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    I wrote my first post on May 28th and was 3 days AF at the time. I went AF until June 15 when I decided to have a beer which led to 2 vodkas and a regretful next day. I figured it was only a minor setback and I would start over again. I went all day Fathers Day AF even at a party where others were drinking. The next day was my niece's college graduation and a BBQ to follow. I had no plans on drinking, but the atmosphere was so inviting. DJ, god food, lots of pretty women!! I had a few vodka tonics and was feeling buzzed. I actually had a really great time and didn't go overboard. I didn't even feel bad about screwing up the next day because I figured it was a special occasion and I was responsible. That was on Monday. Today, Thursday, I had no plans, thoughts or urges to have a drink. I left the house at 5am for work, sat in traffic for 2 hours on the way home and decided to grab pizza with my kids for dinner. Of course, I ordered a beer :-(. Had only one, but I see the same pattern forming once again. Please help get me back on track!!!


    Eating out and social events have really been hard for me... Now I drink sparkling water and lime...yummy.. I love the buzz, but hate the regret, so I choose to tell myself I can't drink... And I take Antabuse... Maybe that's an option.. Plus remembering every moment of the day is great! Good luck. It is hard, ESP socially and out to eat...



      sorry you are feeling low for having to have a drink but you can start again and start to put plans in place so that you don't slip
      It's so easy to just have one but like me you don't know how to stop at 1 and you get on the merry go round again
      like I said start again can do it



        It's good that you see the pattern forming again. Alcohol is a sneaky beast. Don't let yourself be convinced that one or two is no big deal. Play the tape to the end and remember how one or two drinks has ended up in the past. You don't want to go there again, and you don't ever have to. You are better than this disease. Stick close to us and stay strong. You CAN do it!!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



          Hopeful you were about 3 weeks AF on June 15? Remember how good that felt? How you got there? One day at a time. So you are starting over. Look forward and keep at it!
          Newbies Nest
          My accountability thread



            hopeful how are you going now

