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DAY 6 - Done !!

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    DAY 6 - Done !!

    Hey ALL

    Just completed Day 6 feels like an eternity since the last drink but also it feels GREAT !

    Since joining MWO the support has been unbelievable. Each day feels a little brighter and has made me feel more empowered. The world really does look different.

    Thanks for all your posts.

    DAY 6 - Done !!

    Good morning BNRS!
    Congrats on day 6! Keep up the great work, you can do it!
    I am right behind you on day 5. Feeling pretty good!


      DAY 6 - Done !!

      Hey Lost Soul

      I will be looking for your posts , I ll consider you my kindred spirit keep it up well do this together !


        DAY 6 - Done !!

        BNRS and LostSoul,

        Get this weekend done AF and you will be feeling so good about yourselves come Monday morning. Waking up with no regrets is one of the best feelings in the world, isn't it?

        Glad you both are here!

        :h NS


          DAY 6 - Done !!

          BNRS one day at a time and now you're nearly finished your first week. I bet you're sleeping better and finding new ways to spend your time. Your world is different, you chose to change it! Congratulations!
          Lost Soul congrats to you as well, that first week is tough!
          Newbies Nest
          My accountability thread


            DAY 6 - Done !!

            Sleep has improved dramatically.

            I slept for 5 hours uninterrupted night before last. A first for me as I can remember and no weird dreams . Glad to be at this place. I had forgotten what it means to have a good nights rest.


              DAY 6 - Done !!

              Keep going -- you are doing so well.
              Free at Last
              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

              Highly recommend this video

              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                DAY 6 - Done !!

                DAY 14

                Hi All

                Today is 2 weeks ! 14 full days since my last drink and it seems like so long ago. I feel great ! I could not have gotten here without your support , NS, Lost Soul, Byrdie all of you who posted and gave words of encouragement thank you for helping me get here. Still a long road ahead but " the journey of a thousand miles begins with 1 step" . Thanks again.

                PS : Lost Soul your 2 weeks comes up tomorrow. Right there with you buddy !


                  DAY 6 - Done !!


                  Congratulations on 2 full weeks, BNRS! Just keep on doing what you've been doing and stay close to MWO!

                  :h NS


                    DAY 6 - Done !!

                    Congratulations BNRS :wd:

                    Keep up the good work


                      DAY 6 - Done !!

                      BNRS two weeks and going strong! Glad you are feeling so pumped. Congratulations!!
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        DAY 6 - Done !!

                        good for you on day 6 keep it up


                          DAY 6 - Done !!

                          How are things going for you BNRS? Hope you got through the weekend ok?
                          Newbies Nest
                          My accountability thread


                            DAY 6 - Done !!

                            On to Day 19

                            Hi 3J

                            Today is the beginning of 19 days AF . This is the longest I have been sober for 23 years and every day I wake up in absolute awe at the turnaround in my life ! So from the 1st of July I also decided it was time to go NF, and now beginning day 3 NF.

                            It's the change in mindset and outlook that amazes me the most. Holding yourself accountable and reading all the encouraging posts here on MWO has made all the difference. The toolbox has been great for me especially the ones that detail the need to constantly be seeking change, growth, gratitude and forgiveness of oneself. These have worked for me.

                            Lost 12lbs in 19 days and have started exercising more than ever in 20 years . Its now part of my daily routine. Now in the evening when I would have been drinking or feel the twitch of the craving I get out and get physical and it really works. This weekend I went on a hike and loved the social and physical activity and plan to make it a routine.

                            Lastly the other significant change I have made is going back to school. I have just signed up to do my MBA part time , something I have neglected for some time and due to the AL always procrastinated on. Courses start September so I am enjoying the limited free time now .

                            To all who have lent their voices here, LostSoul, NS, Byrd and so many others , I really appreciated the posts it made me feel understood, something I don't think we feel among others.

                            I will continue to update you and look out for your posts.:thanks:


                              DAY 6 - Done !!

                              Oh BNRS wow 19 days and going strong! you sound so well, so in control and so happy. I hope newbies or those thinking about quitting read your posts and feel the power. When you first start out it is so scary to think of life without AL but in no time at all you are wishing you'd never met him! Congratulations and thanks for keeping us up to date on your progress!
                              Newbies Nest
                              My accountability thread

