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Race to the bottom

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    Race to the bottom

    Hi everyone.

    I guess this is Day 1 for me.

    I am not sure when alcohol became a problem. It probably started in college, where despite my very low tolerance, I was always rushing to the bottom of each drink.

    At its worst, living in Korea, I was drinking five nights a week trying to numb the loneliness and shame from a divorce.

    I am much better now that I met my girlfriend, but...

    - I still binge once every month and a half
    - I drink until 4am, or when I go on autopilot and my body somehow gets me home
    - I have been making "detours" on the way home
    - All my "friends" are partyers
    - I drop serious coin, spending more each time to top or match the last experience (don't ask how much... It's crazy)
    - I come from a culture where it's rude not to drink
    - everyone around me tells me I am okay because I don't drink every night

    On the plus side, I am here and am telling people around me that I am on the wagon. Let's hope my friends don't pull me down!

    Race to the bottom

    Figuring it out well first of all congratulations for taking the first big step You've said it out loud. That was a huge hurdle for me. And by telling people around you that you want to stop you are also setting yourself up for success. I also found that people think I don't need to quit. But the bottom line is we know when AL has a hold on us and we know when it's time to stop. Simple, right? Well yes and no. Next comes the physical and mental withdrawal. You can count on people here to help you through it all. One day at a time. We are all struggling with shame, pain, remorse, our past, you name it. We can identify with you and hopefully you can meet like minded people here who can help. Keep posting, keep reading. There are a couple of links at the bottom of my post that you might want to check out. Stay close and again, congratulations!
    Newbies Nest
    My accountability thread

