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First day.

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    First day.

    I'm a newbie so be patient with me........

    This is my 1st day without a drink and its weird!
    I drink 2 bottles of wine a day, I start at 4 when the kids are home and finish when I go to bed..

    Most of my friends drink at least one bottle, so I thought it was ok.
    But it's not, I feel like crap every day, I have no money, and I have this constant feeling of guilt.

    I've had enough and I'm gonna need some help to get though this.

    At the moment I feel very irritated with a headache. Is this normal? Will it be better tomorrow?
    I could murder a drink right now but I won't

    Anyway thanks for reading,
    Xxx :new:

    First day.

    :welcome: Butterfly, and glad you could flutter by to MWO.

    Of course you could murder a drink. Only natural. But get through tonight and tomorrow you'll wake up thankful. But don't think about tomorrow or the next day - one day at a time is the way to do it.

    Sure, your friends maybe drink a bottle of wine each night - but that's... um... how do I say this.... pretty close to some peoples description of an alkie? I did that - usually between one bottle of wine and what would equate to two bottles (at the weekend, say) each night. Not good. So, i'd say it;s not ok.

    What is awesome though is that you have take the courage and been brave. You've thought about it, considered it and have come to some conclusion or another that has led you here. That is no mean feat - takes a few guts to do that.

    Anyway we are here to help - read around and post lots.Head to the newbies nest and the tool thread - peeps will be along very shortly and will have links to these (NN is in the Just Starting Out section).

    See you around Buttlerfly!



      First day.

      welcome Butterfly,

      Yes this is normal. Try to stay strong throughout today, drink lots of water or hot tea, rest as you need it and stay close here.

      The first 24 hours are the hardest and it only gets better day after day. I agree with Running Courage.

      Head over to the newbies nest there are people in all stages of recovery from day 1 to almost 1000 days. I am on day 7 for about the zillionth time, but this time it is for good. I am tired of day one's, I pray you are too.

      Sending lots of love and prayers your way,
      Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


        First day.

        Hi Butterfly,

        Just wanted to give you some support and let you know that you are not alone. Welcome to MWO!

        You should keep your stomach full, very full, especially around the time that you normally started drinking in the day. This is very helpful.

        If you search for the following, you might find some helpful information:

        Urge surfing
        Witching hour
        Euphoric recall
        H.A.L.T. (hungry, angry, lonely, tired)

        Glad to see you here! :welcome:
        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11


          First day.

          Welcome Butterfly
          check out the newbie nest and the toolbox. You'll see the toolbox link at the bottom of some members' posting (NoSugar and BrydLady come to mind). Good luck to you, stay close by and check in often. It will help you see you are not alone!

          Best to you
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            First day.

            Welcome butterfly
            you have come to a good place and yes you will have withdrawal symptoms
            you may need to check with your doctor for some help also
            just take it one day at a time
            when you have the urge feel free to come here someone will be on line answer and help you


              First day.

              Hi, Butterfly and :welcome:!

              The links to the Newbies Nest and Toolbox are given below -
              just click on them.

              For the Nest, go to the last page for the most recent posts.
              You might want to read back a couple weeks to get to know the people who are posting.

              The toolbox is chock full of tips - You are in the best place to get this done !

