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    Hello everyone , I have come to the decision to quit drinking for good. I have been drunk now for around 17 years and I'm only 29. Yes I know it's bad. Every single bad thing that ever happened to me has drink behind it . I was drinking daily for a year and got diabetes as it wrecked my pancreas and i got fatty liver disease , I'm doing better now I drink 3 times a week, however when i do drink its alot, talking a full bottle of vodka and wine plus larger. I have Be polar to boot so I really shouldn't be having any. Just last night I drank 2 bottles of schnapps god knows how much wine plus vodka. i was fighting my partners friends and doing really shitty stuff really , I don't care to remember all of it. I guess I'm just saying hello as I will be on here alot this is my first day. Have a trip next week really dreading that but il cope, i have no choice .:new:



    i havent been drunk for 17 years ..i have been drinking for 17 years opps !



      Hi Sara and :welcome:!

      A great place to hang out at the beginning is the Newbies Nest (link below). There are people at all stages of quitting who are ready and willing to help one another. If you haven't seen it already, check out the Toolbox. There are many good tips for success there.

      Weekends often are rather slow. Please don't be discouraged. Perhaps read back a couple weeks in the nest and get to know the people who are actively posting. Or, if someone's post particularly resonates with you, you can search out and read some of their previous posts.

      You've come to a good place!



        Hi Sara and welcome! Like NoSugar says the weekends can be a bit slow here but there is always at least a little activity in the newbies nest. We all have this thing in common here, and we can all get SUPPORT here. Being an alcoholic is one of the loneliest and most miserable fates possible, but there is relief in quitting. It's not always easy at first (nothing wirthwhile is easy), but it is the way out and up for people like us. You will find tons of good TOOLS in the toolbox. We are all pulling for you here.
        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
        AF 11/12/11



          welcome Sara
          there is alsways some one her to talk just keep coming back

