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Strong urges!!!

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    Strong urges!!!

    I had my last drink on Sunday but I really want to drink tonight. My brain is trying to tell me..."Oh, I can have a glass of wine!" It's a beautiful night, we're going to have a and I just want a glass of wine. Ok, I know I don't want just one but I'm so pissed that I can't just have one!!! So stupid...this stupid addiction is making me so angry. I feel like I'm getting ripped off. I know it's all in my head but it's very strong and very compelling right now!

    Strong urges!!!

    Keep have all the right arguments not to do it. You should be mad at AL if your going to be's just trying to manipulate you. It's a glass of poison...Think about it! Plus tomorrow is day 7! Start week 2 with a Big Bang! Your definatly up for the challenge if not you wouldn't be here. So take the opertunity to collect another "no to al" to your collection


      Strong urges!!!

      Been there myself, just today/tonight. I can't have just one either. It seems unfair. Maybe it is and its a fact I've learned to accept. Even as I sit here I hear the party at the bonfire (its 1am here) and smell the cig smoke...I remember. Always starts off so dreamy and appealing; sexy. And ends in a sloppy mess full of regret! Try and ride it out friend. You won't regret it in the morning. I promise.

      Sending some strength, I hope! P.
      "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


        Strong urges!!!

        Well...I made it through by the skin of my teeth!!! I have 30 plus bottles of wine that I need to get rid of. I was going through them last night telling myself I would just have one glass. But guess what? I wasn't looking for a year, vintage, or particular winery. I was looking at alcohol %!!!! I think that's a pretty strong message for the "Just one" idea!

        Told my husband today that we need to do a house purge and get it all out. I have people that would be glad to have it.

        Anyway...I MADE IT!!! Thanks for the support, it helped!!


          Strong urges!!!

          Sake, whenever I have those romantic (it's not fair) thoughts about AL, I turn my self back to reality by saying....I didn't just drink one cool glass by a river or in a wistful setting...I chugged it out of a box hidden in my closet. I was (and AM) addicted to it. Beware of Euphoric Recall! You did GREAT, I'm so proud of you for fighting that off! Rinse and Repeat!! Hugs! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Strong urges!!!

            you did great sake 123 good for you


              Strong urges!!!

              Thanks so much for the support and good fuel for thought. You're's not a romantic cool glass down by the river. It's a sloppy few hours of drunkenness sure to follow by an afternoon (because I slept all morning) of a brutal hangover waiting to start again! Only crazy people and addicts operate this way. I'm guessing I'm both! LOL!


                Strong urges!!!

                Right Sake!

                It's too bad it can never be one, in a relaxed social setting. Alas it is not to be for us. Just the thought of it makes me laugh. Having one or two never appealed to me. I always wanted more and more and more. So there is really only one answer and that is ZERO

                Good job!


                  Strong urges!!!

                  if I really think about "just one" I realize that will never be enough....Good job Sake!! :goodjob:

