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Hello! Experimenting with Kudzu and L-Glutamine....

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    Hello! Experimenting with Kudzu and L-Glutamine....

    Hi Folks,

    Last Saturday I decided things were getting out of control, and it was time for me to take matters into my own hands. On googling what sort of prescription I might ask my doctor for, I ended up on this forum and read lots of your wonderful posts. This board is a real inspiration, so thanks to you all for that!

    After reading the posts here, I decided to try the supplements approach (which I had never heard about before), and see what Kudzu and L-Glutamine could do for me.

    To summarize what I learned from what I read here, it seems different people have had different experiences. Some people try that approach and find it does not help them at all. Others seem to find it anywhere from moderately to miraculously effective at (a) reducing cravings, and (b) leading them to feel less desire to continue drinking when they do drink, and thus helping with moderation, less binging, etc.

    This sounded appealing, because my ideal situation would be a magic bullet that allows me to still drink some, but in much greater moderation. Other people I know seem to be able to do this, though my own behavior has repeatedly reminded me that I am not one of those people!

    So, off I went to the local granola store and picked up a bottle of "Country Lite L-Glutamine (1000mg)" and a bottle of "Planetary Herbals Full Spectrum Kudzu (750mg)." Based on what I'd read from people here, I decided to pursue the following regimen:

    On waking: 2000mg (2 tabs) L-Glutamine.
    Mid-morning (~11am): 2000mg (2 tabs) L-Glutamine, 750mg (2 tabs) Kudzu.
    Mid-afternoon (~3pm): 2000mg (2 tabs) L-Glutamine, 750mg (2 tabs) Kudzu.

    Beyond this, I maintained my normal routine of supplements and exercise.

    That was last Saturday morning, and I didn't drink for three days (Sat, Sun, Mon) -- which is something of a feat for me, especially on the weekend. I felt rather moody the first couple days, but I think the supplements definitely helped with reducing any cravings. Also, I avoided the social situations that would normally lead me to drink (though I am known to drink just fine by myself without anyone's help or encouragement).

    So far, so good on the L-Glut/Kudzu!

    Tuesday I decided to experiment: I was due to meet some friends. If I did decide to drink, would this new regimen lead me to feel like drinking less, coasting through the evening as the "moderate" drinker I have never been?

    Well, I started off OK, but woke up the next morning with a headache and a video on Facebook of me drunkenly belting out Pat Benatar while slamming Coronas back at a karaoke bar. So much for the magic bullet!

    Wednesday night: Home by myself, downed a bottle and a half of wine and the rest of some slivovice that was in the cupboard.

    Thursday night: Similar to Tuesday.

    Friday night: After-work drinks that were sort of in my honor, so had two martinis there, and then wine at home.


    After one week of "experimentation," I think it's safe to say the L-Glutamine/Kudzu regimen are no "magic bullet of moderation" for me, and it is perfectly possible, if not inevitable, for me to pursue the old habits while taking them.

    I ordered the "Kudzu Rescue" from this site, which arrived today. I plan on substituting that one in to see if I notice any difference. But it does seem like other behavioral changes will be in order....

    Anyhow, thanks for your insights here! I hope this information is useful to people.



    Hello! Experimenting with Kudzu and L-Glutamine....

    Welcome EraserHead,

    I love your name and avatar! I can't answer your questions about the supplements but I'm sure someone will be along soon and share their experience. This is a great site for knowledge and support. It's made such a difference in my life. �� Take care and good luck. You may want to check out the Holistic Healing thread here too.


      Hello! Experimenting with Kudzu and L-Glutamine....

      L-Glut and Kuduz work for me to reduce the craving. I know I can not drink.

      I thought awhile back it would help me cut down as well. All I found was that I did drink less, however, that was because I got drunk much faster. Not a solution for me.


        Hello! Experimenting with Kudzu and L-Glutamine....

        I really think they help a little more when your NOT going to drink - more like fighting off cravings. Once you start drinking I think the Supplements won't have much effect. L-Glutamine is an Amino Acid that helps reduce sugar cravings by affecting the pleasure centers in our brains. Alcohol is a sugar hit straight to the brain. Once you've shot the sugar into the brain - I don't believe the Glut can possibly over ride that hit. BUT - If your NOT going to drink at all - I think it helps satisfy that desire to hit those sugar receptors in our brains.

        I'm not as familiar with how Kudzu works -

        Best to you
        Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

        NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
        AF - July 31, 2013

