Well....here is my vacation story....please hand in there with me if I ramble. Left for vacation last Saturday. Had a wonderful flight. Got to our destination had a wonderful lunch with AF beverages. Went to the store to get our weeks worth of supplies and then my Husband goes to the liquor store where he picks up the wine for the week THAT HE HAS ALREADY PAID FOR ONLINE! Anyway, I wasn't too worried at the time, although I kept thinking that it was an awful lot of wine and a waste since I wasn't going to be drinking. Well, by the second day, all my good intentions went out the window.
I don't know how to explain this, except to say that I drank even though I really didn't want to. It was already paid for and I kept thinking "what are we going to do with all of this?" Anyway, toward the middle of the week, I was getting really irritated by the whole thing. I didn't want to drink anymore and didn't know what to do. I called the liquor store where we purchased the wine and asked if it could be returned. They said yes.....I boxed up what was left and put it in the closet and we returned it on our way back to the airport on Saturday.
I now understand what people mean when they talk about drinking when you really don't want to. I am glad I understand this because it will help me in the future. It's stupid! So, I am considering today, Day 1 again. I thought maybe the whole counting thing wasn't a good idea but I feel like I need some major time under my belt.
So....no more vacations planned, nothing to potentially derail me and I feel good to go. I am glad to be home and to get back on track.