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Are you kidding me?

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    Are you kidding me?

    Halfway - I've only just read your thread but you sound like you are doing so well.

    Awareness, IMO, is key to beating this in the long term. Sounds like you are becoming aware.

    Keep it up. Stay strong and live life


      Are you kidding me?

      halfway content;1544120 wrote: Thanks, halo. I am doing well. Just came back from a weeklong family reunion and there was lots of drinking. It felt great to be sober! I do have an occasional glass of wine with dinner but the thrill is gone. I am not drinking to get drunk anymore. Thank God! Glad to read you are still AF. Good for you!
      Hi, Halfway Content

      That is really interesting that an occasional glass of wine doesn't lead to more. I think that is what so many of us wish, or used to wish, would be the case.

      Is it difficult to decide when or when not to have a glass?

      All the best to you, NS


        Are you kidding me?

        NoSugar;1544141 wrote: Hi, Halfway Content

        That is really interesting that an occasional glass of wine doesn't lead to more. I think that is what so many of us wish, or used to wish, would be the case.

        Is it difficult to decide when or when not to have a glass?

        All the best to you, NS
        Exactly what I was going to note on. That one beer, over time, tells my brain it is okay and inevitably leads to a binge eventually, whether it be a week or a month.


          Are you kidding me?

          Hi, nosugar,

          I do feel lucky that I can have a glass of wine and leave it at one glass. Probably the reason I can do that is I tend get headaches from drinking wine so I keep that in mind. I know that I could not do that with vodka. One sip and I am in big trouble. There is a ton of liquor in the house right now, but no vodka.

          You doing okay?


            Are you kidding me?

            Sorry, I didn't answer your question about choosing to have a glass of wine or not. So far, it has been at weddings or a situation which involves a toast. For example, at a recent family reunion there was a toast for an engaged couple so I had a glass of wine. Later in the evening I had my sparkling water but accidentally picked up a cup that had straight vodka in it. I didn't drink it and I wasn't even tempted. There are times when the cravings and temptations come roaring back but I just try to remember why I quit drinking vodka. Nasty stuff.


              Are you kidding me?

              I guess wine is the main problem for so many of us here, it didn't even occur to me that there is someone who can take it or leave it . For me, that is beer. There generally is some in our refrigerator and it means nothing to me. I realize that for others, that would be a huge temptation. Good job on staying away from the vodka .


                Are you kidding me?

                Good job HW, I can certainly relate to all the posts here! and NS I too have a fridge full, my husband drinks, so far it doesn't bother me, but my fear is someday it will, but I will try my best to stay strong, far to many of those God awful day ones for me!
                You made it home HW without it and that's a HUGE step!
                Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


                  Are you kidding me?

                  Yeah, I can use a cold beer in the hotel refrigerator as an ice pack for a burned wrist (as I did last night) and wouldn't think of opening it. But champagne or wine, that would be another story. Fortunately, they only stack the fridge here with beers, or should I say ice packs. Good for you, Halfway, for staying so focused on your goal.
                  Free at Last
                  "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                  Highly recommend this video

                  July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                    Are you kidding me?

                    Thanks, free. Just writing about my daily struggle with vodka makes me want one thing.
                    You guessed it- vodka! But I will get through the tough hours tonight, remember the lost hours, and focus on tomorrow. I have made it this far...


                      Are you kidding me?

                      Keep up the good work halfway, remember how great it feels to be hangover free!
                      On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                        Are you kidding me?

                        Keep going Hallway, you have come so far, right?

                        I'm not giving in to that nasty beast tonight or tomorrow. Can't think much beyond that, but am happy to be determined to wipe AL's backside for the next two days.
                        Free at Last
                        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                        Highly recommend this video

                        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                          Are you kidding me?

                          Thanks, free. You know if I am posting that I am feeling fragile. I just came from our local health food store and right in front of the store was a gathering of people and a beautiful spread of fruit and cheese and an assortment of wine to taste. I stopped by and had a piece of cheese, but passed on the wine. Another victory but I still felt rather sad. But it is a gorgeous evening and I will be sober tonight and feel refreshed tomorrow.

                          TGIF everyone!


                            Are you kidding me?

                            Hi, KellyC,

                            Welcome to MWO. Read and post is my advice! Some people journal their road to recovery, others just read. I do a little of both. MWO has helped me enormously with facing a new life. A better life!



                              Are you kidding me?

                              halfway content;1544616 wrote: Thanks, free. You know if I am posting that I am feeling fragile. I just came from our local health food store and right in front of the store was a gathering of people and a beautiful spread of fruit and cheese and an assortment of wine to taste. I stopped by and had a piece of cheese, but passed on the wine. Another victory but I still felt rather sad. But it is a gorgeous evening and I will be sober tonight and feel refreshed tomorrow.

                              TGIF everyone!
                              Good job! Delayed satisfaction/gratification is pretty critical to our success, isn't it? I sometimes have to actually think about the intensity and duration of how I will feel tomorrow when I come upon something unexpectedly like you did this evening: a couple hours of "fun" laced with guilt vs. being truly happy and proud in the morning and eager for the day. Glad you made the right choice .

                              I hope you have a nice weekend - :h NS


                                Are you kidding me?

                                Morning Halfway (my auto correct may change this to Hallway, sorry if it does),

                                AL has a way of creeping into our thoughts anytime it thinks in can make an inroad. I know that when I have been away from MWO (usually due to travel or poor internet connection), my resolve is weakened and, in the past I have caved in and had a drink (or 2, 3, 4, the bottle).

                                The other week, I decided that making a commitment to read several threads a day and post was my way of going to "meeting" once a day since I can't possibly be a regular in-person meeting attendee. I think part of the reason people who have achieved months, even years of sobriety, are regular contributors to MWO is because it helps them stay focused on the benefits of a sober life.

                                Stay close, friend, and we are here to encourage and support you in your journey.
                                Free at Last
                                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                                Highly recommend this video

                                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

