I had come across this sight quite a few months back and had attempted to control my drinking. It was going well for a while, but then the bottom literally fell out. I live in Asia, and had a trip home for Christmas, it was after that time, upon my return, that I have begun to drink WAY more than ever....well, maybe, its hard to say, as times just seem to blur into one large chunk. I have decided again (due to redness in face, smellyness, lack of energy, disinterest in anything other than nightly beers..alone, weight, and a general fear of overall health) to quit drinking. I made that decision 1 month ago, and cannot think of one day I did not have a drink. I am not proud of that, even as I sit with beer in hand. I have a couple of questions.
#1. I am very interested in human behaviour. That said, I would love to know if there is anyone else out there who does this, and why we do it.
NOTE: My family says I self sabotage, which I completely agree to. They, however do not know to what extent - they think it is just relationships. In reality I am a 15year closet smoker, ex (because I'm in Asia, and too afraid of the embarrassment of getting sent to jail) drug conosseuir (sp? no clue), and long time closet 'alone' drinker. This they do not know, and many around me also do not know. For all of my old party friends, I was just the one who couldn't control themselves and always went overboard. In my twenties it was all well and good. Out for a good time, and the good times were fantastic. It seems since I have hit my 30's however, I do it all alone, by choice mind you. I am not happy about that choice.
The thing is, and here is the question. I have spent a lot of time contemplating this issue. It seems I have noticed, that whenever I have an important morning event (and having thought about this, it has gone on forever), those are the times when I will drink more than ever. I will either drudge through the foggyness of the event or will cancel altogether. In the past, this worked. But now as I get older, and I guess the shame I put on myself for doing it alone, I feel guiltier than ever. With this guilt, I do it more than ever. Furthermore, if I am sick, I tend to smoke more. What is this????? Why do I/we do that? Does anyone else do that? And, generally the more important the event, the heavier I will drink and smoke. Why? I am really trying to figure this out, as I assume it is the key to unlocking my destructive behaviour patterns. I would like to know if anyone else does that, and why maybe you do it? Or, did it? How did you correct it?
#2. Although I have tonnes of questions, I will limit it to two. My second question is related to health. Now this I would love a response to. A few months back, I started to have a throbbing above my right knee. Throbbing continued for a few days and then my leg blew up like a balloon. Quite literally. My right leg was 3xs the size of my left. I went to the doc, and he sucked out (I can't remember the exact # of cc's) out of my leg with a syringe. The fluid was a bright yellow (as if you'd just taken a vitamen b...at that time I was not on vitamin b). Due to language barriers, I was just told not to drink while on the medication prescribed. Well what did I do? Not take the medication and kept drinking, two weeks later it happened again. That time they took out quite a large amount of fluid....it was painful, and you'd think it would turn someone away from the drink...but no. (that goes back to my original question re. self sabotage).. So for this, has this kind of thing happened to anyone else? It was almost like they were sucking the beer from my knee. These days my knee is throbbing again, so I am a little worried about having to go back. No inflammation as of yet.
Anyway, just a couple of things, sorry it was so long, I am kind of long winded.
Ohhhh, one more question.
#3. Tonights beers I am hoping will be my last. I have a detox kit (cleansing) that I want to start, so I want to go ten days before I start it. Have any of you tried to cleanse after alcohol. The kit is called Cleanse Smart, it is not intended for alcohol cleansing, it is meant for colon, internal, etc.. but I am just wondering if anyone has tried anything similar, and what results they may have gotten? (I guess this is my crazy way of getting around the doctors, I want to ween myself off alcohol as naturally as possible, NO prescribed medication). I will be going to see an oriental doctor, but as they really don't speak English that well, I am hoping one of you may have some insight

Anyway, sorry for such a long post. I look forward to hearing any feedback.
Kind Regards,