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    New today

    Hi all,
    I'm new here today and just starting TSM. Just took my first dose (half dose 25mg) Naltrexone until I sort out any side effects. Just to introduce myself, I'm 67 years old, started drinking when I was 15. Got sober in AA at 27, drank 1 time, overnight. at 30, then stayed sober for the next 32 years. Started drinking again about 5 years ago.
    Two arrests, one DUI since then and progressively deteriorating. My goal is complete
    abstinence, totally AF as soon as possible. My plan, as it exists now, is Naltrexone along with a systematic reduction in alcohol intake, nutritional supplements, probably hypnotherapy and exercise.

    We'll see.

    New today

    Hi Finnean :welcome:

    32 years of sobriety - that's commendable! Sorry for your recent issues, but glad you found MWO. It has helped many of us here. Stay close.

    You might also want to check out UK Blonde. I believe she has had success with The Sinclair Method (Nal). There's also a med thread where she posts mostly:

    Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums

    Best to you,


      New today

      Welcome Finnean!

      I won't offer any advice but loads of good wishes and strength on your journey.

      This place has unlimited support, advice and history. Immerse and ye shall enjoy the rewards!

      Start posting, planning and participating - then repeat....

      Your goal can be reached, it may not be easy but so very worth the effort.

      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
      Mother Theresa


        New today

        Yesterday, Day 2. Took the first full dose of naltrexone 50mg. Then drank the usual pint of 100 proof vodka plus a little wine all on an empty stomach. Didn't eat dinner. Today I feel somewhat spacey and tired. The thought of drinking is repulsive right now. Good. The goal is AF ASAP, but I have to manage the detox. Doc gave me some lorazepam. We'll see...........


          New today

          How is your detox going? When do you think you will have completed it? Hope you have a good day today.
          New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


            New today

            Days 3 & 4 took 25 mg nal. This stuff is amazing. Alcohol has no appeal whatsoever. It's like turning off a switch. I'll start a methodical detox today, reducing alcohol intake by as much as possible each day. Started with pre-naltrexone baseline (8 oz 100 proof vodka) yesterday. It was a chore to drink that much; I just didn't want it. I'll plan on 6 oz 100 proof tonite-if I even need that much. Haven't experienced any withdrawal symptoms yet.


              New today

              Welcome Finnean and keep posting and reading


                New today

                How are things?

                Hi Finnean,
                How are you getting on with nal? How is your detox going so far? ...well I hope,
                New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!

