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What triggers you to drink again?

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    What triggers you to drink again?

    For me I know I have to be conscious of what the triggers are that make me want to drink.

    I had a challenge last night as I don't work on Fridays so Thursday nights are "my Fridays". In the past (as a week-end binge drinker) I would always look forward to the week-end when I could drink again. On Fridays my boys are in school but they're off today (Good Friday). So, in essence it was like a real week-end. Didn't have to get up early to help them get ready, drive them, etc. My husband made the statement "It's your WEEK-END" and what a trigger that was! I wanted to pop open a bottle of wine then and there. I fought the urge and didn't do it. But it got me thinking...what are other people's triggers?

    Do you drive by a familiar bar - do you have a drinking friend that calls? What triggers you and is there anything you can do that helps you, e.g. take a different road if the one you take goes by your favorite haunting ground.

    Just curious...
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

    What triggers you to drink again?

    Eve, I understand. It's a cold day here. (Funny My Mom always says Easters are cold and wet she's been right as long as I can remember). But a fire in the fireplace, good book or movie and soft music can intice me to wineville for the day. But mostly my triggers are stress related.The previous ones I mentioned were more romance related, at least my idea of romance. The stress My daughter and I not speaking, not seeing my Grandson. And Heaven help me My in-laws. They drive me to distraction. Those stress ones are my biggest triggers. I have OCD and tend to take on the worlds problems not a good idea for a problem drinker.
    Enjoy your lovely family and have A Blessed weekend
    Stay strong


      What triggers you to drink again?

      Eve, by the way my father in law wants us to buy them a house in Sedona Az. Want to take them on? He's a trigger for sure!!! He would give your beautiful avitar wrinkles!!


        What triggers you to drink again?

        Mar, Wow, you hit the triggers on the head for me. My big trigger is - kind of - in law related - it is my son's girlfriend - a potential in law. She sends me round the bend and once I am there I have trouble moving back in to safe territory.

        I am also OCD - It probably makes other people crazy more than it bothers me these days.

        Right now I am trying to work on what I can change in Me -so I can get on better - or be less stressed by - my son's girlfriend.... more patience, more forgiving, more accepting of differences... I guess I need it all.


          What triggers you to drink again?

          Hi Eve, Mar and Rivergirl,

          Yep my triggers are mostly stress related too. Stress as a result of not managing my emotions (.....or not acknowlegding them). Stress from going off-balance in my life and reacting too late to do something about it other than drink.
          2 weeks or so before my period I tend to want to down drinks with alarming speed too.

          Wow, there are soooo many. But I guess the way forward is to realise what is happening in the lead up to the trigger and do something different that will enable a healthier outcome than just reaching for the bottle.


          Sober since 30/06/10


            What triggers you to drink again?

            Good Food... being out at a restaurant or cooking up a gourmet meal makes me want to pair it with a wonderful bottle of wine... or 2 or three...

            Headaches also drive me to drink. Sometimes there is not enough Tylenol, IB, etc to drown it, so I reach for a bottle for temporary relief.... but then pay BIGTIME the next day when it's worse!

            I am sure there are other triggers, but those are two biggies for me.

            "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


              What triggers you to drink again?

              My "phony -in -laws"...each & every one of them.....
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                What triggers you to drink again?

                I am such the complete opposite here and I find that fascinating. Stress and depression tends to make me not want to drink. I drink more when life is great, good things are happening, the sun is out, good music is on the radio, a good meal, that sort of thing. Maybe I should be more depressed???
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  What triggers you to drink again?

                  Lushy, Seabreeze and Scoots,

                  Yeah I could go for all of those triggers too actually. Good times, bad times, tired times, exciting times etc etc.


                  Sober since 30/06/10


                    What triggers you to drink again?

                    boredom and feeling lonely

                    kind of how I feel today :upset:


                      What triggers you to drink again?

                      Mostly body pain and emotional stress triggers those responses. I have to fight them both. I win on the emotional triggers almost all the time anymore. I have the biggest fight on the physical pain. Just want it to end!

                      Lisa I am sorry you feel like that today! {{{{{{{ hugs }}}}}}}}


                        What triggers you to drink again?

                        triggers..most of the above, but lately it's just been 'breathing'...*sigh*


                          What triggers you to drink again?

                          I want to drink now....
                          Control the Mind


                            What triggers you to drink again?

                            Rocky, you ok?


                              What triggers you to drink again?

                              Thanks for your concern Dilayne,

                              Too involved to get at right now..but for some reasons my emotions are all haywire...feel like a failure about some things from a long time ago, had just touched base with some associates from 25 years ago, and they are all successfully doing what I had tried to do and failed...and so on...
                              Control the Mind

