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Feeling Fab !

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    Feeling Fab !

    My Husband and I have had our first "kid-free" weekend (we are a blended family and they were at their other parents house) without drinking one drop of alcohol! Yesterday he said hey we dont have the kids lets go stay at a hotel, we can hang at the pool (its 110 here)have some drinks etc and I told him what was going on with me I found this site Friday, i recognize my problem and cannot drink and to live an AF life and its going to be weird because our activities usually involve alcohol but I have to do it, he was so Happy so warm so supportive and said he feels as I do and that he wants to stop too. so although we are only on day 3, this is longer than we have went in years without having at least one or two bottles of wine or an 18 pack.

    super productive and fun yesterday shopping organizing and getting ready for the week and the kids will arrive home and their parents do not have a hangover !

    thank you for this site, i am checking in on my alcohol tracker as none again today.

    i am taking the Kudzu and am going to try some of the other natural vitamins.

    I would like to know how to sign up for the July roll call daily check in to confirm no drinking, if anyone can direct me of where to go.

    4th of July is historically a HUGE drinking holiday for me, so I am nervous and optimistic that I will celebrate. AF. I am thinking about drinking but just trying to remember how good I feel and that if I drink I wont feel this way tomorrow.

    Thanks all

    Feeling Fab !

    I don't think we've met so hello and :welcome: to you.

    Even after all my time here I still love to see posts like yours. Keep that feeling going, Sparkles.

    Just think to yourselves after July 4th comes the 5th and you two will be waking up on the 5th without sore heads and ready to face the day.

    And don't forget to make a plan to fill the big day itself.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Feeling Fab !

      Sparkles, we will be starting up an Independence Day: AF July ! thread, I found the monthly posting really, really helpful and still really like planning to get through those 30 days one step at a time, please come and join us, we start tomorrow!!!
      On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


        Feeling Fab !

        Just find the Newbies Nest Roll Call thread, cut and paste the current list into a post and add your own name followed by the days AF.

        It is a nice way to keep yourself on track.

        See ya there !!!!
        -S- :whee:


          Feeling Fab !

          Thank you I will look for it tomorrow. My husband told me he thought of drinking like 15 times today. We realize just how many things in this world are sponsored by alcohol, there are even Sunday coupons for alcohol now. grrrrrr.... Im on track for tomorrow. Thank you for your posts and replys I really appreciate the support.
          Good night all.


            Feeling Fab !

            Hi all, so Ive joined the roll call and am on day 6 100% AF (and actually I smoke cigs when I drink and i am Cig free (is that NF?) in any case i do feel really good, cant believe how many more things I can accomplish when I have a clear mind. I LOVE IT! But darn I sure am thinking about a big glass of red wine in my backyard and the 4th of JULY is a huge party day for me, I have got to keep busy tomorrow between the hours of 1pm and when we get to the mall to see the Fireworks, trying to think of ideas of other things to do to get out of the house, cant go to neighbors our neighborhood goes wild on the 4th all kinds of debouchery and i do not trust myself. My kids are going to their dads in afternoon as he always has tons of fireworks, maybe bathing suit shopping, cleaning.... what ! OK I know I will feel a huge sense of accomplishment if i can do this tomorrow.

            Hope all s well out there for everyone today !


              Feeling Fab !

              If only a big glass of red wine wouldnt turn into a bottle (+) of wine and 10 cigs.


                Feeling Fab !

                sparkles143;1527794 wrote: .. what ! OK I know I will feel a huge sense of accomplishment if i can do this tomorrow.

                Sparkles, you CAN
                do it tomorrow and it will be the best Independence day in years!

                Just make the choice and show the strength you've had for the last 6 days.

                Glad you've joined us -- this is the best place to be to get free of this beast.

                All the best to you! NS


                  Feeling Fab !

                  Its going to be harder than I thought :/


                    Feeling Fab !

                    Do you want to talk about it? We are here for the tough times as well as to celebrate successes :l.


                      Feeling Fab !

                      sparkles143;1527935 wrote: Its going to be harder than I thought :/
                      It's going to be hard but it's going to be worth it. AND it will get easier. Believe me, we all had week one. We all had days when it was all we could think about. You're on the right track! Changing up your routines and planning ahead for those trigger moments. Stock up on sweets if it helps. Try some new AF drinks. There are recipes everywhere for AF punch, sangria etc. Please don't give in to AL he is a sneaky bastard and will come up with all kinds of rationale. Keep us in the loop we want to help.
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        Feeling Fab !

                        sparkles nothing good was ever easy just keep focused on one day at a time and you can do it
                        and like they have suggested find your trigger points and also have a collection of sweets on hand they do help


                          Feeling Fab !

                          We are totally screwing up right now ... I know I will feel bad tomorrow we will be back to Day one...


                            Feeling Fab !

                            Yes so we caved, dropped the kids off and bought a big double bottle of wine, we were painting, listening to music. I feel OK but am happy to have woken up with resolve to try again. Onward and forward. Its incredible how great I have been feeling and I dont want to give it all up.


                              Feeling Fab !

                              sorry you caved in but ........look at the bright side you still want to try again and thats great we all have tried many times
                              welcome back ........dust the feet off ......and start again

