        Mental Improvement

        I'm not sure I can mark any particular moment when it happened I think it was just gradual and from time to time I was like wow! Such and such has realy changed! I'm still learning to deal with anger issues and mood swings mostly because I covered them up with booze for so long. But everything is remarkably better for sure no doubt and have been for a couple months now and it keeps going.

        The anxiety problem is virtually gone wich is interesting because I was drinking to sooth that alot of the time.( go figure)


          Mental Improvement

          Great thread lost soul! I will be following eagerly. I find myself just sort of gazing into nothing at times. Maybe it's a way of meditating? You're on day five right? I have heard people say treat this like you have the flu, stay close to home and rest until you're feeling more energetic?
          Newbies Nest
          My accountability thread


            Mental Improvement

            Hi June! I am on day 8 now. My mind is racing and my body is very relaxed. It sounds to me like you are meditating, which is fantastic-- Ive been trying to do it a few times a week through guided sessions on itunes. It helps me put things into perspective but I cant sit for longer than 3 mins. One step at a time
            Would love to hear other's responses as well...


              Mental Improvement

              Lost Soul day eight that's awesome! Sorry, I lost track of the date today! I can't truly meditate either. I do yoga practices I found online, when I first started and they begin with a lot of meditating I got a little snarky and hit the Fast Forward button. My son thought this was hilarious "Mum I think the point of yoga is to de-stress and here you are yelling at the poor woman". Now I can sit through it but my old body needs to be supported, I have learned to put pillows and such under the knees etc. You can sit longer when your body isn't screaming at you.

              Again, thanks for starting the thread I am with you, looking for guidance.
              Newbies Nest
              My accountability thread


                Mental Improvement

                Hi Lost,

                I think I regained alot of my mental clarity around three months and then it just kept improving from there. It sure wasn't overnight! My thoughts are just to roll with it and not stress out about having an "off" day. It sure can be aggravating to feel like this after doing something so great for our lives.

                I believe in supplementing a healthy diet with vitamins and supplements. Omega 3 oils (Fish oil or flax seed oil) is supposed to be good for brain function. Green tea is also good for concentration and clarity. Obviously hydration and the proper amount of sleep are huge too.
                "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                AF 11/12/11

