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New in Town

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    New in Town

    Just arrived, actually I've been lurking for a few years. Tried to sign up two days ago, only to realize I signed up over a year ago. I could actually remember my password. Amazing. Haven't had more the a few AF days in over 35 years. Not sure how to start. I guess this is a start. "highly functioning" as they say, but my health is now an issue. Trying to taper.

    New in Town

    Hey Mr V and welcome aboard! I'd like to steer you to 2 spots....both links are in my signature line below. The Newbie's Nest is a great place to get started. It's an active thread and always someone around to lend an ear. Read back a couple weeks or so to get to know us. Also check out the Tool Box. Everything you'd ever want to know about this disease and how to beat it is there. As you will see, it doesn't take long to see dramatic results from getting off this hamster wheel. There are many 30 day accounts of changes that are happening to us as we become AF. I'm so glad you have joined us. If an old drunk like me can get sober, I know you can, too! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      New in Town

      Hey, Mr Vervill,

      Welcome. I love your avatar! I've gotten lots of support on this site. Post questions and thoughts and find people who are living the way you want to live. Follow their posts, maybe PM them. I'm almost into my 7th month sober and I'm living a life I'd never imagined--and I mean that in the best possible way!

      Good luck and good health awaits you!


        New in Town

        :welcome: Mr Vervill

        Great decision to join in the fun here - your one-stop-shop for all your sobriety needs! Look forward to hearing more from you. And please let me know the remembering-your-password trick! :H


          New in Town

          Welcome Mr. V. I am so glad you took the plunge and posted. I was a long-time lurker too. Many wise people here have advised me that lurking never works. They are right! You have to participate in order to heal your life. So you took the first step. Good for you. Hope to see you around a lot. Post often. Talk soon.
          Everything is going to be amazing


            New in Town

            welcome mr v you have come to a good spot and we all know what a difficult decision it is to make and keep it ......keep coming back


              New in Town

              Thanks for the replies all! Might be a day or so before I check back. Working a couple back to back 16 hr days. Just finished one. At least it keeps me out of the bar.


                New in Town

                Welcome to mwo mr V. Hope u find all the support here u want. Bella x


                  New in Town

                  Mr V welcome! I know all about those back to back shifts. I used to drink in between to try to help me settle down and sleep but now I realize my sleep was really adversely affected by AL. Look forward to hearing more from you when time allows.
                  Newbies Nest
                  My accountability thread


                    New in Town

                    There are quite a few new people in the Nest right now, Mr.V. There is strength in numbers! If you haven't done so already, we'd love to have you join us there. The link is below.

                    Stay close and YOU CAN DO THIS!!


                      New in Town

                      Welcome Mr V :hallo:

                      Newbies nest and tool box are the places to go... you got the links. Look forward to seeing you about!


                        New in Town

                        Hello & welcome Mr V

                        When I started out I went right to the Health store here on the site & downloaded the the MWO book (pdf). It's full of good info for you to get started.

                        I think you'll find health issues resolve rather quickly when you remove AL & focus on a good healthy life style

                        Wishing you the best!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          New in Town

                          Thanks, all! Weather just added another day to the workload. Had a few with a co-worker coming back from the job. The work is helping me taper, no time to drink.


                            New in Town

                            Mr. Vervill ~ Hello and Welcome to MWO,

                            'Tis a great site for strength and support. I hope you will find a spot or two where you feel comfortable and gain some friendships to anchor you in. I am also dealing with some health issues, which are still unresolved. But, quitting the drink was essential and I haven't regretted that decision once. Fear can be a great motivator and one that kept me sober during the tempting patches.

                            Settle in and make yourself comfy won't you?
                            All the best, P. :l
                            "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                              New in Town

                              Finally have a little time off. Using it to get some exercise, and eat a little better. A couple of half-miles swims, and 16 miles on my bike over the past few days. It helps keep the urges away, and fills up the time I spend drinking. Still had a few, but working my way down. Afraid of any withdrawal. I tend to get weird heart palpitations. Gone from 8 or more a day down to four. I know moderation isn't the way to go, because I've been doing that for the past ten years or so. Moderation has worked, except the few hundred times it didn't, LOL.
                              Anyway, another bike ride planned today. Hmm, yes that's it, make a plan, stick to it, instead of just finding myself with a drink in my hand. My wife's a drinker too, but she can usually quit after one or two. I know I'll have her support as she can easily go a week or a month with no effort, while begging me to slow down. I'll probably be off to the Nest to check in from here on out. Thanks for the support.

