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Well, That Didn't Take Long

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    Well, That Didn't Take Long

    good Evening everyone!
    I went to bed early yesterday with a terrible head cold, was awakened at 330am by a little one who'd had an accident then had quite a stressy time at work. So I've really enjoyed relaxing here, reading all the wonderful people on this thread.
    As usual, many things said have touched me-- the advice given about posting when the thoughts to drink come forward hit home. After being sober for awhile, be it 4 days or 2 months, I give a lot of thought as to whether or not I want to drink again. I go back and forth in my mind, back and forth out on the street in front of the shop, I stare at the wine section for tens of minutes, turn around and head back. At some point a curtain drops and I completely black out the rational part of my mind. I turn a cold shoulder and don't look back until the next time I've had enough. This scares me very much because I don't know when it will or occur or why I allow myself to give in. So... I will also promise myself to post before making any decisions. I also liked the idea of the 15 minute rule-- getting out of the physical space you're in when you think of drinking and wait for 15 minutes, trying for distraction. Though I'm not sure this would work all on its own. I need a whole list of tools to have on hand at all times.

    I love all the wool talk. I don't know the place you're all talking about to buy wool -- but my whole family wears a nice silk/wool mix which is definately worth the investment. I . also love the autumn and winter-- This will be a fall of change, won't it, mylife? great stuff-- We're working hard at it.

    UN did I understand correctly that you are moving to Colorado?
    And there are quite a few from the Midwest?
    I still don't have all the names matched with the stories, so forgive me--
    but I so enjoy getting to know you all through your posts and honest words.
    I like being here.

    Time for me to crawl into bed--
    see you tomorrow--a wonderful evening,


      Well, That Didn't Take Long

      Pinecone, your description of being out in the quiet snow filled woods made me country- sick. I've got the cold winters, but in the city. You're so right about being properly dressed!--most important, isn't it? There's a saying here that goes something like, "there's no bad weather, just the wrong clothing".
      Do we have that saying in english?


        Well, That Didn't Take Long

        Hi, Lifechange

        Maybe we could give brief introductions.

        I'm a mid-fifties old female who lives in the midwest. My main personal and professional interests are nutrition and overall health. I'm into exercise and outdoor activities, creative pursuits, real-food cooking, gardening (at least until this horrible summer of cold rain followed by hot drought!), learning all I can about whatever interests me at the moment, and reading. I have a husband, a dog, and grown children. I've been AF since late January when I joined MWO. My repeated day ones occurred before I joined so I understand what people are talking about even though no one here witnessed my miserable attempts to quit. I needed support, friendship, and information and feel so fortunate to have found all of those here.

        That's all I can think of right now. Hope your head feels better quickly. Great to have you here!

        :h NS


          Well, That Didn't Take Long

          Guys, thank you SO much for this inside scoop on Ibex. I think it will be worth the investment for sure. Pinecone mega thanks for the specifics on various pieces. I'm going to be geared up and properly attired!! NS, I am cold natured too and can remember crying on a ski lift because I was so cold. I think at my age now, though, I will probably stick to the more serene endeavors like snowshoeing or walking - and I'd like to try cross country. I did that once, but it's been forever ago. If I downhill at all it will be on a nice day - mid week when there are no crowds, and I'll do the bunny slopes.

          Life Change, Yes it's Colorado - getting really excited about being there. Today has been a drudgery day of getting my house here ready to show - relined pantry shelves - joy. But, have to say, they look great - nice and clean.

          LC, I think we need to commit to posting here before we take the plunge into alcohell again. That's the least we could do, right? That is not how my brain works (in the past I haven't wanted to be talked out of anything), but I don't want to start over either. So, I will have to try something different if I get lulled back into the trap. I can't even imagine it right now, but we know how that goes.

          Free, I hope you don't let yourself get too stressed on this business trip. Always a bad idea to get too strung out, eh? Relax, get your massages, etc. Hot baths too.

          R4, so glad to see you here even if for a quick check in.

          Niner, thanks for the well wishes - really pumped about my new beginning! My husband leaves with our stuff this Sunday, comes back a week later, and then we fly out with all the kitties on the 19th.

          MY - hope you're well today.

          I will need all the calm and peaceful vibes you guys can muster and send my way on the 19th. I am passionately hoping my cats don't go totally bonkers.

          Big hugs to all,
          UN :lilheart:


            Well, That Didn't Take Long

            Hello All,

            Un, wishing you the very best on your new beginning. It's exciting stuff don't you think? Lots of details to work out on the move and sale of your house but when it's all buttoned up it's going to be awesome! The cats will get through the flight just fine. The Colorado I saw when I was there was spectacular, I'm so glad for you.
            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


              Well, That Didn't Take Long

              Alls, so happy to see you! Yes it's very exciting and nerve racking at the same time, but things are going pretty smoothly.

              I hope you're doing well and getting things lined up for election time!



                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                Good Sober Morning lovely people! I feel like it's Saturday because I have the next two days free. I had so many plans but will probably sack them all, lay low and give my body the chance
                to get back to healthy.
                I was thinking about you this morning, No Sugar, because I decided yesterday that today I would begin a sugar free stint. I have a similar relationship to sugar as I do to alcohol-- didn't you have a thread somewhat related to this? I vaguely remember-- So last night, knowing it was my last day, I bought a huge bag of peanut mnm's (disgusting!) and ate almost the whole thing. Crazy. At first I said I was not going to eat sugar until Christmas, but changed my mind to do it one day at a time. I'm hoping I will have more success than I have previously!

                Thank you for introducing yourself! I am almost 44, from the U.S. but living abroad since 1998. I have 8 and 11 year old girls, a great boyfriend and his son, 2 cats and 2 mice living with me. I work as a cook and am also completely occupied with food and nutrition related issues. I try to keep myself physically fit with running and weight lifting-- I also love hiking and swimming in lakes. I've spent so much wasted time drinking the past years--I'm literally in the same place I was at the same time 2 years ago; and that's just since I started posting at MWO--that I'm trying to rediscover what my interests are. What I'm meant to be doing in this life. What my purpose here is. I feel very optimistic and ready to give myself the chance to look more deeply. I participated in a 10 day silent meditation course, called Vipassana, last year at this time and felt clarity for the first time in my adult life. True clarity. But I wasn't disciplined enough to keep up the practice. And somehow wasn't yet ready to deal head on with life. I've been trying to sit mornings and when I manage, it changes me.

                Un, it's been the case, with me as well, that when I've wanted to drink I haven't come here because I haven't wanted to be talked out of it. I am making the promise that I will come here, no matter what!, to post if I have the urge to drink. I also can't imagine it now. No way, no how-- but it comes out of nowhere and takes us by surprise, doesn't it? How is your husband with your not drinking? Is he supportive? Does he know all the details?
                You have also had experience with meditating and other therapies, haven't you? I will read back again, now that I'm more mentally clear.

                ok. I need to eat something. Something different than my usual toast with jam!
                I can't decide if I should also cut out fruit for the first days? Does anyone have experience or advice? I know you must, No sugar! My goal is to keep out sugar and super simple carbs-- I could manage without whole fruits for awhile but definately want to have them in my long term nutrition plan--

                wishing you all a wonderful day, life


                  Well, That Didn't Take Long

                  It's working with the preview post, Un. Hope I don't drive you crazy!


                    Well, That Didn't Take Long

                    What made me think that even with a clear head I could remember this correctly??

                    Edit to correct: Try this but take out the spaces:

                    [ url=]Newbies Nest[ /url]
                    [ url=]Toolbox[ /url]

                    Sorry about that!

                    Hi LC,

                    I read somewhere that you want the toolbox link in your signature. Just copy and paste the URL in the edit signature field:

                    [ url][/url ]

                    But delete the space after the first [ and before the last ] so that the word Toolbox will appear, not the full address. Then just test it to make sure it is an active link .

                    Typing while on a shuttle to the airport is making me carsick so I'll talk to y'all later.

                    Have a great AF day, everyone!

                    :h NS


                      Well, That Didn't Take Long

                      Hi friends,

                      My introduction: I'm 36, male, employed (work is boring), married with one little one. We live in the Northern Northeast. My interests are parenting, hiking, camping, gardening, vegetarian cooking, nutrition, fitness to name a few. I am pretty good at baking baguette (took that up after quitting drinking). I really love tea. I really love my AF life.

                      Like NS, I had all my day ones before I came on here. I struggled with all that on my own for years because I am stubborn and believed my own bs that I could cut down or quit on my own without any tools, support or plan. I had a really strong and unusual experience on night (drunk) and out of the blue. I don't know what to call it (rock bottom or moment of clarity?). I wrote myself a letter, and I couldn't sleep that night. In the morning after I started looking for help and found this forum.
                      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                      AF 11/12/11


                        Well, That Didn't Take Long

                        NNE part of the country Pinecone??? I froze when I vacationed in southern Maine - in JUNE! (Didn't have my IBEX gear back then...).

                        You and LC are getting yourselves free from alcohol at a younger age than I even started getting myself in serious trouble. You are so fortunate to have all those good years ahead of you!


                          Well, That Didn't Take Long

                          Hi Guys!

                          Wow, this thread has gotten busy! I'm traveling for work again - but opting not to drink on this trip.

                          Last night I had a big piece of chocolate cake - not good, but better than a glass (or 5) of wine! I am sleeping like a baby again. That's really nice - even with work stress I sleep better than when I drink!

                          I wish I had more time to write - but will just have to wait for the weekend. I had NO idea what Ibex was - I guess I wouldn't living in Florida! LOL.

                          UN - I am so envious of your move to the of these days!...!!

                          It's really nice reading about you both Pinecone and Lifechange! This is turning out to be a really nice group to find support with each day.

                          Hope everyone has a great AF day.


                            Well, That Didn't Take Long

                            trying again with the toolbox link


                              Well, That Didn't Take Long

                              You are missing [ and ]

                              [ ] has to be right around URL and /URL at the beginning and end.


                                Well, That Didn't Take Long

                                That's what it keeps doing!! any ideas?
                                hi Mylife!! So glad to hear you're sleeping again. It does make all the difference in the world, doesn't it?
                                I'm out to buy some popcorn to pop and eat while watching Hitchcock's Suspicion. yay! Hi to Pinecone. and thanks NS for bumping the no sugar thread in General. I did a ton of good reading there today and it helped me with my goal today. I didn't even dig the rest of the mnm's out of the garbage!!
                                Gross! I think I'll start posting there tomorrow.

                                a big warm hello to everyone else-- will check in again later.

