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2 months then lost it...

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    2 months then lost it...

    I was here two months ago. I gave up alcohol on the 26th of April.

    I made it to the 24th of June. Then friends from Australia came to visit (I'm in Spain) and - hey presto - I suddenly decided that surely, I could manage a few drinks without a problem.

    I managed a few bottles.

    Then the next day I had a couple of drinks with tapas.

    Made it another week (during which I felt like hell and didn't do a scrap of work, having been working brilliantly for two months) - then broke again two days ago.

    Yesterday a friend pulled me up short and showed me exactly what I've been doing. So no more lies, to myself or anyone else.

    I'm an alcoholic. I have been for over twenty years. I can't do it alone anymore. I'm going to a meeting tonight (the last time I went was twenty years ago). I can't drink moderately, and I can finally see that - all this time I thought that perhaps I could, that this was just a break to give myself some breathing space. The reality is that this bastard thing controls my life if I give in to it. And I can't allow it to anymore - it has stolen too many years and my creativity too many times.

    Thanks for always being here - I should have stayed calling in every day, as you advise. I really can't do this alone.

    2 months then lost it...

    Good decision, NOOR, to stay AF.

    This is a good place to do it - you have already noticed the tremendous support. Reading and then posting is helpful for many people.

    I do hope you will feel not so sick soon and get back your productivity.

    I am on my 3rd and final quit (day 17) after many many years. That after quit sickness is aweful and I never want to feel like that again.

    See ya around the nest.

    -S- :welcome:


      2 months then lost it...

      None of us, Noor, can do this alone: and perhaps that isn't such a bad thing! I make a terribel Solo Act,

      Joining you back on Day one here, Wish I were with you in Spain! :earth:

      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        2 months then lost it...


        Welcome back, Noor!

        Congratulations on your 2 AF months. Now you know you can do it and how much better life is, including being more productive. I think you are a writer???

        Hanging out in the Newbies Nest can really help -- there is strength in numbers and it is a pretty active thread. While that can seem overwhelming, it also help keeps you actively engaged in what for us is going to have to be a life-long process.

        The link is below if you're interested. Hope to see you over there! NS


          2 months then lost it...

          Thanks guys. And yes, No Sugar, I am a writer - which was going brilliantly and on deadline until last week. I am struggling with self flagellation on this one, which although decidedly unhelpful is difficult to avoid. Anyway, the struggle has now entered the book itself, so I suppose there is always an upside :-). I will go to the Nest. You are correct about overwhelming - last time I couldn't really find my way around it.


            2 months then lost it...

            Noor;1526799 wrote: Thanks guys. And yes, No Sugar, I am a writer - which was going brilliantly and on deadline until last week. I am struggling with self flagellation on this one, which although decidedly unhelpful is difficult to avoid. Anyway, the struggle has now entered the book itself, so I suppose there is always an upside :-). I will go to the Nest. You are correct about overwhelming - last time I couldn't really find my way around it.
            Hi, if you go to the last page and then back up a week or so, you can get to know the people who are actively posting. You can respond to a particular post using the quote button in the lower right corner or just respond in general using Post Reply in the lower left corner.


              2 months then lost it...

              Dear Noor,
              May I also suggest you use this thread to chronicle your journal. You may be surprised how, by posting your intentions, challenges, victories, you start to feel accountable to yourself and others. I have found it to be a powerful tool.
              Free at Last
              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

              Highly recommend this video

              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                2 months then lost it...

                Jump back on quickly

                Hi Noor -

                The quicker you just back on this wagon the easier it will be to regain your life. Take it from me .... I had 18 months of AF at one point. ONE night of drinking turned into just short of 4 years ....I drank for 6 months straight and then tried to get free. I had a few AF runs here and there. I just couldn't get it back. I got worse. Of course. I thought my life was bad the first time I quit. Hummmmmmm .... Just when you think things can't get worse .... they can.

                So JUMP ON IN - THANK THE PERSON WHO SNAPPED YOUR HEAD BACK AROUND - and in no time you will be finding your writing and your life improving!

                Together ... we are a FORCE! Alone .... we are a target waiting for AL to HIT.
                Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

                NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
                AF - July 31, 2013


                  2 months then lost it...

                  Hello Noor sorry about relapse but you have learnt something by the experience
                  welcome back .....hey you know how to do 2 months good for you i have to get there yet ...
                  like everyone says we can't do it alone
                  so welcome back


                    2 months then lost it...

                    Noor, just wanted to wish you well. We've all been there and truly do understand this battle.

                    UN :lilheart:


                      2 months then lost it...

                      Noor ,
                      Come over to the thread Independence: An AF July and let's achieve independence from AL for the month of July! I find the monthly threads a great place to post each month, Welcome bck and know we are here to support you!
                      On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                        2 months then lost it...

                        Noor welcome back. You are being honest with yourself, that helps. Being determined helps too. We are all he because we know we just can't drink socially. We need to find better ways to cope, to socialize and to celebrate. One day at a time.
                        Newbies Nest
                        My accountability thread


                          2 months then lost it...

                          how are you going noor
                          keep posting don't loose touch

