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4 Weeks AF Yesterday

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    4 Weeks AF Yesterday

    Hello everyone,

    today was the 4 week mark for me and I've got admit it's been tough. I live in a resort community and everyone I know plans events that are centered around alcohol. I'm in my late 40's with a grade school child and have known I can't handle alcohol for as long as I can remember. 4 weeks ago was a turning point for my fiance' (also an alcoholic) and I that I hate to even look back on but fortunately my family has been very supportive.

    As for my fiance', this route seems to be harder for him than for me. At least weekly he makes a reference to how different things are now and although he says he's glad we quit, I get the feeling he'd be on board right now if I suggested we have a drink. This is largely because he is the fun loving/social butterfly and now that we are new to not drinking we are avoiding all the scenes that involve heavy consumption.

    As for me, I'm back on my health platform and starting to exercise again. I've always been health conscious with the exception of drinking and now that I'm consuming so many less calories I'm enjoying the occasional desserts which I formerly deprived myself of.

    Hopefully my fiance' will stay on board with me as I've told him it is a definite deal breaker for me. I'm finally regaining the respect of my child and that means more than anything else.

    Thanks all for hearing my story and I know it goes without saying that I'm wished the best here.

    4 Weeks AF Yesterday

    Dear Happy, what a great achievement you have made already. We can learn from your success. And yes, welcome!
    Free at Last
    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

    Highly recommend this video

    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


      4 Weeks AF Yesterday


      I love your post you sound very positive.

      Many congratulations on your 4 weeks AF, I know how hard just
      one day is to achieve so you should be very very proud of yourself

      Much love Flossie xx
      Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


        4 Weeks AF Yesterday

        happy good for you keep up the good work

        I have 3 plus weeks up just a bit behind you
        I also have been exercising doing so far 2 lots of 30 min walkng everyday
        I also want to get healthy

