June, you're doing so well - I don't think you've relapsed at all. I appreciate your input.......and thanks for posting about your experience here.
ML, our paths are so similar. I wish we could keep each other on track. Here is a question for you. Do you think posting on MWO helps you put together chunks of AF time? Neither of us has made that mental leap from deprivation to gratitude and we've both been on the site a long time. I think Free and Alls have. Why haven't we? I'm just wondering if I should take a break from MWO, then come back, say, monthly and post "yes" or "no" on my success.
Thoughts anyone? I'm just trying to think of something different to do. It seems like posting here isn't getting results for me. But, then would NOT posting help or hurt? Just trying to think outside the box.
Having said all that, though,..........Lifechange, I would stay here if it helped anyone else. But I can't possibly post advice when I'm not able to keep my own shit together if ya know what I mean
Open to suggestion..............
