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What triggers you to drink again?

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    What triggers you to drink again?

    hang in there know by now how I think about things....I believe that sometimes our 'failures' can be our greatest successes, if we learn from them, and often our greatest 'perceived' successes can be our worse spiritual failures...I know, it doesn't really make one feel any better, and such things can certainly be big triggers. I think you are a great success by being here and giving like you do..(((hugs)))


      What triggers you to drink again?

      Dilayne...Thanks so much...
      Control the Mind


        What triggers you to drink again?

        Rocky, sorry you feel like that. Here you are no failure.

        My triggers: Beaches, sunshine, relaxation and extreme stress. When I get really excited about something whether it be a good excited or bad excited I want to drink. What I mean is for some reason when my heart starts racing because of emotions, whatever they are, I think of drinking.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          What triggers you to drink again?

          Rocky............ Failed by whose standards???? Not mine, ours or anyone who really matters ??

          Reading your posts give me so much hope, perhaps reading back through your own threads/posts will help you get back to where you were. Come on Rocky, think there must be 'something in the air' just now for all my heroes, for example, popeye 'fell' last week - another inspiration to me/us.

          Erm, this just came to mind so I am going to type it, my apologies to you if you feel it inappropriate. " And the Lord said - Ah my Child, when you saw just one set of footprints, that is when I CARRIED YOU".

          Lorna xx
          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            What triggers you to drink again?

            My triggers are stress and definitely boredom.



              What triggers you to drink again?

              Triggers.....Sometimes stress in the family. But mostly over things that are far out of my control but still very painful. When I see a marine who is missing a side of his face and a couple of limbs and I think that could have been my son. Or I see pictures of Iraqi orphans in the hospital and I think "that could have been my son." War is hell. And I have a hard time dealing with it. And so does my son. And so do thousands upon thousands of Americans. And this is what makes me drink sometimes. Because I have a hard time dealing with it. I don't know how to deal with it. Getting much, much better, though. We all are. Through no help of the military who has a reluctance to acknowledge the existance of PTSD. Hmmmm.....wonder why?
              Oh well, the purpose of this thread was to identify what triggers us to drink. War. War in general. My tax dollars in general. My only son's involvement in particular. What it has done to him, and what he has done to others. Yeah, it makes me want to drink. A lot.


                What triggers you to drink again?

                teenage kids who won't do and won't listen- hence a lving mess i just cannot get on top of. two jobs and the feeling that i just have to drink when i do not have to go to work the following day. it controls the urge to freak out when no one listens or cares- now i'm going too deep!


                  What triggers you to drink again?

                  You are here and posting that's great. We all care because we are in the same situation trying to beat this alcohol problem. Read the thread about the swimming pool by Irishlady it puts everything in perspective.
                  Kids are stressful I have three and one who has autism. I have learned that is no reason to drink to oblivion. Actually it's more of a reason to stay in control.
                  I wish you the very best. Keep posting and reading. Order the book if you haven't already.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    What triggers you to drink again?

                    When I am angry or disapointed. My anger and wine and wow it is fire around the place


                      What triggers you to drink again?

                      I drink to get away and to try to ignore my problems, and my feelings. Those of you who have a supportive spouse are so very fortunate. Those of you who don't know exactly what I mean.


                        What triggers you to drink again?

                        I generally drink to excess with friends-like I never want the party to end. Then the whole cycle of drinking every day to relax after work.


                          What triggers you to drink again?

                          Me its a couple of things:

                          Like you mdianeo, there is nothing like getting home after a hard day's work, trying to relax and have that ONE cocktail, then that becomes two cocktails before dinner, then 3 , 4 then oblivion.
                          Or the other is there is nothing like a refreshing cold beer after a game of squash. What's the harm, one has to replace the fluids right? Again one leads to 2 ,to 3 to 4 then oblivion. Same on a nice hot day out on the golf course ...
                          What about peer pressure? "Hey, lets have one more beer before we go!", next thing its closing time.
                          I have to develop self control.


                            What triggers you to drink again?

                            For me it's usually a long, rough day at the office, full of meetings. I spend so much time in meetings that I am hardly ever at my desk to do my job. I just go to meetings and get more work. Corporate America stinks. I sit there and think "I'm going after an MBA for this??" I'm lucky if I leave the office by 6 or 6:30. My kids are usually waiting on me to pick them up from practice, I still have to stop by the store, or the cleaners, or for gas, etc....go home to make dinner, help them with homework, start the laundry, do my own homework, and a lot of times I have brought work home from the office as well. This leads me back to my original post about my family telling me that I have too much on my plate, that if I don't have some sort of vice that I might just have a heart attack before the age of 35, and that 2-3 glasses of wine a night is no big deal. I don't have a problem stopping at 3 glasses (which I drink over a 4-5 hour period). I don't even have a problem having one or two when I go out. It's the thought that I feel like I NEED a drink after a rough day. I've only been drinking daily for about 6 years. Prior to that, it was here and there. I'm italian and having wine with dinner has always been something that my family did. Nobody thinks anything about it. On the weekends, my husband and I like to go out and have a good time, but really, I could take it or leave it most of the time. I seem to have a very high tolerance for alcohol-which amazes most people because #1-I'm a woman, #2-I'm 5'6' and 150 pounds, and it's a running joke that I can drink most men under the table. There are times when we'll be out and someone will tell me that I can't drink, and my husband will tell them that they obviously don't know me very well, because I can certainly hold my own. Others who know me shake their heads and tell whoever is challenging me that they really don't want to do that. Bottom line, I'm usually the life of the party-drinking or sober-but when we are out with friends, it seems that I wind up with 3-4 drinks in front of me that someone has bought. Landsharkman-ditto. It's easy to say I'll have one more and then close the bar down.
                            "There is a difference between interest & commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results."


                              What triggers you to drink again?

                              I don't neeed much trigger to have an excuse, the fact that the sun is out is enough. I will work on triggers to not drink!:nutso: :nutso:


                                What triggers you to drink again?

                                PMS, boredom, stress, good times, bad times, fun times, parties, get-togethers, holidays, vacations, sunshine, rain, and on some days - just being awake.
                                :rays: mdb :rays:

                                Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                                Lots of work yet to do!

