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    Hello All,
    I found this site when doing some research about Antabuse. I?ve read a lot of your posts and was glad to see that this is not a predominantly AA site.
    I?ve been drinking for about 20 years. During the past 5 years it has gotten really bad ? drinking every day. Sometimes I can make it through the work week without drinking but by Wednesday I?m completely focused on getting wasted (12pk/day) on Fri, Sat, Sun. In addition, I have a diagnosis of depression. I know that alcohol does not give my antidepressants a chance to be most effective.
    I don?t work in the summers and down time is not good for me. For the past 5 years I have spent my summers drinking a 12 pk. every day ? ends up being 2 ? months of daily drinking due to my summer vacation. Each year it seems to get worse.
    Finally last week I asked my physiatrist to prescribe Antabuse. I?ve been on it for a week and have not had a drink for 5 days ? this is a record for me. At this point I can really say that I?m feeling much better. The alcohol as caused me to isolate from friends and family. I think this is one of the main thing that has bothered me about me about my drinking. It?s caused me to be alone and that is not good for my depression. I?m not feeling like a ?new man? right now but am definitely feeling better.
    Everyone on this site (I?ve read a ton of posts) genuinely seems nice and well intentioned. I felt as though there were a couple of posts that I wanted to respond to so that?s why I joined today.


    good work on doing 5 days
    just keep posting and reading ..... there's a lot of help and encouragement for you here
    keep it up
    when feeling the temptation come here some-one will talk to you



      Hi JP and welcome

      Well done on your 5 days AF:goodjob:

      You will find tons of help and support right here. Just stick around, read around and post. The Tool box (found in the monthly abstinence section) is full of great ideas and helpful advice to enable you to make a plan. The newbies nest is also great support- lots of folk just starting out like yourself and others who have tred this path before us, full of wisdom, love and humour.

      Hope to see you about,

      Best wishes xx



        Welcome JP.

        Congrats on your five days AF. Awesome!

        Just jump right in, immerse yourself in as much as you can. There are the most amazing folk around this place. You'll get to know them all I'm sure.

        Let us know how/when/if we can help. There is so much support and understanding here that I'm certain someone will have something to say that will resonate with you.

        All the best on your journey!!!
        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
        Mother Theresa



          Hi JP, I'm new here too. Congrats on 5 days AF! I too suffer from depression and know washing down my antidepressants with alcohol wasn't helping. I also distanced myself from my friends, didn't want them to see me at my worst. I'm wishing you the best and hope you find encouragement here as well.



            jp welcome! Good on you for seeing there's a problem and getting it under control. Have you thought about volunteering while you're off work for the summer? Might keep you busy and in the company of others. Keep us in the loop and I will check back here for your posts.
            Newbies Nest
            My accountability thread



              Welcome JP!! Congrats on your 5 days! That is a huge accomplishment in the world of AL abuse!! We have several folks taking Antabuse (AB) in the Newbie's Nest...I haven't checked in there this morning yet, so you may have posted, but if not, it's a great place to get your legs! As you can see, this is a process....we didn't get here overnight and it isn't fixed overnight, but it IS amazing how quickly our bodies repair themselves! Hope to see you in the nest, link is down below, as is the Tool Box! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest

