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New Here and Stopped Drinking

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    New Here and Stopped Drinking

    I found this site as I have been reading up on alcohol withdrawls, Its been day 3 with no booze for me. This has been torture. sweating hot to cold. cold to hot, have not eaten for 3 days. The worst has to be the shaking. I am trying not to go to the ER. I already have been there many times. It seems there tired of seeing me as they act very rudely. Little bit about me. I am 41 years old and have been drinking since I was 17. Just minor then a divorce a few years back, led to very heavy drinking. Almost a full handle of whiskey a day. Usually a fifth of whiskey a night until 3 days ago. I have been reading up on all the posts. Everytime I eat anything the shakes get even worse. I need to stop, Thought about just saying F it and going to go buy some more booze just to curb this pain.

    New Here and Stopped Drinking

    Hi, Mike

    I don't know much about what you are going through but I did find this link: How To Taper Off Alcohol
    and this MWO thread:

    I hope there is some good information for you.

    I would think the worst is behind you but if it does get worse, perhaps you should go to the ER this one last time. This sounds bad enough that you'll want to not ever have to do it again.

    As soon as you're feeling like it, please come join the Newbies Nest. The link is given below.


      New Here and Stopped Drinking

      Thanks for your reply. I did try the taper method before using beer. I needed atleast 8 beers just to stop the shakes and I would feel just as worse the next day. Almost like moderation. Tried that. Lasted a day then went back to full blown drinking. The ER look at my file like they did last time and said "we cant do anything for you, your still too drunk" all They give me is a 3 days worth of benzos and those really don't help for the 3 days . I still shake after. Ive done a 21 day rehab and lost my wife, came home to an empty house. She would not even accept my phone calls. Right back to drinking and rehab was non helpful. I stayed mostly in a room for 21 days. Sometimes we would have group meeting to talk for 20 minutes. Need to do this on my own.


        New Here and Stopped Drinking

        I'm sorry you are in such a struggle right now. As I said, I think the worst should be behind you. Perhaps someone with more experience in this will come along soon. Also, you might try posting here: Need Help ASAP! - My Way Out Forums.


          New Here and Stopped Drinking

          Hello Mike
          sorry about your condition but have you tried going to a different doctor or er ....sorry don't know how you do it in america
          but we can change to different ones to find one you like
          I don't know anything about the drugs for alcohol nor do I know about rehab...but why not go to AA they won't turn there back on you matter how many times you have tried ......and they may very well have the answers for you on meds and doctors etc
          thinking of you ....hope it does get better but it will be slow ......sorry
          just keep posting here to help you along the way .......have a good day


            New Here and Stopped Drinking

            My doctor just tells me to go to the ER. The other closest ER is 20 miles away. I am way to shaky to too even try to bring myself there. Since I haven't eaten, I am extrememly fatiqued. Just everytime I try to eat something and It just makes me even shake more. I usually could get over a hangover in a day. Just been drinking water and Gatorade. Luckily I have a friend who stops by and can bring me fluids. Too shaky to even get up. I am glad I found this website since I keep reading and there is some good useful information. The cravings are the worst. since I know some more booze would help but then its another bottle and another and another. The stupid things I have done while I was drinking make me want to drink even more. This sucks


              New Here and Stopped Drinking

              hi mike,quit worrying about the stupid things in the past,youll only get stuck in a rut with that thinking,so you just quit cold turkey 3 days ago? in my experience the first 3 or 4 days are the worst,by day 5 youll feel a ton better,but everybody is different,just try and drink your fluids and get some rest,the shakes are a bitch but compared to what can happen in some withdrawals theyre a small thing,if it gets really bad,racing heart,hallucinations etc,get to e.r quick they cant turn you away if it gets that bad,i wish you the best,keep checking in,also welcome to mwo
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                New Here and Stopped Drinking

                Hi Mike, my advice, hang in there 3 whole days is massive and you are doing it! From here on the detox should get easier. Be kind to yourself and look after yourself. By this I mean, RELAX dont panic or fret, drink loads of water and gatorade, take some panadol, wrap up warm. By relaxing and being less anxious you may get some sleep which will make you feel a whole lot better. Also take magnesium tablets and a multi-vitamin. Be proud of how far you have come and carry on. You WILL get through it but just take it hour by hour and dont worry about tomorrow as tomorrow is going to happen anyway! Lastly, you are NOT alone and we are all here with our own stories and battles. Kick that booze up the arse!! lol
                Pink xx
                HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                  New Here and Stopped Drinking

                  Thanks for the help. This time I am trying my hardest. I think it is getting easier. Its the thinking of the past that makes me want to pick up that bottle and stop the emotional pain. What I have been reading is that it should go away soon even the emotional feelings. I hope since this was around all the days Ive tried I went and bought a bottle.


                    New Here and Stopped Drinking

                    Each day should get easier and the side effects should go soon too.
                    HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                      New Here and Stopped Drinking

                      Hi Mike, How are you doing today? I'm in MA too. Please get some lemon water into your system, and some broth. Have you tried dry toast and weak tea? Your body is being assaulted right now and you are at your weakest, physically and mentally. Is there an Adcare Hospital near you? They have outpatient as well as inpatient. If you are anywhere near Central MA there is one in Worcester. If you are not familiar with them, they only treat addiction. You do have to keep hydrated at the very least-even if you feel it makes you feel worse. Medical intervention may be necessary if your symptoms don't seem to abate. If you haven't been drinking for 3 days I don't see how they can turn you away.

                      We have a saying here, ODAT. One Day At a Time. Also, stinkin' Thinkin' can be your downfall so like everyone is telling you, try not to dwell on the past right now. You can do that later in a constructive way when you feel stronger.
                      Please visit the Tool Box if you haven't already. It is invaluable and can get you through the first week and beyond.
                      Please check in soon so we can continue to help you.
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        New Here and Stopped Drinking

                        Thanks for the info pamom. I don't live close to there. closer to the suburban Boston area. I been trying to find other hospitals close by where a friend can take me. These shakes are painful and just bothersome. I been to the same hospital for the same thing 8 times and the last time. This was was a doctor I never seen before, was just really cruel and said "your still drunk, we tested your blood. you need to get into a rehab, we cannot do anything for you" Just hoping it will get better, I tried to drink a boost type drink, I and sorry for saying this have been having diarehea ever since. I think I will try the toast .heard its good at absorbing the alcohol. Something in my mind says all this pain can go away with buying another bottle. I hate that voice in my head. The posts I have been reading are becoming very helpful.


                          New Here and Stopped Drinking

                          Hi Mike-please don't turn to the bottle!! It will just make everything worse, not better! There is an Adcare hopiital outpaitient clinic in Boston and Quincy. Can you make it to either one of them? They also offer detox. Here is the link: Outpatient Treatment for Alcoholism & Drug Addiction | Massachusetts-Rhode Island

                          If you can't or won't go, please do the lemon water, not the gatorade, get some toast into you and bananas. The gatorade is quiet possibly giving you the runs. Or you could try some pedialyte-it's a little bit gentler than gatorade. Once you get over the withdrawal, with or without help-and I strongly recommend help of professional alcohol counselors, doctors, you will feel much stronger to start your recovery. Unfortunately you have to get through this stage first. Please think about contacting Adcare.
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            New Here and Stopped Drinking

                            I agree with pap mom 3 it will be worse if you do go for that bottle
                            Just keep trying to find the right doctor.......we all sometimes meet those idiot specialist that should know better ....... I remember when my triplets were only 3 mths old and I went to a chemist and asked for multi vitamins for infants and he handed me this small bottle and I said I needed a larger one as I had triplets.....his reply I had twins there 18mths old and they broke up my marriage I ask you what sort of help was that for all he knew I could have been very easily suffering from post natal depression or totally not coping...... I got the bottle and never went back to that chemist again he was a total idiot ......fancy blaming babies for his marriage break up
                            sorry I rambled off then but please don't go and get that bottle it's just not worth it ......and the doctor you saw was an idiot he's suppose to be there to help.....not critise

