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7 Days Sober Challenge..

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    7 Days Sober Challenge..

    WE 7 weeks, you must be so proud of yourself!! Congrats!!
    HG just think this is for your health and well being and when hubby sees how well you are going, you will inspire him!
    Neddy and Fluff, we are doing this!! I'm staying close, I choose happiness!!!!


      7 Days Sober Challenge..

      OK, reading these posts, I am thinking this crowd might do well with one day first, then two....there are a ton of issues here....each of us has a truckload, that is why we are here...I believe. The book, "The Heart of Addiction" is spot on for me.

      So, here is how it went for me tonite: Driving home from work around 6 pm knowing the 2 guys at my house will want an 'organized dinner', and because we are headed on vacation in a few days, the cupboards are bare...not really, but you know. So, I think I will stop and get some burger, its hot, grill some, hub & I can have salad....etc.,...I get in the store and think, "Tomorrow starts vacation (after some work) so I could have a little wine to ease into I buy a bottle along with the hamburger (I know at this point in my wine days, I will drink the whole bottle tonite - I always do, lately).

      So, I can do 2 days AF in a row, feel great, think I might go AF forever because it will feel great, then a next day comes and I cave....easily...not committed, just testing it, right?

      I said ok to this 7 day thing, knowing I am going on first vacation in 3 years Saturday...and I should not have done that....or maybe I just should have kept my word......hmmm



        7 Days Sober Challenge..

        It's so easy to find an excuse Hidden but if there's one thing I know, it's not worth beating yourself up over!! You just end up in bed suffering anxiety and self hate!!!
        I can only practise 1 day at a time right now and I am not going to be mad at myself, it's pointless!! You sound like you have gotten yourself down, take it a day at a time, breath deeply, think happy thoughts and get back on track.


          7 Days Sober Challenge..

          I'm with 3Ls on this one Hidden. It's not worth beating yourself up over. Don't fall in to that trap of self-hate and self-loathing. A trap is just that. Designed so that you never escape. Chalk it up to experience, don't let it get you down and take 3Ls advice - "think happy thoughts and get back on track"

          Wishing you all the best for a great holiday.

          "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

          Newbies Nest:



            7 Days Sober Challenge..

            Thanks, guys. Sorry if hijacking this thread which is about going 7 days. Not beating myself up really, I just wanted to join the group because it seemed like 'a fit'; but, should have known to wait with something like that until after my vacation. That's the lesson and I am moving on. Its AF today and tomorrow, and perhaps the next, but I know there will be wine at dinner while vacationing, so that will be. I haven't yet planned on going AF forever, I just know I need to keep track, cut down, and if I can't do that, its AF down the road.

            So I will stay here, cheering on and adding my AF days as they happen. Thanks for the support and holiday will be first in a few years and first ever as work benefit. Taking my family (2 adults kids & me hub) to a nice lake cottage for a week. I am one of these 'workaholics', too, so excited to take a break.


              7 Days Sober Challenge..

              come on you guys we can do this


                7 Days Sober Challenge..

                Yes, we can!!! AF today here....and continuing


                  7 Days Sober Challenge..

                  good for you hidden ......brush the dust off and start again ....get back on the horse we are here for you and will join you in your journey ......come on 7 days we can do it


                    7 Days Sober Challenge..

                    How are we all going today?? I'm 7 days �� albeit a bit messy but getting help and working through issues, one day I will help someone I here and give them support ������
                    Been out of action a few days so I'm going to catch up now and see what everyone's been up to!! Hope all is well!

