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Well, That Didn't Take Long

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    Well, That Didn't Take Long

    Hey Everyone,

    I don't have much new to post about today. I'm having some anxiety about my upcoming move, but I'm handling it - mainly affects my sleep. I wake up at 3:30, have to pee, and then the mind starts churning. So, I'll be a little tired today with only six hours, but ill be ok. Not even in the same realm as a non-sleeping night due to alcohol.

    R4, hope you are ok and can post today.

    NS how are things on your end?

    You know, I was thinking as I was reading posts by new people much of a process this is. I see that I am way down the road in this struggle (and I mean that in a good way). I truly believe I won't succumb again. I noticed that Sunbeam (who has a year) has been at this since 2008. It made me feel so much better to realize that her struggle had not been easy, yet she has finally achieved a year. She was kind enough to point that out. It gives me great hope to know that! ML, you mentioned a day or so ago...if we can just hang on and get a year, we should be home free (not saying we won't have to be vigilant, but we will be in a good place and reluctant to squander our hard-earned success).

    Life Change, Free, Pinecone, Quest, and anyone else stopping by today.....hope all is well! And if not......that you'll be comfortable enough to talk about it here!

    UN :lilheart:


      Well, That Didn't Take Long

      Unwasted;1551472 wrote:

      NS how are things on your end?

      Thank you for asking ! I am feeling much better. It is amazing how even just writing about how you feel can take a weight off. We are having company (who will be bearing wine... ) for the first part of the week and then I have about 5 days of travel for work. So, challenges loom but I sure have found that the more of those you face and come out the other side AF, the stronger and more determined you feel about this whole business.

      Once you go to one of those dinners at others' homes that are worrying you, UN, and successfully turn down a drink and find that it doesn't ruin your (or anyone else's evening), I bet you will feel so much better! My first business trip loomed as a really big deal for me and although it had its uncomfortable moments, I'm really not afraid of business trips anymore!

      You know, I was thinking as I was reading posts by new people much of a process this is. I see that I am way down the road in this struggle (and I mean that in a good way). I truly believe I won't succumb again.
      After you drank the last 2 times, you came right on here and posted about it and didn't let it take on a life of its own. That is much different than what seems to have happened after your 7 month AF period at which point you were gone from MWO for awhile. Anyway, maybe a tool you could use if you have a day where you find yourself contemplating drinking that evening (it sounds like you really think about it - it's not a rash act), perhaps you could come to this thread and post your reasoning. Maybe seeing your own words in black and white will convince you otherwise or if not, perhaps someone here will be able to more objectively consider your arguments for drinking and be able to help you reconsider.

      I noticed that Sunbeam (who has a year) has been at this since 2008. It made me feel so much better to realize that her struggle had not been easy, yet she has finally achieved a year. She was kind enough to point that out. It gives me great hope to know that! ML, you mentioned a day or so ago...if we can just hang on and get a year, we should be home free (not saying we won't have to be vigilant, but we will be in a good place and reluctant to squander our hard-earned success).

      The counting of consecutive AF days is a very important tool to use, I think, given that the goal of most of us in this thread at least is to be AF for life. I think you should give yourself credit, though - you have for the most part been AF since 5/19/2013 when you came back to MWO. You really are so close
      to having this done! I don't think your confidence that this time is the last time (I LOVE YOUR NEW SIGNATURE LINE) is at all misplaced - you've practically done it and you've got the tools you need for this last little adjustment .

      :h NS


        Well, That Didn't Take Long

        UN -

        I'll never give up on you :l

        Keep trying...that's all ANY of us can do.

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Well, That Didn't Take Long

          This thread has really made me think. I believe threads like this with lots of honesty, warts and all can help us out, even if it isn't comfortable to deal with these feelings at the times we're having them. I wonder if there is some seasonal aspect to this at all? I've always felt blue towards the end of summer, since I was a child. It's funny because I really relish the cold weather coming, but the end if summer has always made me a bit sad.
          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
          AF 11/12/11


            Well, That Didn't Take Long

            Pinecone;1551639 wrote: This thread has really made me think. I believe threads like this with lots of honesty, warts and all can help us out, even if it isn't comfortable to deal with these feelings at the times we're having them. I wonder if there is some seasonal aspect to this at all? I've always felt blue towards the end of summer, since I was a child. It's funny because I really relish the cold weather coming, but the end if summer has always made me a bit sad.
            I feel like posting here the last couple days helped me remove a couple warts, Pinecone :H!

            The end of summer generally makes me melancholy, too. I didn't like having my kids go back to school because I really enjoyed the low-stress, fun summers with them. Unfortunately, I do not share your good attitude about the impending cold weather - I try to truly enjoy the beautiful midwest autumns but I'm always so worried about what comes next...!

            But for today - life is beautiful .


              Well, That Didn't Take Long


              I'm here and AF. That's about all I can say, but I think that's a good sign!

              I have been reading some more - my latest book is Changing for Good - about people changing problem behaviours - and they very much highlight that change is a process. It doesn't happen all at once except for a very few lucky people. Most of us are in an upward spiral of sorts that involves going around and retracing our old steps a few times before we make it to the next level. However, they document that most people who have affected a positive permanent change in their lives have gone through this - so it reinforced my belief that I will make it there someday!

              Pinecone - I agree - something about September...!! But we're starting on a positive note, so this could be the fall that changes everything.

              NS, UN and K9 - good to hear from you and read your posts. Always so full of wisdom!

              Have a great day all.


                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                Well, I did something important today. I was talking to an old friend on the phone who moved away several years ago. I told her I quit drinking, which was a big step because we see them from time to time and always drink when we're together. I was happy that I actually wanted to tell her this news, because it will keep me honest. She was very kind and understanding. I didn't go into much in the way of explanation - mentioned the sleep issues associated with drinking for me. She agreed that it was not worth it.

                No Sugar, I'm glad you're feeling better today - it is funny isn't it how just getting something out, even if it's only on paper, is therapeutic. I appreciate the advice you gave me here too about the possibility of posting if I ever entertain having a drink again. That might work because you're right - it's never a rash decision (or hasn't been). It's always well thought out. And I like the idea of cumulative days because I do feel like I've made so much headway. Thank you for taking the time to post so specifically about my journey - I really appreciate it.:l

                My Life, you are the same - you have accumulated a lot of AF days too. I put the book you posted about on my wish list at Amazon. Please let me know if you think it's worthwhile once you've finished reading it. I loved hearing what you wrote about how people actually do implement changes and that it's a process. I can think of other destructive behaviors that I've completely moved away from that don't involve alcohol. So why not alcohol - makes perfect sense.

                Pinecone, the feeling you posted about summer is one that I have on Sunday nights. For some reason I get kind of melancholy at that time -- probably all related to the old days when we had to get ready for the school week! Summer too maybe as NS mentioned. By the way, would you mind talking a little more about how you enjoy cold weather? In the past I spent a lot of time in it, but haven't lived it. We really want to learn to dress for it and actually get out -- snowshoe, ski, etc. On our last hike while on vacation we ran into a guy (and he wasn't all that young either) who told us he snowshoed the trail we were on every winter. It was a pretty rigorous climb, and I was impressed. Do you get out in Dec., Jan., Feb., and if so, what kinds of things do you do? I'm really looking forward to getting into shape. Can you believe Diana Nyad (age 64) just swam from Florida to Cuba? WOW. How inspiring is that?!

                K9, thank you for stopping in - and thanks for your support.:l Means a lot, it really does.

                Free, R4, and anyone else dropping by this evening - best to you guys.

                UN :lilheart:


                  Well, That Didn't Take Long

                  mylife;1551710 wrote: ... so this could be the fall that changes everything.
                  This is so hopeful and full of possibilities! I read it this morning and it has been with me all day. Thanks, MyLife!

                  Tonight I had the surreal experience of digging out my buried corkscrew so that I could open and serve wine to our dinner guests. And guess what? - it was no big deal! I was not tempted and was quite content with boring old ice water. The only thing that might have revealed my sordid past was that my pours were so generous, the bottle was almost gone after only 3 glasses! (Lucky thing I wasn't having any anyway :H ! ).


                    Well, That Didn't Take Long

                    Hi eveyone:
                    Just checking in. Had to attend and extremely long meeting for a Board that I sit on. Ready for bed.
                    No AL for me tonight!
                    Looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning with a clear head and no headache.
                    Don't worry, be happy!


                      Well, That Didn't Take Long

                      Hi all,
                      Quick check it -- the intensity of this trip is catching up with me. Last night I thought I'd take a short nap and then work. Fifteen hours later, I woke up. Haven't had a proper chance to read and catch up but will do so tomorrow. Just a note that I am remaining AF, though it is more work with more pressure. Thinking of you all and sending positive thoughts.
                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                        Well, That Didn't Take Long

                        Hi friends,

                        Un, cross country skiing is where it's at for me, followed closely by snow shoeing. It is so wonderful to get out into the quiet snow filled woods and breath the cold air. These are quiet and meditative sports (although x-country skiing can be a little exciting at times going down a hill). I also enjoy just walking in the winter as well. You are 100% correct about having the right clothing. I prefer natural materials when practical. Merino wool or silk next to the skin. Layers of thicker wool, and a shell if necessary (synthetics are best for shell layer). Keeping head, hands and feet warm is critical to enjoyment. If these areas get cold, you will feel cold. A scarf or neck gaiter is another good piece to have. Although many pieces might be cheaper than merino wool, you may stop using them in search of something more comfortable. This will eventually lead you to merino wool, unless you have unusually sensitive skin and don't like it. Wool is comfortable over a wide range of temperatures as well. Whew! Sorry about the novel...

                        I'll check in later, have a great AF day!
                        "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                        AF 11/12/11


                          Well, That Didn't Take Long

                          For the most amazing wool clothing, check out Ibex Outdoor Clothing: Merino Wool Clothing, Wool Cycling Apparel, Organic Cotton Clothing, Wool Underwear and Baselayers.

                          I thought I couldn't wear wool because it itched so much but I had never worn anything like this before. The merchandise is expensive but we've found the quality to be worth it.

                          Hope everyone who stops by is having a wonderful day!


                            Well, That Didn't Take Long


                            NS, I "discovered" Ibex last fall and I blew a small fortune on it (don't tell my wife!).

                            I even bought doubles of two items I really loved (never done that before). It is expensive and worth every penny.
                            "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                            AF 11/12/11


                              Well, That Didn't Take Long

                              Pinecone;1552014 wrote: Hahaha!

                              NS, I "discovered" Ibex last fall and I blew a small fortune on it (don't tell my wife!).

                              I even bought doubles of two items I really loved (never done that before). It is expensive and worth every penny.
                              I buy almost all of my husbands gifts there - he wears as much wool as sheep do (even underwear!!). I wear the tee shirts for exercise year-round and love the layers so that I survive winter. I am a very chilly person. Plus - their colors are wonderful!! Glad you enjoy their stuff, too!


                                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                                I just wanted to pop in and say Hi to UNWASHED today! :h
                                Hope you're doing well and the move is going good!
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

